
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

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60 Chs

39、My magic tower!

    His Majesty Haman pondered for a moment, and said solemnly to Frandy: "Frandy, do you want to have your own magic tower?"

  "Your own magic tower?" Frandy was stunned.

  His Majesty Haman looked at him with a smile, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "Frandy, I think the best reward for your development of a magic power generator is a magic tower. How about it? Are you satisfied with this reward?"

  Frandy didn't say anything. He didn't expect that His Majesty Haman would allow him to have his own magic tower in the Magic Academy. He just turned his head and looked at Algernon expectantly.

  Algernon smiled and said to Haman, "Your Majesty is a good reward. Frandy is indeed qualified to build his own magic tower."

  In terms of magical power, Frandy is already a great magician, although only he and Algernon know it. On the mastery of alchemy knowledge, the magic activator has proved everything.

  Hearing the teacher's acknowledgment, Freddie felt a burst of pride in his heart.

  In the magic academy, even a great magician may not have his own magic tower. The magic tower is not only the laboratory and residence of the magician, but also represents the identity and status of the owner of the magic tower.

  Another identity of His Majesty Haman is the president of Oskaya Imperial University, and no one dares to object to his promise except Algernon.

  "Satisfied, very satisfied, thank you, Your Majesty." Frandy was overjoyed.

  Seeing that Frendi was satisfied, His Majesty Haman secretly let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't think of anything more suitable for Frandy than the magic tower, after all, the value and significance of magic activators are very important. If there is no reward, it is a blow to one's reputation.

  After deciding on the reward for Frandy, he has nothing to do with him here. How to mass-produce the magic activator and how to equip the troops is not something he can participate in.

  After Algernon told him to keep it a secret, Frandy left the palace by himself.

  On the way back to the Magic Academy, Frandy was always very excited. Before entering the palace, he never dared to hope that he could own a magic tower. This sudden good thing made him unable to believe it. It was as if a delicious pie had fallen from the sky.


  I don't know what the teacher Algernon discussed with His Majesty Haman. Even several great magicians have become very busy these days. They were hardly seen in the magic tower. And the matter of Frandy's magic tower was told by Algernon to Riley Gavin, the vice president of the Magic Academy.

  In sum, Vice-President Gavin should be Frandy's brother, because he is also a direct student of Algernon, but he has already left his apprenticeship. Serving as an associate dean has been sharing some of the school's chores for teachers for decades.

  As the vice-principal, Rayleigh Gavin naturally has his own magic tower. After receiving the teacher's news, although he has not seen the true face of the magic activator, he is already impressed by this little brother.

  His Majesty Harman wanted to give Frandy a magic tower, but Vice-President Gavin did not dare to neglect it. Called Frandy to his magic tower.

  This magic tower is obviously different from Algernon's magic tower. The atmosphere of the laboratory in Algernon's magic tower is stronger, while the magic tower of Vice President Gavin is like a big library. The information is dazzling.

  "Frendi, the teacher said that your invention is very important. What is it that the teacher values ​​so much?" The 100-year-old Vice President Gavin asked kindly.

  Frandy said happily: "It is a magic activation device that can activate the magic circle on the magic item, so that ordinary people can use the magic item."

  "Ordinary people can also use magic equipment?" Gavin was stunned for a moment, then said happily, "Then ordinary warriors can also use magic weapons and equipment?"

  "Yes, so Your Majesty rewarded me with a magic tower."

  "If it is this kind of device, then even a magic tower is far from enough to recognize your contribution." Vice President Gavin said affirmatively.

  "But I don't need other rewards. I'm very satisfied to have a magic tower of my own."

  Also as a disciple of Algernon, Vice-President Gavin knew this little brother very well. Knowing that he was the direct descendant of the Pullman family and the Myhrvold family, he had no shortage of power and money, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile. : "It is estimated that His Majesty Haman also has a headache to give you a reward. I have no choice but to give you a magic tower."

  Frandy smiled.

  Vice-President Gavin straightened his face and said solemnly, "So, Frandy, where do you want your magic tower to be built?"

  "To the west of the teacher's magic tower, near the forest and the lake, there is an abandoned magic tower. I don't know which great magician once owned it. Can you build a new magic tower there?"

  "There." Vice President Gavin hesitated. "There used to be the magic tower of a genius alchemist. If it wasn't for his lack of magic talent, the teacher might have accepted him as a disciple."

  "Alchemist?" Frandy was a little surprised, "Isn't only a great magician can have his own magic tower?"

  "The genius alchemist is called Amy Hall. Although he is not a magician, his alchemy level is very high. He also developed a magic device and was rewarded with his own magic tower. Just like you."

  "Then why was it abandoned?"

  "Alas." Vice President Gavin sighed and said with a little pity: "One night, I don't know what research he was doing, a big explosion suddenly occurred, and half of the magic tower was blown down, Amy? Hall himself was tragically killed. No one has been to that magic tower since."

  "That's such a pity."

  Alchemy is such a dangerous profession, and the process of a magical process from trying to arrange and combine magical seeds to finally forming a mature magical pattern is difficult. No one knew what would happen if a magic seed shifted a little bit.

  There are also various items containing magic elements, such as the blood, magic cores of various beasts, or various minerals containing magic. When two or more of them come together, there is a small chance that drastic changes will occur. , there will be various dangers.

  "Since you like that location, Frandy, tomorrow I will send a few earth magicians and craftsmen to demolish the original ruins and build a new magic tower for you."

  "Thank you, Vice President Gavin." Frandy bowed to Gavin.


  After leaving the magic tower of Vice President Gavin, Frandy was full of expectations. There is actually another reason for choosing the abandoned magic tower, which is that it is relatively close to the original villa, between Algernon's magic tower and Algernon's magic tower. Between the villas, and there is close to the forest and the lake, the view is also good.

  Now that he has asked Mr. Algernon to take a leave of absence, there is nothing to do these days. Frandy simply went to see his own magic tower in the future and figured out how to design his own magic tower.

  After walking for about 40 minutes, I saw half of the magic tower standing on the edge of the lake from a distance, surrounded by forests on three sides. Since no one has taken care of it for many years, the gaps in the slate paved road are covered with all kinds of weeds. . Lush forests have obscured the road.

  This used to be a nine-story magic tower. It is not tall among the magic towers of the Magic Academy. Looking at the broken tower wall, I can imagine the power of the explosion at that time. The ninth floor has completely disappeared, and it has been since the eighth floor. By the third floor only half is left. The wind blew through the tower, and some weathered stones fell from time to time.

  Walking around the broken magic tower, Frandy found that there was actually a small beach at the lake to the north. This beach is obviously not the original one. It should be the alchemist who asked the craftsmen to transport it from somewhere.

  The lake is very close to the Magic Tower, only 30 to 40 meters away, and the lake water without any pollution can see the bottom clearly. Rippled by the wind.

  Climbing up to the third floor along the spiral staircase, the first three floors are relatively well preserved, and on the fourth floor, you can already see huge cracks appearing in the wall. The more you go up, the more damaged the tower wall is. When you reach the sixth floor, even the spiral staircase has disappeared, leaving only two tower walls with thousands of holes.

  Standing on the broken ground on the sixth floor, Frandy looked into the distance. It was already evening, the sun wheel was slanting down, the strong wind blew through the forest, and the trees fell.
