
Chapter 2

First thing is first.

I closed my eyes and imagined land . Alots of land and then opens by eyes and steched out my hand.


I said in a calm voice which sounded like it was layered and had a weird but attractive gothic sound to it.

So land , streching further than the eyes could see manafested. This was however no ordinary land.

Unlike ordinary land, the soil on this land was drapped in dark magic and hence was black coloured.

I was screaming internally but chose to remain calm.

I want to fly , I thought

Hey Odin

[Yes Master]

I want to fly. How can I

[There are several ways. The first is using wind magic to uplift yourself. The second is to manipulate your body magic to float. The third is to use your wing . The fou-]

Hold up ,Did ..did you just say wings


I have WINGS


Then Activate Wings


A weird tingling sensation ran down my back and a pair of large , pure black wings manafested on her back .

They were huge and beautiful. Small talons were on the upper tips giving them a feral and dangerous look.

I wanted a closer look and just as I thought so , they bended towards me.

I then moved them back and cluttered them . It felt natural. Like moving an arm or a leg.

I drew a deep breath and firmly adjusted my stance of the ground . With a Swift push to the ground, my feet left the ground and into the air.

It felt almost unreal to not feel the ground below my feet. I stopped at a distance from the ground , my wings elegantly flapping and keeping me in the sky.

A devious idea crep it's way into my mind.

A lifted one hand up and congured a spear using my imagination.

It surprising worked and a pure black spear appeared.

I poured more power into it and increased it's size.

I kept on increasing it .

I increased it till it was the size of a mountain.

And then with a ll the power i found muster, i launched the spear at the land below .