
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

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121 Chs

Chapter 12

22 bby...

Even if someone is to act as if everything is good. Even if he sees nothing wrong with the environment he's currently living. He knows in himself that something big is brewing. Something big that it will not only affect him in a certain extent but will have his whole life changed.

2 years ago, at the year 24 bby Count Dooku delivered the Raxus Address at the Raxus system. This address denounced the galactic senate. This address kickstarted the forming of the nation that would be known as the Confederacy of independent systems with Count Dooku as its head.

This whole incident marked the start of the Separatist crisis as thousands of star systems left the republic and joined the Confederacy. The seperatists created their own version of the republic senate, they called it the seperatist senate.

At this very same year the galactic senate debated whether they should raise an army that will defend the republic against any danger.

Back at the present...

The separatists planned to silence Senator of Naboo, Padme Amidala due to her being totally against the Military Creation Act. But this was foiled due to Anakin saving her.

The people of Naboo overheard of her being against the act and suddenly, Padme Amidala was very unpopular with the majority of the Naboo citizens which are the people preached to by the two organizations. They even got to the point of calling her names such as being a heretic.

They argued that due to the republic not having any standing army, their whole planet was almost put into the rule of the despicable invaders that is the Trade Federation. But they also said that thanks to the Emperor they were saved and they must repay this salvation with their actions.

The current queen was also berated by the public on not having Padme agree with the act. This made the queen and the other ministers helpless as they know they're only figureheads on the government and the real controllers are those of the heads of the two organizations.

Now, out of desperation, they pleaded to Padme that she support the creation of the military.

This plead made Padme extremely uncomfortable but nonetheless she didn't changed her stance on being against the act.

At this point in time Anakin was tasked on guarding the senator of Naboo after the attempted assassination. He was developing an interesting romantic relationship with Padme Amidala be it slow yet surely.

On one of Obi-Wan's adventures he manages to find the existence of the clones commissioned by the former Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.

Anakin on the other hand is hunted by dreams that his mom will die so he returns to Tatooine to save his mom. Sadly his mom still dies and he's filled with emotions.

He promises that he'll never be powerless again and he would be able to protect all his loved ones.

On the senate, a random senator just proposes that the Supreme Chancellor be given emergency powers to raise an army without the interference of the state. With the rising threat posed by the separatists, giving the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers is a must.

This proposal of a senator gathered immense support from the majority of the senators and thus it was passed. The clone army created by Kaminoans was then recognized as the Grade Army of the Republic.

Months later, the various corporations including the Trade Federation ratified the Geonosian Accord officially founding the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

On Geonosis, Obi-Wan was captured while reporting his shocking findings to the jedi masters, Yoda and Mace Windu. The report stated that there are confirmed presence of the Trade federation's battle droid production facilitates present on the planet.

Due to foolishness or probably confidence Obi-Wan's student, Anakin Skywalker together with his lover Padme Amidala tried to save Obi-Wan by charging into the planet straight.

Sadly, due to their absolute foolishness, they added another problem for the jedi council as they're captured too.

The three prisoners are offered to join the sith in exchange for their safety but they refused and was scheduled to be executed if not for the jedi assembling a strike group with more than 200 people to save those imprisoned as Yoda travels to the planet of Kamino to gather the Clone Army.

The Clone Army is ready for battle as the war against the separatists are clearly seen on the horizon.

Meanwhile, the Imperium of Man was watching all the child's play the galaxy are doing. They are quietly observing the state, finding the best possible time to reveal themselves and officially restart the Great Crusade.

Over the course of these 10 years there are a few who managed to contact them either intentionally or unintentionally.

But the most interesting of the people who contacted them is Sheev Palpatine himself. It all happened when Palpatine managed to sense the spy assigned to him by the Imperium. Palpatine took the initiative to catch the leave a letter for the spy to see.

Sheev Palpatine's apartment, 30 bby...

A spy was told to closely observe Palpatine as they want to know how long will it take a smart and shrewd man like Palpatine to discover that someone is following and spying on him.

It has been 2 years since they started spying on Palpatine even more seriously. They're already suspecting that Palpatine isn't that great as the reports described him as he still haven't contacted them.

The spy was currently hiding on the suite of Palpatine. He waits patiently as he already knew that the Supreme Chancellor is coming home. As steps of Palpatine sounded the spy saw him looking around while holding something. He seems cautious and it looks like he holds an important thing. The spy tries to peek at what's inside Palpatine was holding but he failed as the box seems to have a signal jammer that affects the spy's electronics and making it inaccurate. The jammer is affecting the equipment on a certain bit enough to make it hard to peek on the contents.

So, the spy just decided to wait for Palpatine to go away and have a look at the contents of the thing himself.

He saw that Palpatine went to his bedroom which he shortly followed as he saw Palpatine put the thing he was holding unto a secured drawer with caution of his surroundings.

Palpatine left the suite as he got a call from his assistant. The spy just waited for an hour while closely monitoring where Palpatine is before he decided to check the contents of the thing Palpatine was holding earlier.

The spy carefully open the drawer and pulled out a high tech box like thing and opened it with caution.

The spy inside saw a single piece of paper. The contents of the paper is encrypted on a weird encryption but nonetheless, the spy broke the encryption and deciphered the message in under 5 minutes.

He's reporting what's happening back to Imperium even though it has delays due to distance. The spy took a photograph of the message on the paper and sent it to the Imperium, requesting their decision.

The content of the paper read as

'I have already felt your presence way back a year ago but I'm not certain who you are. But after these ast few days I'm already certain that you're part of them. The Imperium. So would you like to have a drink?'

The Imperium immediately responded and Terra decided that the spy shall meet with Palpatine. The spy got the order and left a reply in form of another paper. He replaced the paper inside the thing and locked the drawer once more as he waited for Palpatine's return.


The planet of Genosha...

A man with a dark colored skin and glowing red eyes are travelling endlessly on this planet.From desert to desert, mountain to mountain, and mesas to mesas.He has been travelling for years wandering aimlessly. The climate here reminded him of Nocturne. It both has this hot climate, though this planet is not as hot as Nocturne it still unlocked his core memories which made the man nostalgic. Everytime this hot breeze of wind will hit his face directly, he can't seem to continue walking.

He was currently travelling on the streets, sightseeing.

The whole story on how he got here was like this.His body or what remains of it was slowly regenerating but a sudden powerful warp storm sucked the place he's recuperating and now he's been travelling endlessly. He originally woke up riding an asteroid as it hit a planet, at that planet he recuperated on a totally secluded cave away from prying eyes and started to travel once he's at his peak again. He doesn't know where this galaxy is. He has been jumping planet to planet to gather information for years until he decided to "settle" at Geonosis. When he landed on this planet he just wandered aimlessly, exploring every nook and cranny of the planet for fun. He doesn't want to be seen by anyone as he's trying to remain as low key as possible to avoid trouble.

Over his journey, he saw countless different things.He was aware of most of its history and all the weird things like the jedi and the sith. At first, he thought they must psykers of some sort as they can use "telekinesis". But as he traveled more and more, encountered different things and even saw some of the jedi fight something or someone. He finally interpreted the force as an energy like the soul due to limitations.

There's also one time he was being tailed by a jedi when he was exploring a city. This jedi seem know something as it's the first time someone like him tailed him so he decided to corner him.

Sometime ago...

The man is just travelling as usual on the planet of Geonosis as stealthily as possible as to prevent unnecessary attention for himself.He's wearing a hooded robe like clothes which is enough for him to hide his whole tall body. But he felt someone was following him. He decided to corner the man on a secluded alley. He has already learned the locally used language if the galaxy on his travels all throughout the years so he's certain he can communicate with the man following him even though it's the first time he'll do this in this galaxy.

"Who are you?" asked the man as he cornered a certain jedi.

"Hello there, my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, I'm a jedi knight of the Jedi order." said Obi-Wan as he was caught off guard by the gigantic man he's tailing. He just awkwardly waved his hand on the man. The man literally looked down on Obi-Wan as their height difference was so evident you'll think Obi-Wan is a dwarf from a distance.

"Hmmm, I am Vulkan." replied Vulkan as he removed the hood covering his face. When Obi-Wan saw the face of Vulkan he was momentarily scared as he haven't seen a man with these facial features before. He's scary looking, with that eyes that looks like he's looking directly at his whole being.

"Vulkan, such a befitting name for someone like you." said Obi-Wan awkwardly as he struggled to maintain his composure due to shock.

"Thank you, so why are you following me?" questioned Vulkan immediately which thankfully didn't caught Obi-Wan off guard.

"I felt something in you. Something similar to what I felt before." answered Obi-Wan truthfully without hiding anything.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Goodbye." said Vulkan as he swiftly left the scene as he felt that if he'll stay any longer something unsightly will happen.

"Wait" Obi-Wan tried to stop Vulkan from leaving but Vulkan was already long gone.

"He's like them..." said Obi-Wan as he embedded the face of the man named Vulkan in his mind.

Present day...

As Vulkan was strolling he saw an arena structure which has a supposed execution show today. Vulkan was curious on what this show was so he sneakily entered the arena without anyone detecting him as he took a front row seat to see the action close up.

"People of Geonosis I present you here today a great matchup! An Acklay! A Nexu! And a Reek will battle against jedis! Are you ready to rumble!" the announcer shouted on top of his lungs as the crowd shouted in enthusiasm and excitement on the upcoming match.

As the gates slowly opened it revealed the trio of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme as they slowly walked towards the battle grounds.

Obi-Wan surveyed his surroundings for any potential routes on escape but what he didn't expect that the big man he met sometime ago was there watching them.

As he was observing his surroundings he managed to locate Vulkan as he locked eyes with him.

Anakin saw his master stopped moving so he moved and tapped his master on his shoulder.

"Master, are you okay?" asked Anakin. This act made Obi-Wan get out of his eyes lock with Vulkan as he prepared himself for battle.

When Obi-Wan looked at the part where he saw Vulkan again, he didn't managed to find him as if he just disappeared in thin air.

"Padme, stay close to me, I'll protect you." said Anakin to Padme which just earned him a nod.

The gates on the other end of the battle grounds suddenly opened as it relased the frightening creatures that the trio will fight.

On the other hand, Vulkan who was watching felt something he hadn't felt after his supposed "ressurection". The feeling of wanting to help humans in need.

Vulkan clenched his fist and jaws as he watched with pain the suffering that the trio was experiencing. But as he was about to jump in and save the trio, a large group of jedis suddenly barged in the battle grounds intending to save their brothers and Padme.


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