

"You can't do it." They all said, glaring down at her. "Why? I want to write a book." She said, wilting under their cold stares. "Just look at how you've fallen. How are you even going to write a book? This is all your fault." they chorused. Indeed, Seanae was sprawled on the icy cobblestones. Her scraped knees were bleeding waves of crimson. "B-but you're the ones who pushed me." She whimpered. Suddenly, they all went dead quiet. Seanae looked down, embarrassed. "You can't do it." They repeated. "You can't even pick yourself up." But she did. Slowly, she dusted off her knees and limped into a standing position. "You're wrong. I can do it, and I will," she told them. And with that, "English Rose" was published. ~~~~ Pls help dis rando author ;-; I have dirt bank account and dirt writing skills but gold imagination ~~~~ Please give me viewssssss art release every 5k *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* - EVERY WEEKDAY (daily updates monday-friday and maybe on the weekends too?) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw NOT MY ART I USE DIS GENERATOR --> https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator ART RELEASE : (I got 5k views so here it is) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gb2oLOrgMFH0WBXGh6GGutvv6uSdddlS-bMXpV-Wmpg/edit

PilinyTheYounger · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs



"Who are you?" The guard of the imperial prison asked. "Not anyone important." Said the hooded figure, sliding back the cloth covering her face to reveal the crown princess. Red eyes! blond hair! Calm, Cold expression! Yes, dude! This is the royal princess! The guard gasped and immediately stepped aside. "Forgive me for the impertinence. Welcome back, Your Highness." The guard said, head bowed. I nodded. Keep a straight face! Idiot! Don't make any reactions! Just keep your face straight. I bit the inside of my mouth. "Where are the keys?" I asked, as coldly as I could (which wasn't very cold, but apparently got the job done) and the guard took a bundle of keys out of his pocket. "Here, You majesty. All the keys in the dungeon." The guard said, and I smiled. Being royalty wasn't so bad, but it was really challenging my acting skills. 

I wandered around in the prison until I found Zal. This is where he had been in the original novel too. Even though it wasn't originally written in the book, I had said multiple times in interviews that Zal would have been at the imperial prison. 

Zal wasn't awake. Not fully, anyway. He was shackled to the wall, wearing tattered, old clothes. The cuffs had made bruises on his wrists and ankles. He kept whispering, "Im sorry," over and over again. "...Zal? Are you awake? It's me. Cordelia." I said hesitantly. I had already noticed this earlier, but I didnt sound like Cordelia whatsoever. Zal didn't reply. He probably didn't believe me. "Uhm. Remember that time… I watched you sleep?" I asked. Zal's head suddenly snapped up. He was looking straight at me now. I saw that he was wearing a blindfold. "I was originally there to study, but… I kind of… Ended up looking at you instead?" I said awkwardly, twiddling my thumbs. "Cordelia? How are you here? Why does your voice sound like that?" He asked, and I looked down. Ah, my conscience was really pricking now. 'I... Got here through a friend. Anyone's voice can change over ten years, right?' I said, trying not to cry. 

"Hey. Cordelia. Do you know it's hard to breathe and smile at the same time?" Zal asked, and I instantly tried it, without really thinking. "Sorry. I lied. I wanted to see you smile, But I can't even do that." Zal said, laughing. But his voice was desperate and a bit too sad. "Zal. I wanted to ask you this for a while, but… do you remember me from the last life?" I asked, my hands tightening around the bars. Zal was quiet for a minute, but finally, he said, "I do. But you're not the real Cordelia, are you?" 

So he had known. "Why didn't you say anything? I was trying hard to change the future, too. We could have worked together." I said, looking at the floor. We were both silent for a minute, and finally, I sighed. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm getting you out of here. And this time I'll fix everything. I promise." I said, opening the door to the cell. After undoing the cuffs. I helped Zal get up. "here, lean on me." I said. Zal's head was on my shoulder. "How long have you been here, by the way?" I asked, and Zal smiled ruefully. "All ten years." Oh. I had kind of known that, but hearing it made it take on a whole new meaning. "Im sorry, Zal." I said quietly. "Can you undo the blindfold?" Zal asked, turning his neck so I could see the rag tied at the back of his head. Suddenly, I burst into tears. "C-Cordelia? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Zal asked, surprised. "I-I can't. Im sorry. My makeup got… smudged." I said, and Zal laughed again. a lot less sad this time. "Liar. You'd never use makeup. Alright. Always you and your secrets. You have brought a horse and money for me?" 

"Yeah." I said, my voice hoarse. 

"Then, I won't ask about anything. When I take off the blindfold, I won't look back. I trust you. Friend." Zal said, and I smiled. My heart was a bit, just a bit, lighter than before. "Thanks, Zal."

"Oh! And, before I forget. If you ever want to write me a letter, send it to the princess of the Ruthim Empire." I said. Zal was silent for a minute, and then said, "Alright."