
The beginning

It all started one morning of a weekend.. Zner woke up feeling wierd, full of energy, and feeling really young.. he looked around and notice that he was at his old house back when he was in his early teens.. he went to the bathroom and looked in the room and chills run all over his body as he sees his young self in the mirror.. confused, worried and afraid, he jumped in the shower thinking that would wash whatevers going on in him off.. while in the shower, he was trying to remember what had happened to him last night.. but all he can remember is right after work of a regular day he went home and knocked off.. so he decided to convince himself that hes just in his dream and is too tired for it to be that realistic.. then he heard a continues knocking on the bathroom door, it was his mom telling him to hurry up and that he has spent more than an hour in the shower.. after showering..