
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Komik
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121 Chs


"Fuck it's too expensive!" a man growled inside his heart as he paid for the set of figurines of his beloved tabletop franchise-The Warhammer 40k- with pain in his heart.

He is a man in his early 20's. An introvert and nerdy type of man. He has average looks, average physique, etc.

Everything is average with him except for his love of the "The Warhammer 40k" franchise.

"No point in crying over a spilled milk. But this set better be worth my money!"

As he was busy walking walking back to the nearest train station he felt someone from a distance looking at him. At first he didn't mind for he thought it must be a coincidence. But as the mysterious feeling followed him all throughout his journey he became suspicious.

He tried to confront the mysterious man in a fairly secluded alley near the train station to confirm his theories. As expected, the mysterious man followed him in the alley as he confronted him with a straight to the point question.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" he asked with hostility.

"I am known by many names. I traveled all over the world, learned all the languages, shaped the whole course of history as you know it." answered the mysterious man.

"Bro are you high? Tell me who you really are!" he growled.

"I just merely answered your question truthfully. If you won't believe me then it's your choice" answered the mysterious man with a low gentle voice.

"I'll act like I believe your totally not false statement. Now, why are you following me?"

"I wanted to give you an offer you can't possibly turn down." the mysterious man smiled.

"An offer? What are you some sort of devil? The one that needs a soul as a payment?"

The mysterious man shook his head gently and spoke.

"No no, I don't need a payment. Consider this as a mutual win-win deal between two businessmen."

"Like I'll believe a creep like you!"

"As I said earlier, it's up to you if you'll believe me. But don't you want to hear me. out first?"

After a couple of moments of thinking he spoke.

"Go on tell me, I'll hear this absurd bullshit of you"

"I want you to become me and I'll become you." said the mysterious man.


"You'll become me back in my universe, you'll get everything that I possess, from my psychic ability to my immense strength. Everything." answered the mysterious man.

"Wait wait! Are you stoned? If not then your ability to imagine is something remarkable." he questioned while looking at the mysterious man as if he's high.

"It's the truth. Now, for the thing you'll exchange with it is of course. Your life here."

"Fuck! Do you want to kill me!" he said as he took a couple of step back.

"No no, what I mean is that I'll transfer my consciousness to your body and I'll do the same to your consciousness to my body." assured the mysterious man.

"Fuck, hell no! Why would I even do accept this deal. It's too unrealistic."

"Hmmm, are you sure about your decision? Think about all your dreams. I know you dream of leading large armies like the game you play. Will you let this opportunity to achieve your dreams slip away?" questioned the mysterious man as his voice sounded absolutely convincing while secretly using his power to influence the other party's mind.

"A-ah, I suppose you make sense. So how do you want to do this?" he answers as he completely went under the mysterious man flowery words.

"It's simple, see this thing in my hand?" the mysterious man shows a necklace with a double headed eagle.

"Hey the eagle here looks just like those on the Imperium of Mankind's insignia" he said sounding like a total nerd as he curiously examined the necklace.

"All you have to do is wear this necklace and everything would naturally be done." the mysterious man stuffs the necklace on his hand.

"That easy?" he said as he wears the necklace and the second moment he collapses to the ground lifeless.

"Good luck on that universe. Even though I failed, I still hope you'll enjoy your new home. Don't worry, I'll give you a parting gift." the mysterious man walks to the lifeless body and looks at it with complicated look.

"I'll transfer the whole Imperium towards another universe through the warp so you don't need to worry about all those bullshit about the Chaos gods all the while keeping the strength of my former soul." he whispers to the body as he willed his immense psychic ability to its full extent to complete his wish.

"I'll make it so that everything would be compatible with one another on your new universe"

"Godspeed to you and thank you for giving me the body I need to try and complete my ultimate goal once again." the mysterious man kneels on the ground and taps the body lightly to transfer his whole consciousness and the recreated soul he had.


Sanctum Imperialis, under the surface of the Terra.

A great golden throne sat motionless the supposed decaying body of the God-Emperor. But at this moment a violent change is happening. The decaying body started glowing in golden light like a star that threatens to undego a supernova. The Adeptus Custodes guarding the room all looked at the throne with emotions. A thing rarely seen from them. A massive unexplainable phenomenon is currently happening all over Terra.

Not just in Terra but in all planets that the Imperium controls. The feeling is surreal. Something never felt before. As if they're all looking at the birth of a god.

Instinctively, people fell in their knees while praying to the Emperor.

As all of these are happening, the "Great rift" suddenly increased in size. The speed of its increase is so immense that in the blink of an eye it has already covered 1/4 of the whole galaxy and still continues to grow.

Countless xenos and humans alike are all in turmoil by the sudden growth of the "Great rift". The humans however, attributed everything happening to the powerful emotions displayed and felt by countless believers all throughout the Imperium.

As time slowly passed by, what felt like an eternity of wait has finally ended. The whole galaxy was sucked in by the gigantic warp storm.

With their faith unknown...

Sorry for any grammatical errors and the like.

Thank you for reading!!!

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