
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

DaoistoA61iT · Fantasi
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60 Chs


  When the 12th small flame of the magic timer hanging in the classroom turned black, the magic clock automatically sounded the sound of "dangdang".

  Old Archer rolled up the black curtain, put the magic wand back into the wand pocket, turned around and said to the children, "That's it for today's continental history lesson."

  "Ted, Lilia, Annie, Frandy, Vito, Gustav, Katrina, you have to discuss with your family a few nights, if you decide to go to Oscar with the Great Magister Algernon From Asia Imperial University, then in less than a month, let's reunite with my family."

  "Today's evening class is canceled, and the other children will have class as usual tomorrow. Well, let's go to the restaurant for dinner." After speaking, Old Archer walked out of the class.

  "Wow, no class! Long live!"

  Several of Frandy's friends suddenly became elated. Especially the little fat Vito, who is so happy that he doesn't know what to do.

  "Is it possible to sleep in every day?" The little fat man shouted excitedly.

  "You're not afraid that your dad throws you into the pool every day, then you sleep hard!" Frandy poured a bowl of cold water on Vito's head.

  "Uh" The little fat man's face collapsed, but he immediately started dancing again: "If you don't sleep in, you won't sleep in, at least you can play hard every day, wow hahaha"

  Although those younger children don't know about Oskaya University, but seeing their older brothers and sisters are happy, they are also happy. But I don't know that the brothers and sisters are going to have a big vacation, and they themselves are still sitting here listening to Grandpa Archer's story.

  Usually after the morning class, Frandy would go to the restaurant for lunch with his friends. But today is different. Because Frandy was stopped by the little girl Lilia.

  "Frendi, please wait a moment." The little girl's voice was very nice, like a yellow warbler.

  Just as he was about to run to the restaurant at the fastest speed, Frandy hesitated for a moment to avoid his sister's claws, but was grabbed by his sister Annie who rushed over. Originally, Annie wanted to pinch Frandy hard, but Frandy's flesh was too hard to be pinched, so he had to hammer a few times with his small fist. Then he stared at Frandy angrily.

  Frandy can't do anything about this super clingy sister, just hammer it a few times. Anyway, being hit by the little girl's fist a few times is still very comfortable, so it's like a massage. But he couldn't get into the bad habit of his elder sister bullying others, so Freddie patted Annie's head a few times in revenge.

  Lilia smiled softly as she looked at the two siblings who were fighting together, and said, "Sister Anne, don't bully Frandy. I have something to ask Frandy to help me."

  Annie and Lilia are not familiar with each other, because Lilia never plays with other children, nor is she with her friends during meals. I only study with everyone in the morning and evening classes, and I usually spend the rest of the time as the little tail of the Great Magister Algernon. It seems a little mysterious.

  "Okay, I'll let you go today, and next time I won't be allowed to leave me alone to play!" Annie said with great respect. But the pouting little mouth proves that she is in a very bad mood now.

  Lilia nodded apologetically to Annie and said softly to Frandy: "The place I'm going to need to prepare a lot of equipment, but I'm all ready, I'll invite you to lunch, and then we'll set off together, okay? ?"

  Frandy, who was able to escape from the clutches, repeatedly said yes, it can be regarded as getting rid of this clingy young lady, otherwise she will definitely be caught by her to play those childish games that girls only play.

  He gave Lilia a grateful look, then turned around and said to Annie proudly: "Sister, Lilia invited me to lunch, I won't go to the restaurant, you tell Dad, I want to play with Lilia in the afternoon. !".

  "Hmph," Annie ran away angrily, and glared at Frandy before leaving.

  "Lilia, where are we going?" Frandy asked.

  The magician's magic tower Flandi is only familiar with the first floor. In addition to the classroom and the big library, there is a conference room and a hall on the first floor. I don't know what else is on the other floors. However, the Leopold family of the Great Magister Algernon all live in this magic tower, and it is said that there is also the magic laboratory of the Great Magister Algernon in the tower.

  "Lilia, is Frandy dining with us today?" The speaker was Ted, a little boy with blond hair and navy blue eyes.

  Ted is two years older than Lilia and a year and a half older than Frandy. However, he is still a little shorter than Frandy. Slim, with good looks. I like to play with my friends.

  "Yes, brother, I invited Frandy to have lunch together, and then I want to ask Frandy to help with some things." Lilia said to Ted.

  "That's great. I usually have dinner with you. You don't talk. You're bored." Ted happily dragged Frandy around the classroom and ran down the terrazzo steps to the second floor.

  Frandy has never been to the second floor of the Magic Tower, but the second floor is also unremarkable. There are many complicated patterns engraved on the walls. I don't know if it is for any purpose or just for decoration. The water element is also strong, and there are many rooms, where Ted and Lilia live.

  Psal Island is the domain of Leopold's family. There are not many family members of the Leopold family. Generally, they will serve or settle in the Oskea Empire when they are adults. There are only two children on the island accompanying the old man Algernon, and their parents are not on the island of Psal, so there are many empty rooms.

  Ted brought Frandy to the restaurant on the second floor. The restaurant was not big, and the two maids were preparing lunch in the restaurant. An ancient wooden dining table was placed in the middle, covered with a tablecloth. Although the dining table was very old, it was not worn out. There were three dining chairs of the same wood on each side. There are some silver cutlery on the table.

  "Sister Fanny, Sister Julie, I brought Frandy for lunch!" Ted said to the two maids.

  One of the maids who was putting fruit on the silver plate turned her head and smiled softly: "Frandy, this is the first time you have come to the Magic Tower as a guest. Did Ted invite you?" smiled at them.

  A maid is not equal to a maid. Fanny and Julie are also residents of Psal Island. They only came to work in the magic tower to take care of Ted and Lilia's two children.

  "It's not Ted, Sister Fanny, it's Lilia who invited me to lunch. I'll trouble the two sisters," said Frandy.

  Tedra sat on the left with Frandy, Lilia sat on the right, and Fanny put the folded napkins on the three children's laps. Then set the knife, fork and spoon.

  Frandy has never been so troublesome in a big restaurant, he always eats right there.

  The dishes are very rich, there are fruits, meat, and various sauces that I don't know what they are. Frandy has never eaten this kind of sauce in a big restaurant, but it is still delicious.

  Lilia dined very politely and didn't say a word. She seemed very ladylike, but Ted kept talking to Frandy. It may be that I have been bored for a long time during the usual meal, and it seems very happy to have a meal with my friends.

  "Frandy, where are you going to play after lunch? I made an appointment with Vito, Gustave, and Roy. We're going to play at the West Falls, where there are a few little lizards for fun, Bring something close to it, and it will turn into whatever color!" Ted said excitedly.

  Of course, Frandy knew what Ted was talking about about the little lizards that changed color, because he had visited the entire island of Psal, but he wasn't very interested in those creatures that resembled chameleons in previous lives. And there are several adult lizards there, much larger in size. However, this kind of creature is not a monster and has no wisdom.

  Hearing that Ted was going to play with the little lizards, Lilia, who was eating quietly, said, "Brother, don't touch it, its skin surface is poisonous."

  This Ted really didn't know, and asked in surprise, "How do you know Lilia? Have you ever played with those little lizards?"

  Lilia put down the knife and fork in her hand, her face serious. To Ted: "The old man took me there, in order to scrape the venom from the colorful phantoms as experimental materials. The old man said that this poison is very poisonous, and it will rot your hands when you touch it. So brother, don't touch it."

  Ted was startled, and said quickly, "I won't touch it. We're just going to see it change color!"

  Frandy also said to Ted: "I've been there before, and the small ones are not scary. There are still several big ones hidden in that waterfall. They are almost as tall as you."

  Now Ted was a little scared, and said to Frandy, "So big? Is this one called the Five-Colored Phantasm a monster?"

  Ordinary beasts are not scary, an ordinary samurai can easily kill the beast, even if it is poisonous, it cannot resist the sharp weapons of samurai. The scary thing is the magic beasts. If you don't understand the attributes of the beasts and rashly provoke them, then the end will be very tragic.

  However, on Psal Island, it was just the other way around. The monsters on Psal Island were generally high-level monsters, like Aunt Beth, who were as wise as humans. Generally does not harm the inhabitants of the island. But beasts are scary to children. Because they have no wisdom. Provoked to be bitten by a beast, there is no place to cry.

  "No, they are beasts and will bite." Frandy told Ted truthfully.

  "Then Frandy, come with us. I'm afraid it will bite us." Ted said sadly.
