
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasi
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308 Chs

Chapter 184: Henry Vs Ash (Part 2)

His appearance...

It was beyond holy, he seemed like a God descending to the mortal world as he said with a kind smile...

"Now... Do you like this new form of mine? It is, after all, the look of what a true elemental transformation looks like! Something that all the competitors I've met so far seem unable to do."

Ash was beyond shock. He didn't know something like this was possible when transforming into one's Elemental State. Just like how Saber had flaming wings attached to his elemental form, this Henry had something at the back of him, when he transformed into his elemental form.

It was an illusionary image of a spiraling Yin and Yang symbol! This symbol released a great amount of force, and Ash, frozen in shock and fear, felt an intense amount of threat that originated from the symbol.

Suddenly, Henry's calm eyes picked up on something interesting, causing his brows to raise in surprise. He then questioned Ash with an expression filled with interest... "What is that insane healing? This... this is rather interesting!" As he said those last words, a crazed smile appeared on his face.

Leaning a little forward, his figure momentarily disappeared from Ash's view as Ash gathered his courage and burst forth with immense energy...

Even if he was taking a gamble here to battle head-on, he would rely on his regeneration and hopefully, that would be enough to overcome this hurdle.


His power broke sound in an instant as he shot towards Henry's blurry figure. Coating his hand with his energy, wrapping around it from his elbow to the tips of his fingers, was hardwood that was unimaginably sharp at its edges.

Around his arm, many spikes shot out of the wood as his eyes flashed with ruthlessness. Drawing closer toward Henry, he rocked back his arm, before gathering as much power as possible, before sending it toward Henry's heart region with great accuracy.

On the other hand, Henry, who was rushing toward Ash, had an expressionless face with a pair of bored eyes. In between the time it took for him to reach ash, Henry leisurely thought... 'Hmm, how should I destroy him? Should I overpower him with an attack filled with brute force..?' But, just as he was thinking this, a smile broke out on his face.

'Haha, what am I thinking? Have I ever fought someone with my own power..! No, it's always way more fun watching them fail all because of themselves..!!' And with this thought, his eyes flashed with a bright light while his figure appeared mere inches away from Ash!


Unknown to Ash, under both figures' feet, an eight-meter squared large Yin-Yang Symbol appeared, and it shone brightly. At the same time, Henry sent a palm strike, similar to when they had first clashed head-on, as he had a slight smirk on his face.

As the two attacks collided, in that split moment, the diagram under the duos' feet brightly lit up as a mysterious force suddenly descended onto every cell in Ash's body! Instantly, the moment the duo's palm and fist collided and they were at a standstill, Ash's expression turned ashen as he could only mutter, "How?" as he then...



A painful groan escaped Ash. His chest suddenly blasted into smithereens as a gaping hole, the size of a soccer ball, appeared. His mouth formed an O shape as he dropped to his knees...

His expression slowly darkened even more when realizing that, shockingly, his regeneration wasn't working!!

'This... It shouldn't be possible...?!' Ash thought. In his mind, even after analyzing the fight many hundreds of times in this split second, he was still unable to find the cause for this.

But, it was only after Henry crouched down and brought his finger which was pointing downwards to Ash's eyes, did Ash realize that on the ground he knelt on, a weird symbol that gave off a bright light had mysteriously surfaced.

It was a symbol that he recognized since Henry had it floating behind him after transforming into his elemental state.

Suddenly, Henry sat with his legs crossed in front of a confused Ash, as he asked... "Are the people from your Solar System any stronger than you?" Henry's voice was filled with boredom when he asked, yet his eyes seemed to contain a trace of hope.

"Y...Yes..." Ash weakly mumbled. Since there wasn't going to be any chance for him to win... Since Henry was simply too strong, Ash saw no point in not answering the fellow in front of him... Ash's eyes then revealed traces of awe, as he weakly continued.

"N...Not... only... one... but..." He said, "There... are... three... fighters... many... times... stronger... than... me..!" Hearing this, Henry's ear perked as a smile couldn't help but unknowingly surface on his exquisitely defined face.


Giving out on him was Ash's consciousness as his body fell to the ground. Seeing that his target was eliminated, Henry sighed before dispersing his energy and re-absorbing it into his body. As the screen appeared in front of his eyes, revealing the countdown, Henry mumbled.

"It seems that h didn't even manage to make me take this fight even a fraction serious. I could still waste another 94% of my energy before I am exhausted..."





After re-awakening, Henry was met with the same scenario as Zaman, but instead of dragging the pride of his teammate in the dirt like the arrogant Zaman, Henry simply ignored their very existence as he exited the room, only for the same scenario to play out, the only difference being the servants being males...

Calmly walking in the direction of Liam and the others, and now with his real body, Henry crossed tens of meters with one step, and before a breath, he had already appeared next to Zaman and respectfully knelt toward the Lord sitting on a throne reeking a threatening aura.

Seeing this, the Lord, who sat on the throne smirked. But, the Lord's face was covered by a dark light, in fact, not only the Lord's face but the Lord's whole body. Though it seemed like a dark light, it didn't resemble light at all, instead, it seemed that light simply couldn't reach the Lord.

"Oh... It Seems That Someone Finally Has Some Manners..." The words spoken by the Lord rung throughout the room hundreds of meters large. As it echoed, the voice shook the Mind Domains of Liam, Zaman, and Henry, causing their skin to pale.

If they didn't mobilize their Sage Energy to stop the shaking, and something bad was to happen to their Mind Domain, they would surely become vegetables, unable to think properly.


But, right after she said those words, waving her hand, a massive screen showing a fight between the last two inside Virtual Reality, caught the attention of the group of kneeling geniuses...




The city was shaking violently from the shockwaves caused by a titanic figure as tall as the tallest skyscraper in the city, jumping all the way from the clouds in the night skies. Saber's expression wasn't appealing whatsoever after sensing the aura radiating from this Giant...

Saber, who was expecting an easy-to-defeat fat lamb that would be left in shock after being defeated by someone who only had five points... Yet, it was Saber who was left in a state of utter bamboozlement...

His eyes squinted, and the cold aura surrounding him lost its royal sensation, as it was replaced immediately by an insane, and bloodthirsty air that permeated the city!


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