
I am the patriarch of Naruto

More chapters here - patreon.com/Daoist123 More chapters here - A young boy, who yesterday had big plans for his life, wakes up in an unknown place, and finds himself in a harsh world of unceasing wars and widespread violence. Almost resigned to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of events to come, the young man discovers a very unusual "Patriarch System".

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67 Chs

Chapter 49

On day 157, another batch of blue sage was ripe, and Kenshin's sons and wives could finally afford to drink the concoction every day without worrying about the shortage. Natsumi had been methodically teaching Aya for a long time, trying to awaken her chakra, and with the use of blue sage tea, things had sped up a bit. Aya felt small bursts of chakra in her lower abdomen, but it hadn't yet accumulated enough for her body to "wake up" and then reproduce.

On the 159th day, Kenshin impregnated his wives again, but did not receive the planned tenth level. A little upset at first, he decided not to be discouraged, and considered that he would definitely get a level after the birth of the Eleventh and Twelfth.

On the 161st day, a joyful event happened. Ichiro finally awakened another tomoe in his sharingan!

Kenshin and Aya were incredibly proud of their son, and everyone else sincerely congratulated Ichiro on such a great achievement. Kenshin spent the entire day conducting numerous checks on the second tomoe Ichiro, and came to several startling conclusions.

First, Ichiro's vision became even sharper. His eyes allowed him to pick up even those movements that his body was not capable of responding to. He began to see the chakra more clearly and in detail, and the ability to remember different techniques increased by an order of magnitude. Looking at Natsumi's" Cato: Hosenka no Jutsu", he was immediately able to repeat the spell. He might have already mastered it to 90%, but the instantaneous repetition of the spell impressed everyone in the audience, and the children born of Aya were eager to awaken their Sharingan, hoping that they had inherited it, just like their incredible older brother.

Second, Ichiro's spatial abilities were once again enhanced. He became able to teleport an item seven meters away from the target, instead of the previous five, and he also learned to slightly change the degree of things being teleported. If earlier only the distance changed, but not the trajectory, now Ichiro has become even more dangerous. Throwing a shuriken at the enemy's left shoulder, he could not only teleport the thrown shuriken, but also slightly change the trajectory, piercing the enemy's heart.

Kenshin lamented the lack of a genjutsu master at his disposal. Natsumi only knew the simplest techniques for dispelling genjutsu, which were more than enough to make it difficult for his sons to be caught in the illusion. Since all the brothers were in constant mental communication, genjutsu was easy to calculate and dispel. But it was not possible to apply a competent genjutsu thanks to the sharingan. Without a proper teacher, it would have taken Ichiro several years to master illusions on his own, which was unacceptable.

Kenshin also lamented the impossibility of using the "shadow clone" technique. When he asked Natsumi about this technique, she blinked in disbelief, and confessed that this was the first time she had ever heard of such a technique. According to her, there are no" shadow " clones, but only natural ones, and all these techniques are at least rank "B"and they are often used only by Jongins, or incredibly talented Chunins. After thinking about clones for a while, she mentioned that it was rumored that all nine-tails ' jinchuriki could use a huge number of clones, thanks to the powerful Kyuubi chakra, and 90% of the burden of controlling such a horde of clones.

Thinking back to that conversation, Kenshin scolded Kishimoto for the misrepresentation again in his mind, and took a deep breath.

"Of course Genins can't use clones! Obviously, they don't have enough chakra and abilities to separate a piece of consciousness into a separate body. Yes Genin's brain will burn out from such overloads… I should have thought of it myself, and not based on the data I saw on the laptop screen!" - he reflected, returning from the gym to the bedroom, where two beautiful girls in transparent negligees were already waiting for him.


The next few days went by as usual, everyone going about their own business for the benefit of the family. Kenshin reinforced old formations and set up new ones in case of another invasion. He now had a solid body of knowledge, and he did everything he could to increase the chances of survival and victory in a fight with even a few Chunin. Thus, disorientation formations, auditory and visual hallucination formations were installed everywhere, and many holes were dug with reinforced stakes that were invisible to all outsiders, at least up to the rank of Jongin.

Aya was finally able to awaken her core chakra, and became at least twice as strong. In her spare time, she learned the simplest chakra manipulations from Natsumi, wanting to at least give her future children extra talent points.

All of Kenshin's sons trained almost all the time, and they stopped drinking ordinary water, using only blue sage tea, and the result was not long in coming. The Seventh and Eighth quickly learned how to walk on trees and water, and the Fifth and Sixth learned how to use a fireball. The Nakayama family's power grew rapidly.

On day 168, Nine and Ten finally became adults, and were sent to the gym, where their older brothers were now actively engaged. A few days earlier, Kenshin had taken up the gym thoroughly and strengthened it even more.

All the pears and makiwars were reinforced 5, 10, and 20 times, primarily in strength, but also in weight, so that his sons could train on them even with increased strength, and not break them with one blow. Ichiro, who was close to the rank of Chunin, could already break some thin trees with a kick, so the" upgrade " of makiwara and pears made him very happy.

Almost all dumbbells and barbells were also reinforced and weighted. The heaviest bar now weighed a ton and a half, and no one could lift it. The record for lifting weights was expected to be held by Ichiro, who easily lifted 700 kilograms. Kenshin was incredibly impressed by his eldest son's strength combined with his speed. Ichiro was able to use his fists to knock small chunks of rock off the rocks without much impact. Kenshin assumed that at the current level, Ichiro could break a small meter-long stone boulder, but at the same time severely injure his arm.

From Kenshin's observation, physical strength in this world didn't keep up with strength at all, but it was still terrifying. In Ichiro's current state, the shurikens thrown by Kenshin from a distance of 30 meters couldn't hurt him much, and only stuck a few millimeters in his skin. But the kunai strike was still effective, except that for a Chunin-level shinobi, the speed of ordinary people was absolutely not terrible. In numerous tests, Ichiro could see all of Kenshin's movements even without the sharingan, but Kenshin didn't have time to really notice the person standing in front of him. Ichiro suddenly appeared behind him.

The Third and Fourth took over the training of the Ninth and Tenth students. At the moment, Ichiro was the strongest and most talented of the sons, and he didn't have time for simple chakra training, so this responsibility fell to the younger brothers.

Nine and Ten were a little upset, but Kenshin ignored this situation, and realized that sooner or later, with an increase in the number of children, a stratification in status will somehow form, and not necessarily the older ones will be more important than the younger ones. He knew that a "normal" child from Natsumi couldn't compare to a child from a kunoichi of the Elite Jounin level, or Kage.


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