
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
139 Chs

Chapter 60 - Mission Complete

Sitting inside an alternate dimension that separates them from the outside world, Ray is in his adult form which he very rarely did and this is the third time he assumed this form.

The alternate dimension is a homey living room from the 90's with a decently large couch big enough to fit Ray and Kuroka while Abby would have to settle to sit on someone's lap. The lights were turned off and the old back projection tv that is playing the scene on the battlefield between Rimuru and the suspiciously Eldritch looking Geld.

Ray also prepared a bucket of caramel coated popcorn and three large cups of coke as if they were having a movie night. Which isn't exactly wrong as that is his intention.

"Father, what did you do to the pigman?" Abby couldn't hold back her curiosity and she asked Ray directly.

"Hmn, adjusting the difficulty since there are additional participants." Ray replied while munching on the Big Mac in his hand.

Abby just opened her mouth into an 'o' shape and nodded understandingly. But Ray noticed her eyes were lingering on his unfinished burger with drool pooling in her mouth

"Want some?" Ray chuckled and asked.

Abby immediately nodded and Ray held it before her mouth as she took a big bite, as big as she could, which isn't even half his own bite.

"Darling! I want a bite too!" Kuroka leaned closer to the burger and took a big bite out of it and immediately gasped at how delicious it was.

"Wow! It was so delicious." Kuroka's eyes widened and immediately wanted another bite but Abby also wanted it. None are willing to yield and ready to fight for it.

"Seriously, you two. Why bother fighting for the leftovers?" Ray rolled his eyes and created two more Big Macs for both of them.

Then Ray looks on the screen as Rimuru and the Onis are unable to win against the buffed Geld which isn't part of the plan. Ainz has to step up and join hands with Rimuru to fight the Orc Lord.


In the battlefield, Ainz and Rimuru are basically fighting what is equivalent to a raid boss. The Orc Lord, Geld had turned into a True Demon Lord after consuming the spiked Gelmud.

Now, the Demon Lord Geld is a giant 8 meters tall Orc covered in dark plate armor, wielding a giant battle axe. His normal strike is enough to shatter the earth it landed on and crush anyone unfortunately enough to be caught. His body is so durable that not even Maximized Nuclear Blast can tickle his skin.

"Rimuru-san! I have an idea how to kill this thing." Ainz said as he was already analyzing Geld.

Physical attack deals nothing to Geld because he somehow has immunity to physical damage. Magic attacks at least do something but Geld's magic resistance is so high that only 20% of the damage passes through. This means, relying on physical and magic attacks is absolutely useless and curses Ray for making this kind of absurd opponent. But at least not as annoying as Raid Bosses from Yggdrasil, which is thousands of times more complicated and has a gazillion requirements to fulfill and often is not that obvious and needs solving a few dozen puzzles and mysterious clues to learn.

"Really! Then what should I do to help?" Rimuru immediately felt relieved to have such a reliable senpai as Ainz.

"Buy me a minute, I have a magic which is perfect for this kind of enemy."

"Alright. A minute is simple enough." Rimuru agreed and immediately returned to battle but asked Great Sage to take over while Rimuru went to the back seat.

The usual drill happens to Ainz as a pillar of blue light along with a complex array of magic circles and glyphs burst into life while he is standing completely still due to the casting time.

Rimuru, under Great Sage's control, did its best to aggro and delay enough time for Ainz to finish casting his spell.

A minute later, the array of magic circles rotated even faster and exploded out.

"Super Tier Magic, Great Malediction Curse - Killing Poison!" Ainz bellowed.

Instantly the fabric of reality around Geld turns sickly green like pus that rot and seeps through fabric of space around Geld before invading his body.

The previous unstoppable Demon Lord Orc is forced to halt and falls to his knees as he opens his mouth and retches out the sickly green pus that poison the ground upon contact and corrodes his armor that unfortunately made contact with the pus.

"It's working!" Rimuru cheered.

Ainz however frowned and used 'Detect Life' at Geld. He saw that the Super Tier level magic poison is working. But not good enough as Geld still has over half his HP and it is barely trickling down despite he should be suffering a very crippling DoT and debuff.

But what Ainz is sure about is that Geld is weakened and this is their only chance to quickly kill him before he has to reapply the Super Tier Magic again.

"Attack with everything you got!" Ainz ordered before he unleashed all his firepower from spells to equipment abilities to summons.

Rimuru also followed along and ordered his subordinates to join in. Even Hajime and Tanya are helping the best they can.

After a few minutes, Ainz cast another Super Tier Magic, Fallen Down and another one back to back after using Refresher Orb to instantly finish his daily usage limit's cool down.

[Congratulations to all Chat Group members for completing the mission.]

[Calculating Contribution Ranking… Calculating complete.]

[1. Ainz Ooal Gown]

[2. Rimuru Tempest]

[3. Hajime Nagumo]

[4. Tanya Von Degurechaff]

[5. Satou Kazuma]

[Boss Killing Reward: 2 Lottery tickets & 10,000 Points for each participating member.]

Everyone cheered happily especially for the additional Lottery tickets.

At the conclusion of the battle, Rimuru resolved the issue about adopting the surviving Orc army first under Ray's advice before they had a celebration that lasted day and night. No one is allowed to leave until they get dead drunk.

Kazuma as usual being a goof and befriended a large number of Gobs after he showcased his godly [Steal] skill which he had the misfortune to accidentally targeted Tanya and she spend two hours chasing him down until Ainz intervene because she is about to execute him with her magic rifle.

Milim also made an appearance to meet Ray and introduce her to Kuroka and Abby. But unfortunately when Ray invites her to DxD world, she is not willing to abandon her friends. Ray shrugs and said they can always come to visit her if needed.

Ray set Rimuru up as friend with Milim, speeding up some of the plot to counteract some of the deviance he caused.

After that, everyone returned home with a bountiful harvest.


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