
New mom

after mom had gone, dad mornned her for two years, after which, he moved on, he just forgot about her like she never existed, one night he came back with a woman, she was so beautiful, her beauty knew no bounds, she was really nice to me at first sight, she showed me so much love and made me feel so confortable around her, I began taking her as a second mom, not quite long after dad made his intensions known to me, he intended to marry her, he claimed to love her, he said she was descent and would make a great mom and wife. I mean I knew dad was beginning to develop feeling for her but I was not expecting marriage at all, I still loved mom and pledged my loyalty to h er I could never except Calling another woman "mom", but dad was persistent and ended up marrying her, all my struggles and effort to discourage him was thrown into the mud, I tried as much as I could to be nice to her and to accept her, after all she would be leaving with us till eternity now, and if I want to survive that, I had to be at peace with her, she seemed really nice and sweet though, she would always call me sweet heart or sometimes sparky whenever she wanted to send me on an errand I don't want to go for, those names always melted my heart, like as if she was casting a spell on me, or may be hypnosis, I just couldn't control myself those moments, but with time I started getting used to her presence in our lives and finally started calling her mom. we finally had become the happy family we once were, dad later resumed work after he quit working when mom died an decided he would spend the rest of his years being useless which lasted for only two years, but never the less I was happy and glad that at the end everything turned out just fine, I didn't have to worry much about mom anymore, for I guessed she would be glad where ever she was knowing that I was In good hands, all I had put in mind hence forth was to make her proud.the palace was always so quiet, maybe that was because there was no kid in the compound anymore, I was not a kid anymore, I remember running around the compound with my little toy sword playing knight with one of the guards whom dad always sent to keep me company, Lucian did a great job playing the bad guy always, we would strike our swords made together for a while and he would intensionally loose guard and let me win, as soon as he does that I would strike him with all my might in the stomach, and he falls hard on the floor holding his breath and his eyes tightly shot close playing the dead guy, then I would jump around claiming and hailing my self, yelling "victory!, victory!, victory!" and then wait till dad comes back to brag about how strong I was and how I would soon be as strong as he was soon, but as usual dad wasn't the chip chat kind, he was always too busy with his royal duties and never had time for me,he always solved other people's problems but never solved that of his family, although he sometimes tries to act ignorant when I speak and brag I still ignore and remain persistent that he listens, and finally when I had gotten his attention, I would make sure not to let go of it. although dad was strict and always restricting me from doing some of the things I loved doing, like building sand castles and playing with mud, "son, that is not the way a prince should behave" he would always say, and I would always bow my head down responding "yes dad",each time, but kept on repeating that same exact thing. my stepmom finally gave birth, it was a triplet, boys to be precise, I was just six years when she put to bed, I was really happy and excited to meet my brothers, they were so cute with those tiny hands and feet, their little chuckle each time they were happy, I could feel the joy on Dad's face, and mom's face wasn't saying any difference either, I was filled with joy seeing the joy on their faces, maybe that was what dad had wanted so long, maybe that was why he had always been so strict and though on people, finally I had someone to play around with, the compound would finally become lively and I wouldn't have to be alone any more, although Lucian was great at his job of being my best friend I still felt lonely but the the arrival of my brothers would turn a new phase for every one I had hoped.