
I am the great magician

My name is Shane, I am from another world, and I am a mage. I seek arcane truths, I seek the secrets of immortality, and finally answer the call of the world. "My lord, you hold your throne high to the sky. You are the star of dawn, the brightest star before dawn."

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60 Chs

 47、Three failures and the magic core

   Unexpectedly, the task was completed so easily, and Frandy happily thanked Vice President Gavin. Then he flew back to his magic tower.

  Riding the magic ladder, he returned to the magic test room again. The magic test just now didn't damage anything, except for the low-level magic crystal, everything else was intact. Just replace the high-grade Yunyu Crystal you just got, it's very simple.

  In less than five minutes, Frandy continued to start the experiment.

  With the experience just now, you can safely activate the two magic circles at the same time. Then feel carefully.

  This time, I obviously felt that the speed of absorbing magic elements could no longer match this high-level magic crystal. It took nearly half an hour before the first storm blade was released.

  Although it is also a third-level magic, one uses the magic seeds of a great magician, and the other is an ordinary magic seed that has just stepped into the ranks of magicians. The difference in power is more than ten times. The blade of the storm raged in the trial room for a long time, and the blade of the wind slammed the wall. It took ten minutes for it to stop.

  Frandy was concentrating on sensing the interior of the high-level magic crystal. Don't let go for a moment.

  It takes nearly half an hour to release magic once. Although it is very slow, it is better to be safe. Only when it was about dinner time, only six storm blades were released.

  When the seventh storm blade was released, the most worrying thing still appeared. There was a slight loosening inside the high-level magic crystal. If you continue, this loose thread will turn into a crack.

  Frandy decisively stopped the magic circle that absorbed magic elements. Remove the high-level magic crystal.

  "Oh, I failed again. Fortunately, I found it early. Otherwise, if this crystal is damaged, Vice President Gavin will scold me to death."

  Although there was no loss, Frandy was still very disappointed. It seems that a large number of natural magic elements do great damage to the magic crystal. The magic crystal that absorbed the elemental magic circle was no big deal because all the magic elements swam along the adamantine wire.

  Depressedly, he rode the magic ladder and came to the restaurant on the second floor. At this time, the little friends had all returned from school, and the maids were preparing dinner. Everyone sat at the table, chatting happily about something.

  "Hey, have you heard? Vice President Gavin's magic tower is also installed with the same magic ladder as ours. Many mages have gone to see it!" It was Katrina who spoke, and the magic ladder belongs to alchemy Items, many of the people who went to watch were teachers who taught them.

  Little Fatty Vito said excitedly: "Haha, no one must know that we have already used magic ladders here. I can show off to my tutor tomorrow!"

  "When I came back today, I saw that the old man's magic tower was also under construction. It should also be preparing to install a magic ladder." It was Ted who spoke. Frandy's magic tower was not far from Algernon's magic tower. I pass by there every time I come back from the training ground of the university department, so I am the first to know.

  "Of course, the Great Magister Algernon is Frandy's teacher. Frandy will definitely think of his own teacher." Annie said proudly. Proud to have such a younger brother.

  Although it has long been known that Algernon accepted Frandy as a student, the friends still don't know why. They didn't even know that Frandy was capable of magic. It's just that the power is too terrifying to dare to show it in front of people.

  "Frandy, what's the matter with you?" Shirley, who was sitting quietly on the dining chair by the side, noticed that Frandy's face was a little gloomy and asked with concern.

  "Oh, it's nothing, it's just that the experiment failed. Even the magic crystal you helped me put in Shirley broke." Frandy took out the low-level magic crystal from his pocket and showed it to Shirley.

  "It doesn't matter, if you need it, I can use you to put it in. It's just some magic seeds, which are accumulated every day." Xue Li replied easily.

  "Frandy, if you need water-type magic seeds, I can also help you put them in." Lilia, who was present, also comforted.

  "Yes, yes, and me!" Vito also hurriedly said.

  "I don't need it for now, thank you." Frandy was really grateful. In any case, there is a group of friends who support him behind him. This made him feel very at ease.

  When the last dish was on the table and everyone was ready to eat dinner, Glenn hurried back.

  "Hey, Ge Xing, why did you come back so late today, did your tutor leave you for tutoring?" Little fat Vito said gloatingly.

  Glenn ignored the little fat man, adjusted his breathing a little, came to Annie's side, and said affectionately, "Annie, do you know what day it is today?"

  Everyone was stunned. Annie's birthday has already passed. I really don't know what special significance it has today.

  Looking at Annie's dazed eyes, Grant continued: "Today is the first anniversary of my knowing you. On this day last year, I saw you for the first time, and I was deeply attracted by you."

  "Hahahaha" The friends all laughed wildly. Annie didn't know what to do, but just habitually grabbed the sleeve of Frandy next to him and wanted to hide behind him.

  Without changing his face, Ge Lan took out a jewelry box, opened it gently, and continued to say affectionately, "This is a necklace made from the magic core of a sixth-level beast. Today, I will give it to you."

  Everyone looked into the box curiously. I saw that the necklace in the box was made of platinum, with a few purple gems hanging on the thin necklace. In the middle of the gem was a magic core that was shaped into a heart. The magic core was crystal clear, but under the shining light, it reflected. with colorful light.

  Anne had never experienced such a scene before, her face was flushed with shame, her hands were pushing randomly, and she refused to accept Grant's gift.

  "Magic core?" Of course Frandy knows this kind of thing. There are many monsters on this continent, and the body of each monster is a very precious material. Whether it is leather, tendons, bones, or meat, all of them can be used by humans to make some weapons or armor. The most precious of them is the magic core of Warcraft.

  The reason why beasts can release magic is because there are magic cores in their bodies that provide magic elements. This kind of magic core is the natural talent of monsters living in nature. The higher the level of monsters, the more magic elements contained in the magic core.

  In the earliest days, after humans got the magic core, they would throw it into the alchemy furnace for burning like ordinary items containing magic elements, and then get the magic elements.

  Later, I found out that this is very wasteful, and a lot of magic elements escaped when they were burned. So someone made a magic device that can directly extract the magic elements in the magic core. Moreover, this magic element has not been burned by the alchemy furnace, and the quality of the magic source material formed is much better than the ordinary magic source material.

  Therefore, advanced magicians like this kind of magic essence very much. Because if you use it to cast magic, the power of magic will be greatly improved. It is the best source quality before becoming a great magician.

  After the magic element has been extracted, the magic core turns into a transparent color. Although it is useless, it is favored by nobles because it is very pure and can be easily processed into various shapes. Made into jewelry and worn on the body is a status symbol.

  He used to wear the source of power of the mighty beasts as jewelry, and just thinking about it would make these nobles excited.

  "It's just the magic core of a sixth-level beast. It's nothing special." Vito said with disdain.

  Grant, of course, was not convinced, "The sixth-level beast is already very powerful, okay? I spent a lot of money to get this magic core."

  "Cut! Even a sixth-level beast dares to be called powerful?"

  "Of course you don't know if you haven't seen it!"

  Vito said proudly: "Well, I have never seen a level-6 beast. The lowest-level beast I've seen is also a level-8 beast."

  "Blow it, you need several great magisters to deal with the eighth-level monsters. You are in school every day, and at most you've seen the fourth-level and fifth-level monsters raised in the academy."

  Ted also helped: "Gran, Vito is really not bragging. We have a lot of level 8 monsters on Psal Island, even a few level 9 monsters."

  "Huh?" Glenn was dumbfounded. Looking at the jewelry box in my hand, I felt a little out of hand.

  Or Frandy didn't want to embarrass Glenn too much. He took the jewelry box and said to Glenn, "I'll keep it for my sister first. I'll give it back to her if she wants it."

  "Uh, okay." Grant had no choice but to accept the result reluctantly. But secretly determined to find something more precious for Annie.

  Dinner ended in a frolic. After dinner, Frandy held the jewelry box thoughtfully.

  "The magic core should also be able to store magic elements. Can't you input magic elements into it after being emptied?"

  To be honest, no magician really thought about it that way. The only magic circle that can absorb the magical elements of nature is in Frandy's hands.
