
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Game
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47 Chs

Chapter 1085: System Update

After awakening all the Amaura and Aurorus, Yuga claimed his system rewards and proceeded to open a new sub-park. According to the system, this last sub-park was also a special type.

Yuga was already quite familiar with opening new sub-parks, so it didn't take long for a new light gate to appear in the main garden.

However, just as Yuga finished opening the new sub-park, a system notification sounded in his mind. After completing the main quest for the sub-park, the system was about to undergo an update. It had been seven years since the system started following him, and this was the second time it was updating.

Once the notification sound faded, the system fell silent. The duration of the update was not specified, so Yuga had no choice but to wait patiently.

On the positive side, Yuga could now explore the newly opened Snow Mountain sub-park.

So, Yuga stepped through the new light gate.

As soon as he entered, a blast of cold air hit him, making him shiver involuntarily. Looking around, Yuga quickly grabbed a blanket from his system backpack to wrap around himself.

It was still warm in Hoenn, and he had entered the sub-park wearing only a short-sleeved shirt.

The Snow Mountain sub-park's main feature was the snowy mountain beneath Yuga, with the light gate positioned at its peak.

The summit wasn't pointed or steep; instead, it had a sunken area resembling a crater. This was reminiscent of the Volcano sub-park, but instead of a magma pool, the summit had a forest of ice pillars.

The ice pillar forest was filled with numerous thick ice pillars, each radiating intense cold, clearly not formed by ordinary ice.

Since the Snow Mountain sub-park was a special type, the uniqueness likely lay in these ice pillars.

Although the forest was dense with ice pillars, it did not feel overcrowded, as there was ample space between each pillar. Even the large Aurorus could move around without any trouble.

At the center of the ice pillar forest was an open area with a huge ice rock lying in the middle. This type of ice rock was the same one Yuga encountered when capturing a Glaceon, enabling it to evolve.

The ice rock not only facilitates evolution but also aids Glaceon in absorbing Ice-type energy.

This ice rock was significantly larger than the previous one Yuga had seen. It was an irregular rectangular prism, over 20 meters long and more than 10 meters wide, though only a little over one meter high.

The edges of the ice rock were covered with ice-blue grass, which, like the ice pillars, emitted a distinct coldness. Yuga couldn't identify the grass or its purpose.

The summit pit had only one exit. As Yuga stepped out, he immediately saw the mountain base.

Beyond the exit, the most prominent feature was a long stone staircase covered in snow, stretching all the way to the mountain base. Even with the steep terrain, the staircase made climbing up and down easy.

Apart from the summit pit, other parts of the mountain were covered with low shrubs like Lum Berries and Iapapa Berries, which thrive in cold conditions.

At the foot of the mountain was a small icy lake with a smooth surface but not frozen. The lake's edge was lined with the same blue grass as around the ice rock, which looked quite pretty. Some grass had white flowers swaying gently in the wind.

Further away was an elliptical ice plain, but it was barren, covered only with snow.

After assessing the Snow Mountain sub-park, Yuga settled the Amaura and Aurorus there.

Upon entering the ice pillar forest, the Amaura and Aurorus showed their pleasure, clearly enjoying the abundant Ice-type energy.

The playful Amaura cubs ran around the forest, even munching on the blue grass before Yuga could stop them.

Yuga was concerned because he wasn't sure if the grass was safe to eat, but after observing that the Amaura remained lively, he relaxed. If the grass were dangerous, the system likely wouldn't have allowed it to be there.

After introducing the Snow Mountain sub-park to the Amaura and Aurorus, they decided to move to the ice plain at the base of the mountain. Although the ice pillar forest had a better environment, the bulky Aurorus found the summit inconvenient, especially for getting water. The flat ice plain near the lake was more suitable.

After settling the Amaura and Aurorus, Yuga began handling the Glaceon he had captured on the Sather Plateau.

Before returning, Yuga had prepare enough Potential potions, including for Sneasel and Glaceon's family.

There were 32 Glaceon in total. Two were originally green-aptitude, and after using the Potential potions, the number of green-aptitude Glaceon increased to eight, though the overall success rate for aptitude enhancement wasn't high.

Among the Glaceon, only a few were red- and orange-aptitude, and after using the Potential potions, only three orange-aptitude Glaceon remained, with the rest upgraded to yellow-aptitude.

After some thought, Yuga decided to place the eight green-aptitude Glaceon in the Snow Mountain sub-park and send the rest to the new garden.

Although the new garden didn't have an Ice-type environment, it could be created artificially.

Yuga designated a small area in the new garden and moved the hard ice pieces from the Amaura and Aurorus there. These ice chunks were valuable and too precious to waste.

The ice blocks were resistant to melting, and Yuga added a piece of unmelting ice about the height of a person to keep them cool. The Glaceon liked this setup, finding it much better than their previous environment.

The eight green-aptitude Glaceon settled into the ice pillar forest and particularly enjoyed the ice rock in the center, often sleeping on it.

Yuga entrusted the care of the ten or so Cubchoo eggs to the Glaceon. They took good care of the eggs, showing great attention and care.

Afterwards, Yuga went to the Volcano Sub-Park and asked the Glaceon living there if they wanted to move to the Snow Mountain Sub-Park. However, the Glaceon and the other Eeveelutions, who had lived together since they were young, were very attached to each other and didn't want to be separated, so they declined.

Yuga didn't force them and left a large piece of Nevermelt ice for them, then moved on. As long as the Nevermelt ice was there, it didn't matter where the Glaceon lived.

Next was the arrangement for the family of Furfrou.

In the Furfrou family, both the Furfrou and the Stoutland couple were of green aptitude, while their children were of yellow aptitude.

After using the Potential Potion, one Furfrou, one Lilipup, and the only Herdier successfully evolved into green aptitude, with only one Furfrou and one Lilipup remaining unchanged. The success rate was much higher compared to the Glaceon.

Since this family had depended on each other for so long and had strong bonds, Yuga didn't separate them but let them live together in the Sub-Park.

Because they were accustomed to the climate of the Sather Plateau and already had thick fur, the Furfrou family moved into the Snow Mountain Sub-Park. As long as there was sufficient food, the cold was no concern for them. They lived by the Ice Lake, which not only had plenty of water but also abundant food, and was close to the foot of the Snow Mountain, where many fruit trees grew.

Lastly, was the Sneasel.

The Sneasel was also lucky, as a Potential Potion successfully turned it into a green aptitude Pokémon. Yuga happily led it into the Snow Mountain Sub-Park, where it lived with the Glaceon in the Ice Pillar Forest.

After finishing all this, it was getting late, and Yuga decided to handle the remaining tasks the next day.

Early the next morning, while Yuga was having breakfast carefully prepared by the Audino, a Chansey rushed in, saying that the Sneasel and the Glaceon had fought.

By the time Yuga arrived, the fight was already over. The Glaceon had the advantage due to their numbers, and the Sneasel had suffered.

Upon asking for details, Yuga learned that the Sneasel, like the Glaceon, loved to sleep on ice rocks. However, wild Pokémon have strong territorial instincts, and the Sneasel and the Glaceon had only been captured by Yuga for a few days, so their territorial instincts hadn't changed. The Sneasel didn't want to share, which led to the conflict.

Unable to solve the problem directly, Yuga drew a line next to the ice rocks and said, "You each get half, and don't cross the line, okay?"

The Sneasel was immediately dissatisfied and began to make a fuss, implying that it wasn't fair for the Glaceon's territory to be larger than its own.

Yuga hadn't expected the small Sneasel to be so domineering. It even wanted to claim half of the ice rocks for itself while there were eight Glaceon!

The Glaceon were also displeased with the Sneasel's complaint. The leader of the Glaceon scolded the Sneasel, and Yuga was at a loss.

Despite the Glaceon's elegant appearance, they had diverse personalities, not all of them being aloof and gentle. The leader was particularly harsh with the Sneasel, who struggled to defend itself and was on the verge of getting very agitated. If Yuga hadn't been there to hold it back, it might have started a physical altercation.

After much negotiation, Yuga managed to allocate the ice rocks fairly between the Sneasel and the Glaceon. The Sneasel, still angry, followed Yuga out of the Snow Mountain Sub-Park when Yuga left.

Yuga didn't stop it but instructed it not to wander off and went on with other tasks.

The coffin of the Aegislash's previous owner was still in his system backpack, and he needed to deal with it promptly.

During this time, Gengar, Mismagius, Absol, and Dragonite had been accompanying Yuga, while Roserade was busy training with Florges. Yuga's Pokémon hadn't trained in the Reverse World for a while, so the cooldown for the Reverse Mirror had long passed.

Since the Aegislash was also a Ghost-type Pokémon, Yuga took it along with its owner's coffin to the Reverse World, and sent Gengar, Mismagius, Dragonite, and Mimikyu in as well.

Once the Aegislash's matters were settled, the system finally reacted again. When Yuga opened the system, he saw that the update was complete.

Compared to the previous system interface, the updated one was more streamlined.

At the top of the square interface were five icons neatly arranged: Host, Shop, Backpack, Tasks, and Achievements. Not only had the layout changed, but the Tasks and Achievements icons were new additions.

Previously, the system gave tasks sporadically with no dedicated prompt interface. Achievements were even rarer. Now, after the update, the system had become much more organized.

Yuga clicked on the Host icon, which enlarged to occupy the entire lower part of the system interface.

Host: Shimizu Yuga

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Florges, Absol, Chimecho, Vivillon, Dragonite, Charizard, Lapras.

Roserade, Bellossom, Venusaur, Breloom, Torterra, Sawsbuck, Serperior.

Gengar, Mismagius, Cosmoem, Mimikyu.

Decidueye, Abomasnow, Bagon.

Special Abilities: Celebi's Blessing (Intermediate), Ghost King (Beginner).

Skills: Pokéblock Crafting (Intermediate), Pokémon Breeding (Intermediate).

Identity: Yo-Yo Daycare Owner, Venderturf Gym Leader, Grass Master Disciple, Hoenn League Hall of Fame Trainer.

Overall, Yuga's personal data had not changed much. The only notable change was that the system had rated his special abilities. His Celebi's Blessing was Intermediate, and his Ghost-type special ability was only Beginner.

These energies could be strengthened through training, and despite his years of effort, his levels were still Intermediate and Beginner. Was all his training in vain?

It seemed he needed to step up his training! Yuga silently resolved, wondering what level his master was.

After checking his personal data, Yuga clicked on the Trainer Shop icon.

The Trainer Shop had also undergone changes. Items like Berries and Poké Balls no longer needed to be refreshed to be purchased but had become fixed items in the shop.

Each Berry and Poké Ball had a clear price, which was roughly similar to outside prices.

The Poké Balls section included all types, such as Moon Balls, Friend Balls, Dive Balls, etc., though they were significantly more expensive than regular Poké Balls.

Even the exclusive Poké Balls that the system used to reward Yuga were now priced at 100,000 each, with no purchase limit. Although Yuga was not short on money, it was still quite expensive.

However, there was a reason for the high price: these Poké Balls provided comfort for Pokémon and absorbed ambient energy of their attributes for training.

Unfortunately, Yuga was disappointed to find that Master Balls were not available in the shop.

In addition to fixed items, Yuga noticed a blank slot on the far left with "Click to Refresh" written in it. When he clicked, the slot instantly changed from blank to "Dragon Scale Bag (Normal)," and its color changed from white to green.

This indicated that the Dragon Scale Bag was a green item.

When Yuga clicked "Claim," his backpack indeed gained a bag of Dragon Scales. Yuga checked it and found it to be Dragon Scales from Druddigon, of good quality and suitable for making Dragonbone Pokéblocks.

Although Poké Balls and Berries had become unlimited fixed items, the daily refresh slots had decreased from nine to one, meaning only one refresh per day. It was unknown if the probability for golden items had decreased.

The system stated that it had not, but who knows? After all, even in seven years, he had only gotten one golden item, so even if the probability decreased, it wouldn't affect him much.

The changes in the Trainer Shop didn't impact Yuga much, so he closed it without further inspection.

Next, Yuga checked the Backpack icon, which was the same as before, with no changes. After a brief look, he clicked the icon again, causing the enlarged Backpack icon to return to the top of the interface.

Finally, Yuga looked at the Task and Achievement icons, which were red and slightly flashing, unlike the previous blue icons.

Seeing this, Yuga guessed that there might be tasks and achievements to claim, which is often the case in games.

Yuga clicked the Task icon and, as expected, there were tasks available: one main task and one side task.

(The chapter ends here.)