
I am Shinji Matou

I don't own any character except the OC. Every Character belongs to its rightful owner English is not my native(Bad grammar^^) Update at random btw cause I write when in the mood...and have some free time

Kaichou9779 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

A visit from Zeltrech

After receiving the in-depth lesson from Illya, Ritsu pretty much holed in her room, its already a week and she never got out, she pretty much scared with the horror of Nasuverse…

'I keep forgetting, even with her 14- no 15 years old appearance, Ritsu is in truth have the mentality of a really-really matured 1 year old' Shinji shakes his head seeing the current situation

"Ritsu if you keep holed up in your room you will become useless shut-in!" Illya knocked on the door, feeling a little sorry to dump too much info for Ritsu mind to handle…

"I don't care! All magus is shut-in anyway!" Come Ritsu reply which struck Illya heart…

"...not all magus is a shut-in you know" Illya is depressed

"but you are shut in Illya!" Once more Illya heart is struck, Illya really wants to denied it but since she graduates she is doing nothing except watch Anime and Playing Games…

Hinako and Xiang Yu holding their laugh at the supposed comedy that happening for the week

'I should save Illya, if Ritsu continue innocently insensitive to her, I am afraid Illya sooner or later will snap' Shinji knocked on the door "Ritsu come out you didn't have to worry, even though like this I am still one of the strongest humans in this world, so you didn't need to worry about all the incoming horror, I can pretty much wipe the floor with most of it"

"But you are helpless again Type-Mercury" Ritsu voice pointed out "and there is no reason for Type-Mercury the only 'living' thing didn't have a soul!"

Shinji smile crack…' well Type-Mercury didn't have a soul, to begin with! In which I am pretty much just a punching bag to it…or because it sizes a chew toy. Come to think of it I really lack fighting technique that didn't relate to The Third, something to fix later'

"Type-Mercury fastest awakening is around century" Shinji pointed out "you will not meeting it if you want it, cause a normal human lifespan will not reach it"

"...wait Shinji you are planning to fight it? Isn't you can just run when the time comes?" come Ritsu quiet query.

"Yes, I can run and no one will fault me for doing it" Shinji nodded "but I love this universe, I love this world that littered with cheat code in every corner of it. I will not say with Great Power come Great Responsibilities, cause I didn't really like it and so far I use my power selfishly but I will say for the power that a gained at least I can do this much"

"...you are a brave person Shinji" After a while Ritsu finally leaves the room, from her face it clear the she is still scared cause of this universe horror, Illya soon hugs her saying sorry cause she accidentally scare her.

Shinji can only smile seeing the scene

'I am not as brave as you thought, at worse, I just become a chew toy and if I die I can just revive with no problem, there is nothing for me to lose against Type-Mercury. It just that I didn't have anything to gain either from the confrontation'


"Hey boy can you do me a favor?" Zeltrech say while coming out nowhere

Pretty much everyone shocked except Shinji "Use the damn door!"

"But its no fun" Zeltrech smirked

'This damned troll!' Shinji resigned himself "So what kind of help that I can provide, it is not everyday, The Second Magician need help, isn't you can just use your magic to see the easiest way to solve your problem?"

"Yup, I did and according to it, you are the fastest, cheapest problem solver that I can get" Zeltrech happily explained

Shinji twitched his eyebrow "Well, as long you and your alternate keep give us free travel pass across the Multiverse I do it"

Zeltrech grinned "Deal"

"So let me get this straight" Shinji holding his head that start to feel headaches "Around roughly 200 years ago, you and a massive amount alternates want to gather in one world but thanks to your varied inhuman appearance there is no world you can do it without getting some attention"

"Well, there is Marvel and DC but it is too racist for our taste," Zeltrech said, "you should see Night Fury and Batman face when I troll them, it's pure gold!"

"...do you have a photo and video of it? Wait don't change the topic!" Shinji takes a deep breath "so you guys start to choose some generic world and cause a massive minor biological evolution, thanks to that the generic world soon become a world where superpower is common"

Zeltrech nodded "After 150 year or so no matter what is your appearance you can just say it was your quirk and pass as a normal person in that world"

"Superpower in that world called quirk, and many Multiverse traveler seeing the potential of it start to use it as vacation world" Zeltrech explained "Its one of the reason why I didn't one for the world get pruned"

" That was the rough explanation of that world history," Zeltrech said in full nostalgia "Oh, and don't challenge Rimuru Tempest in a drinking contest, he literally can drink a planet worth and didn't get drunk "

"Well, he is a slime, who is the stupid people that challenge him in that scam of challenge? " Shinji deadpanned, Zeltrech can only look sheepish 'Ah so he is the one who challenges him' "anyway you and your alternates are happy with your finished project that so successful to the point didn't realize, that it gonna get pruned sooner or later because the advanced species of that world: Human, stop advancing or to be precise the technology progress halted, cause they are too enamored in Hero-Villain business…"

"Well, isn't it was a logical conclusion, if everyone has a superpower no matter how minor it is there will be a special task force to neutralize anyone that trying to be a villain " Zeltrech shakes his head "but somehow that world make heroes a job. A world where heroes is a profession, doing a search, rescue, and capture, in my eyes it was merely a glorified SAR team, as a result, their tech, instead of making new discovery purely built-in supporting on said jobs"

"Wait isn't Hero support tech count as technological progress?" Shinji asks

"Yes, but its not enough, if this keeps going on it gonna pruned in another 50 years or so" Zeltrech deadpanned and complained "Other humanity at the same time period have at minimum, colonized the moon, Doraemon have Time Machine for **** sake even though they are still 100 years behind! That damned glorified SAR team! Don't get me wrong I like the SAR team cause they are is a nameless hero in this society even though they get pay, it is still take guts and training to do search and rescue"

"A glorified SAR team …from your description, you are not wrong but until I see it myself I will holding my opinion" Shinji smile wryly "so what did you want me to do?"

"Oh it is simple, I want for you to make an Alien Invader"

It still around a year away from the Holy Grail War so now let fill the between! Next chapter in 10 minutes!

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