
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

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121 Chs

Chapter 27(Volume 2 Prologue)

Aboard the Imperator Somnium...

The Emperor was slowly walking on the corridor towards the command room. He's finished with his job on the now desolate planet that is Coruscant. He's about to meet his suited up son named Vulkan for something.

"Vulkan, come here." the Emperor called Vulkan whom he met on the crossroads on the corridor leading to the command room.

"Father, thank you." said Vulkan as he thanked his father for what he did for Vulkan. He didn't left him at the behest of the republic, instead, he towed his flagship out of the spacedock and personally came to pick him up. Though they're father might have problems on the parenting side of things, Vulkan understood it. He understood that their father isn't only theirs as he's the master of mankind. They can't hoard them for themselves no matter what.

"No problem Vulkan, come here, it's been eons since I hugged my one and only Vulkan." said the Emperor as he shifted his form to that of the same height as Vulkan and hugged him.

This hug is full of fatherly love for his children which made Vulkan flustered. It's the truth that their father isn't the best. Hell, even if someone was to tell Vulkan that their father is better than his father he'll even agree with them almost immediately.

But apparently, after his father's rebirth, things changed, he can see that he's more showy of his fatherly side. He also inquired on his own Salamanders on what has changed. They said that innovation and advancements was once again kickstarted by the Emperor the moment of his return. He don't need to know what made his father have this almost have a 180 degree change on parenting but he's thankful.

When his Salamanders slowly narrated it, Vulkan felt was shocked and everything. The Imperium he left isn't the same anymore when he came back. It's more powerful and everything is better. The lives of the people was better, surplus of food, and many more. For that, Vulkan has to give his father all the praise for turning most of things around in the span of twenty years.

"My son, let's go and return home shall we?" offered the Emperor which made Vulkan form a big smile on his face. He longed for his father to call him son and not just by his name. So, when he heard his father call him son, he's beyond happy.

"Let's return home, father..."


Coruscant, the capital planet of the republic. Once the beacon of peace and liberty has fallen to its very foundations. The large planet wide city was completely dusted, it didn't lasted a day since the Imperium attacked Coruscant but in that time span, they managed to completely obliterate every signs of the former Coruscant. The Imperium left Coruscant with nothing but ruins of its former glory.

The republic has fallen, that's a certain thing. The Jedi order has also gone missing as many things happened. Yoda and the whole order was systematically hunted down as Palpatine was forced to speed up his empire building plan in a whim due to the Imperium.

The order 66 was abruptly given as a way to immediately and further enforce the rule of Palpatine and at the same time spread propaganda against the Imperium.

A time hunting has happened as the inquisitores hunted down any surviving jedi with brutal efficiency.

The Imperium also undergone big changes as they officially presented themselves to the galaxy in the most domineering way. The center of the galaxy, the planet Coruscant, a planet said to be unconquerable fell in their hands but they left it like a cool guy that don't look at explosions.

They're the center of countless conspiracies that tried to explain the existence of the seperatist council and many more. The people believed that the Imperium orchestrated everything due to the propagandas that was spread by Palpatine deliberately as he gave everyone something to blame for everything that's happening.

The masses, desperate for peace and an explanation why they're experiencing everything, blamed the Imperium and thrown insults to the Emperor in all sorts of way.

Palpatine feasted on their desperations to gather the support he needed to establish an empire.

When Palpatine presented them with an idea, the idea of an empire where he, a strong leader will lead and promised to fix everything by bringing the culprit of their hardships to its knees. Everyone immediately jumped aboard this idea,

As he pointed them to a wrong direction, Palpatine strengthened his authority as he eventually took over everything on the year 19 bby and officially formed the First Galactic Empire and crowned himself emperor.

Years gone by and everything went almost exactly like the movies except that Padme wasn't buried in Naboo.

Palpatine still felt the humiliation of being powerless before the Emperor when they first met. He can only nod and do nothing as he felt like an ant before him. But now, he'll be sure to extract his revenge as he has his own empire and he'll give them hell.

Palpatine has a trick up his sleeve that's why he's confident for the war against the Imperium. He has commissioned a gigantic star destroyer that he classified as a super star dreadnought. A star destroyer but bigger and better with lots of weapons, thicker shields and many other shit. He wanted to compete with the golden continental size flagship that the Imperium has so he commissioned this ship.


The planet of Naboo has been transformed into a fortress world. It's built for war and its people was indoctrinated by the people from the Imperium as they groomed them to be the next Cadia. People paid the Imperial tithe on manpower. Naboo produced soldiers like the Cadian shock troops but they're conveniently named Naboo fire force.

Many factions wanted to establish contact with the Imperium and gather more information about them by paying a visit to the only known planet that the Imperium controls.

But they soon learned that they're not welcome on this planet and was almost immediately shot down by the anti air batteries on the surface when they tried to forcefully enter.


The Imperium was keeping Palpatine in check with his shenanigans all these years even if the first spy they sent has vanished mysteriously. They opted for a more conservative approach of directly monitoring Palpatine on some way as they also monitored this Darth Vader thaf they're certain was Anakin.

The Imperium has not kept its silence over these past few years. They deliberately engaged with skirmishes against the Republic and the separatists in form of piracy. They also expanded their territory to the unknown regions. They originally managed to stumble upon a planet full of kyber cyrstal deposits decades ago but they didn't know wthat to do with it.

So when they got the information from Palpatine they got to work. They first modified the lasgun and attached a kyber crystal to see the results.

They managed to create a gun, a lasgun to be precise that has the power of a heavy bolter upon firing and can actually pierce through a space marine armor, the older variant at least. When the Adeptus Mechanicus saw this result, they went megalomaniac on everything. They attached kyber crystal on almost all laser weaponry. Battleships that has a laser type of weaponry as its main weapon? Let's attach a kyber crystal to try and see what happens.

Though not everything went great as they most of the time attached a crystal too big that it made the weaponry melt.

Nonetheless, they not only found this planet but also a couple more planets on the unknown regions. They colonized most of it and turned it to functioning worlds. The worlds was deemed to be uncolozinable for the Imperium so they labelled them as test sites. All in all, the Imperium managed to conquer and colonize about a couple of hundred thousand planets in the unknown regions over the course of years starting from 19 bby up to the current yeat of 3 bby.

While they're doing pirate works they made logistics a nightmare for both sides as the Imperium bought or stole battleships from both sides and created a pirate fleet entirely composed of ships that they managed to snatch or buy from both the republic and separatists. The goal of this fleet was to fuck with the logistics of both sides and completely turn it to hell.

This was the only thing they did as it's part of the Emperor's orders, the crusade still hasn't been formally started and they can't go against that.

They maintained this sort of status quo up until the formation of the empire as there's of no use for piracy anymore. But they're now tasked on becoming bounty hunters and mercenaries for a future purpose.

The normal populace of the Imperium was made aware of the new upstart of an empire. They treated them with hostility especially after that man named Sheev crowned himself Galactic Emperor. The people urged their planetary representatives to the senate to do something. The representatives can only break like a twig due to the pressure and went to the senate meeting with one goal in mind.

Have the Imperium go to war...

3 bby...

Holy Terra is currently having it's annual senate meeting to discuss and raise concerns regarding matters. The senate session just started as a controversial question was immediately raised. The Emperor was sitting on the highest throne that's colored gold and has the Imperial Aquila as its headrest. His sons, Vulkan and Roboute also has their thrones but it was the mini ones.

Each of their throne has the headrest design to that of their chspter insignia. Vulkan has also took the position of Supreme War Commander. A title newly created as substitute for the title of Warmaster as some bald man gave it a bad image and none wants to take the position of a traitor.

The senate hall was noisy due to the debates on the matter at hand. They're contributing as much idea as possible in hopes that they may be recognized by the Emperor. Their stance are all the same. Go to war with the empire, this only differed on the question of "why".

"The reports that flooded in was very clear! This Empire wanted a war they're stockpiling supplies for war, the spy we have with Palpatine also seemingly vanished. Naboo will surely be the first to be hit as it's our only known planet! I implore that your majesty the one true emperor restart the great crusade on the grounds of saving humanity from the false emperor." raised the matter of a dignitary which started a loud debate amongst the people inside the senate hall.

"An empire of humans that has another emperor besides the charming Emperor is heresy!" shouted a noble in anger.

At this moment a officer suddenly barged inside to report an unbelievable news to everyone. He immediately ran to the center where there's a mic, the battle sisters standing guard aimed their bolters but they got the orders from the Emperor to stand down. The custodians also went in alert but was ordered to stand down by the Emperor.

"Your majesty I'm sorry for my disrespectful interruption and I'm ready to face any punishments after I finished this report." bowed the officer as everyone slowly quited down. If someone was to barge in like this it either means they have an urgent thing to report or just straight disrespectful.

"Your majesty, Naboo, is under attack..."




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