
I am the God of Technology

Dante is a budding young man who has the dreams and hopes of entering society with his own skills, independent of the help of family and friends. As a small-time app developer, he eventually tries to jailbreak his new phone when a malfunction occurs, and his phone swallows him into a wormhole. On the other side, Dante appears in an alleyway of a bustling city... Avalon! This futuristic city leaves him dumbfounded until he is prompted by his phone which has now merged into his body that he can travel between two universes, Earth and the Eternal Universe. Can Dante achieve his dreams with the fortunate starting point granted to him? And how could the universe sit by and let him grow without challenging him at every step? ----------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/HU8GbjfTq2

Kotario · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
370 Chs

First Skirmish 1

This was quite an… interesting scene. There was a man, a bunch of whimpering mutated dogs, and one final mutated dog deep in death throes that was spraying extremely toxic body fluids and innards around as it writhed in pain. 

If this was supposed to be funny, it really wasn't. If this was supposed to be horrifying... it also kinda wasn't. Neither amusing nor blood curdling left one with a feeling of speechlessness. 

The other mutated dogs hung back while watching their buddy die slowly in pain while Dante remained near its body with a menacing posture. The moment the mutated dog died, he placed his hand on its corpse and activated his Absorption superpower the same way he did with Quantum Entanglement. 

Immediately, one could see a visible wave of greenish-red light emerge from the corpse of the mutated dog that entered into Dante's body, looking like a mixture of mist and lightning.