
I am the 4th Hokage

"I Am the 4th Hokage" is an exciting adventure novel that takes place in the imaginative world of Konoha, where young ninja embark on thrilling quests. The story follows Ryu Senju, a determined ninja who suddenly finds himself in the prestigious position of the newly appointed Fourth Hokage. As Ryu adjusts to his new role, he experiences a mix of emotions, ranging from worry to excitement, as he contemplates the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a Hokage. With the Third Great Ninja War nearing its climax and the looming threat of the Nine-Tails' Uprising only a year away, Ryu is overcome with anxiety and fear. Guided by his knowledge of the Naruto plot, Ryu must navigate the complexities of leadership and make crucial decisions that could shape the destiny of Konoha. He is torn between following the path of the previous Hokage, whose reign was tragically cut short, or forging his own unique approach. Amidst the chaos, Ryu finds hope in Goldfinger, a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary abilities like Wood Release, Sage Art Mode, and the legendary Flying Thunder God technique in exchange for earning fame points. As Ryu's reputation as Hokage grows, he must make sacrifices and face formidable challenges to protect his beloved village. With each passing day, Ryu's determination grows stronger as he prepares for a climactic confrontation with the story's main villain. Empowered by his newfound knowledge, powers, and unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest individual in this world, unleashing his full potential to save Konoha from impending destruction and safeguard his loved ones. "I Am the 4th Hokage" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, bravery, and the unwavering pursuit of justice and power. It explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of a hero destined to protect his village at any cost.

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43 Chs

Chapter 36: The Confrontation

Ryu, the Fourth Hokage, preferred to handle things in a straightforward and efficient manner. Once he learned about the presence of the roots and his plan to bring A back, he wasted no time in organizing a team to confront them.

Accompanied by his trusted Anbu, Ryu led four squads of Anbu on this mission. It was not only a show of force but also a precautionary measure to prevent Danzo from resorting to desperate actions. After all, Danzo had previously plotted to assassinate the Third Hokage.

Entering the roots' old hideout, Ryu remained cautious, as there might be various sealing and forbidden techniques similar to those used by the Death Reaper. Despite his formidable power, taking precautions were necessary.

"Lord Hokage, we have arrived," a ninja from the Anbu team reported after scouting ahead. He guided Ryu and the others to a concealed area.

The surroundings appeared ordinary, but when another Anbu ninja performed hand seals and dispelled the blinding barrier, an iron gate leading deep underground came into view.

"Let's go in," Ryu declared.

Without hesitation, Ryu's trusted ally, Genma, opened the door, and the group entered, with others following closely behind.

"Who goes there?"


The root ninjas stationed inside the iron gate immediately questioned the intruders, unsheathing their swords in the process.

However, upon hearing that "Lord Hokage" had arrived, their intention to attack instantly ceased. Seeing the distinctive Hokage Imperial Robe and Ryu's faces confirmed their hesitation.

Though they had joined the roots and sworn allegiance to Danzo, they still recognized that they were ultimately Konoha ninjas and dared not act presumptuously in the presence of the Hokage. Of course, this was under the assumption that Danzo had not given any orders to attack.

If Danzo were to give such an order, these brainwashed root members would undoubtedly attack the Hokage without hesitation. In their eyes, Danzo was the true leader supporting Konoha.

Ryu, observing this, couldn't help but mockingly laugh. He, the Hokage of the village, was treated as an enemy by his own people in his own home. If the kage of the other four major ninja villages were aware of this, they would surely find it amusing.

Ryu's expression turned serious as he led the group of Anbu deeper into the hideout.

Before long, they arrived at a massive underground chamber. On a suspended steel bridge spanning the area, Shimura Danzo, the leader of the roots, leaned on a walking stick, accompanied by a large group of individuals waiting in silence.

Ryu strode forward, motioning for his Anbu ninjas to spread out and take strategic positions.

On one side stood the Anbu ninjas, recognizable by their animal masks, while on the other side were the root ninjas, their masks displaying colorful patterns.

Tension filled the air as the two groups faced each other.

In the midst of this silence, Danzo, caught off guard by Ryu's sudden arrival, maintained a calm demeanor on his face. Taking a few steps forward with his cane, he spoke in a deep voice, "The Fourth Hokage pays an unexpected visit to the root base. May I inquire about the purpose of your presence?"

This was the first encounter between Ryu and the renowned Shinobi Ninja since Ryu had become Hokage. Observing the bandaged right eye and right arm, Ryu smiled faintly and said, "As Hokage, it is crucial for me to be familiar with every aspect of Konoha. The root serves as a training institution under Anbu, so it is only natural for me to have a look. Furthermore, Elder Danzo is a member of the Konoha Advisory Group, and as a junior, I should take the initiative to pay him a visit."

Danzo stared at Ryu with a focused gaze and responded, "The Fourth Hokage has shown care and consideration for an old man like me, and I appreciate that. The Root organization has been occupied with various matters, leaving me with limited time to oversee it. However, I must admit that your unexpected visit has caught me off guard."

Ryu chuckled lightly and said, "Well, sitting in the office all day can be dull. It's refreshing to go out and explore." He then glanced around and exclaimed, "The root base is truly remarkable. It seems Elder Danzo has put in a great deal of effort here! I wonder if Elder Danzo is available now to guide me through the facility. It would be beneficial for me to pass on what I learn to Anbu when I return."

"Since the Fourth Hokage has expressed interest, the old man is more than willing to cooperate," Danzo replied.

He understood that Ryu's visit couldn't be easily dismissed with just a few words. Although he was unsure of Ryu's true motives, he had already made preparations to remove any incriminating evidence from the root base. Therefore, he wasn't concerned about what Ryu might discover.

From that point on, Danzo acted as a tour guide, leading Ryu around with his walking stick.

Danzo had indeed instructed the root ninjas to diligently erase any traces, and Ryu did not find anything amiss during their tour. However, Ryu wasn't particularly interested in such details.

His primary objective in coming here wasn't to uncover illegal experiments or hidden materials but to find real individuals. Specifically, he sought the boy named Yamato, who had unintentionally acquired Wood Release.

Although Yamato was still a teenager and disguised in a root uniform and mask, his slight build and short stature made him stand out among the other ninjas. Moreover, possessing Wood Release, even in its weakened state, emitted a faint aura of vitality from his body.

This was something only Ryu, the true owner of the authentic Wood Release, could perceive.

After some time, Ryu finally located Yamato, who was on alert in a corner of the root base. He decided to pause and observe.

At the same time, Danzo also noticed Yamato, who was engaged in a security mission not far away. However, he didn't pay much attention since only a select few individuals knew about Yamato's abilities. The outside world, including the Hokage, was unaware of them.

But Ryu's next statement caused Danzo's heart to skip a beat.

"Elder Danzo, I've heard a piece of news that Orochimaru and Root collaborated on forbidden experiments in the past. Can you confirm this?" Ryu, having paused his tour, suddenly posed this question.

Danzo calmly denied it, saying, "Nonsense! You have personally explored the root base, Fourth Hokage. There is no basis for such claims of any experiments."

Ryu responded with a half-smile, saying, "Oh? What if Orochimaru himself spoke of this? You should know that he shared a lot with me before his demise."

The name "Orochimaru" immediately caused Danzo's complexion to change, betraying a flicker of unease.

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