
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
140 Chs

Chapter 92 - Father Daughter Outing

The following week after helping Sirin with her pet dragon, Bella. He promised to reserve the week's free time for her. So, this is what he will be doing for the entire day, babysitting his group of daughters.

Yes, plural because not just Sirin but Sakura and the other Sakura, Angra Mainyu who somehow learns to manifest herself as Sakura's meaner looking twin sister. Also yes, he gained another daughter with the addition of Dark Sakura on top of Jack the Ripper a week ago which Abby insisted because she wanted a playmate. As for Nursery Rhyme, she bound her true self, the book to Abby. So, yeah. That sums up what happened last week.

Anyway, enough about the past. Today, he promised to spend time with Sirin which insisted Sakura tag along since both of them are rather close and now Dark Sakura is also joining in for the hell of it.

Her first request?

"Daddy, can't you transform into your adult form?" She asked and her reason is she wanted to have her hand be held by her father figure while they walked although he could see through her rather hidden intention with a single glance. But the reason she gave isn't a lie. It was just overshadowed by her rather perverted desire.

Well, he did promise to listen to her request.

"Fine. But no inappropriate touching or I'll change back." Ray said before he jumped out the hold of the disappointed Sakura and transformed into his adult form and held their hands. Which made both, including the previously disappointed Sakura, to brighten up with a smile.

"What about me?" Dark Sakura asked with a rather innocent looking face.

"My human form only has two arms, sadly. Deal with it." Ray rolled his eyes at the white haired Sakura look-alike.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. I can hold onto your othe—"

"Finish that sentence and I'll send you to horny jail for a time out until you reflect on it."

Dark Sakura silenced herself under the threat given by Ray. Although, Sirin looked like she had something to say but she swallowed back and shut her mouth.

"Alright. So, where are we going first, girls?" His face returned to neutral and asked the two and ignored the uninvited one who pouted and kicked at a roadside rock in annoyance that she is too weak to do anything about the insolence toward her and she has to swallow back all her anger unless she wants to waste the chance given to her.

"I want to look at the game shop. I heard good reviews about Metal Gear Solid 2 and Persona 4 that recently got released from my online friends. Also, I need to shop for a new setup for Bella."

"Uhm… I… I don't have anywhere to go. So, I'll just follow along." Sakura shyly answered.

"Then it's decided. But I think it's a little too early right now. I don't think they are open yet. So, how about we find a place to eat first?" Sirin said after she checked at the time on her super ahead of time smartphone she got from another world.

After looking at Sirin's phone. He realized something.

"If you are planning to buy Bella a PC, shouldn't you buy it from a more advanced world?"

"I am." Sirin replied. "However, I still need the hardware from this time period to connect to the internet and run the games and software from this world. ButI will upgrade them with better components later on my own." She explains and gloats how she has significant advantages compared to those other online game players and how she is the best player on many leaderboards.

"Isn't that blatant cheating?" He remarked dryly but received a glare from Sirin.

"So what? Who's fault is it to not have power to travel to another world? Not mine for sure." She huffed and shrugged before dragging him arm towards a popular local cafe for their breakfast.

Along the way, they garner quite the attention simply because of their look.

"Hmn, I've never seen them before. Did a celebrity move to our town?"

"My, what cute daughters he has."

"Haah… if only my bastard son and daughter in law could stop procrastinating and give me my cute grandchildren…"

"Gramps! Stop kneeling and beating the ground in frustration. It's embarrassing me! Let's go home and tag team beating your bastard son instead."

Among the chattering crowds, a few eyes were looking at the father-daughter group differently. At first, it was filled with wariness and caution. But it slowly melted away and was replaced with that of curiosity and passion. Ray himself noticed it too but was unsure why until he recalled a detail.

Like his shota form is irresistibly charming to the milf, his teen form affects the young adult and his adult form affects the teen.

So, while Xenovia who is spying and trailing after them is understandable. Serafall isn't. She is way beyond teen even in Devil's society standard. But that's probably because she identifies as one. Probably…

"Haah… is it that hard to enjoy a relaxing day without any disturbance?" Ray mumbles softly to himself because those stalkers, while harmless, are annoying and if he made any action, the three would sense his power.

"Dad…? Dad? Daddy!"

"Ah? What's the matter?" He jolted a little in shock when something cold was shoved to his mouth.

When he looked to his side, he saw Sirin turn away and pout while shoveling the ice cream sundae into her mouth while ignoring him.

"Aree? Did I accidentally zone out?" He asked while pointing at himself which Sakura and the other Sakura nodded while eating their own kids meal menu silently.

The former is too shy to talk in public while the latter is ordered to shut her mouth in public lest she start yapping nonsensical and strictly supernatural stuff.

"I'm sorry, Sirin. I was just thinking about your mother. You know, I was wondering how she was doing, going to meet her younger sister and you girl's aunt."


"Wait. We have an aunt?" Sirin got curious, unaware that she fell for his trick.

"Yes. But she is not much older than you girls are. Probably just a few years difference and she is in Kuoh too, the same school as Asia." He eagerly answered and distracted Sirin from her previous anger.

"Same school as sister Asia?" Sirin and Sakura mutter and then look back at him for more details. Only Dark Sakura who groaned in boredom for the lack of death and violence. At least Ray's 'bored' adventure is at least 100 times more interesting than whatever this is.


Meanwhile with Kuroka and Koneko.

The two were meeting at a cafe. Sitting against one another while Koneko stared at Kuroka unsurely. Kuroka however simply brimmed with smiles.

Normally, Koneko wouldn't even want to look Kuroka in the eyes, blaming her for being a criminal and dumping her away. However this is no longer the case.

When Kuroka brought up the matter about Koneko, stating that her only regret in life now is the soured relationship between her and her younger sister. So, Ray offered to help and directly erased the memories that caused Koneko to hate Kuroka to disappear from the world and from everyone's mind. Instead, it was replaced with another set of memories, a milder one that Koneko would forgive much easier.

At first, she argued that this solution isn't what she wanted because Ray would be forcefully tampering with Koneko's mind. But after a little convincing, Ray convinced that this is a better solution that will hurt no one and only made everything much easier.

So, he did and the next day, Kuroka arranged a meeting with Koneko. Since the record of her being a Rank SSS criminal was erased from the world, Rias allowed the meeting and even encouraged it to mend the two sisters' relationship.

Looking at her sister doing well and healthy, Kuroka felt relieved and smiled as she looked at Koneko satisfyingly even if they didn't talk.

Although, Koneko looks a little annoyed and irritated that Kuroka keeps smiling while looking at her.

"Why… why did you come back for me now, sister?" Koneko asked with her hands rolled into fists on the thighs and her head hung low. Her body is trembling as cocktails of emotions are brewing inside her.

"I have no excuse, Koneko. Your sister had made a big mistake. I abandoned you that day at the doorstep of Gremory Clan. I will not bore you with my excuse either." She said as her happy smiley face slowly replaced with that of regret and sadness. But it only lasted for a brief moment before her smile returned. "All I want to do is apologize and wish that we can be sisters again. I wouldn't force you to abandon your current home. I just wish that… we could reconcile and for you to allow me to make up for my past mistake."

Koneko listened to her estranged older sister's words and grip her fist tighter as if she wanted to lash out her anger but she reigned in and listened to the end.

Kuroka sees that Koneko still looks reluctant and angry despite what she said. She knew not to force Koneko even if she felt hurt by the sight of it.

Kuroka stood up with her expression hidden by the shadow.

"It's alright. If you do not forgive me. I deserve it." She said while biting down on her lips. She abandoned Koneko in order to protect her. But just because she did it to protect Koneko didn't mean she isn't guilty of abandoning Koneko.

"I am very happy to see you grow up healthy and happy with your new fa-family." Kuroka immediately turned around, feeling unbearable to look at Koneko before she left the cafe after she placed a ten thousand Yen bill on the table.

Koneko looks at her departed sister with complex emotions. She couldn't forgive her sister that abandoned her all those years ago.

She knew of the story behind the reason why she was abandoned by Kuroka. She was a Reincarnated Devil whose master was killed in a assassination attempt by Old Satan Faction members and she was targeted by those people.

Being on the run made her incapable of taking care of Koneko and forced her to bring Koneko to Sirzech Lucifer who happened to be looking for peerage for his sister, Rias.

To ensure Koneko would have a safe and warm home, Kuroka is forced to give Koneko to Rias and flees in order to hide the relationship between her and Koneko from the assassins who are tracking her down.

But, just because she understood why Kuroka did it didn't mean she would forgive her, as selfish as that might sound. She wished Kuroka would have brought her along. She is willing to bear the hardship together as sisters. She just felt bitter that her sister would have abandoned her for almost ten years and suddenly appeared all of the sudden and wished to reconcile.

All those years she thought her sister had probably died and would never return because she never once visited her, suddenly came forward to her when she already moved on with her life.

When she looked at the empty seat where Kuroka just sat, she saw a few droplets of tears on the table. Just thinking about how saddened her sister was made her feel her gut wrenched and less willing to hold on to the grudge.

Perhaps… she had been too harsh on her sister. But that feeling of dissatisfaction in her after being abandoned just won't subside no matter what.


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