
I am Ouranus [RWBY\Plutonian(Irredeemable)]

Jaune had always known how different he was from the rest of humanity. But he still had a dream, an ambition. To be a Hero. But the main question becomes this. Is Remnant prepared for a walking nuke tucked inside a child who wants to play the Hero? (a Plutonian -Irredeemable- Fanfic)

vtorx_0867 · Komik
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3 Chs

[Origin] #1

I've always known that I'm different from the rest… This isn't pride talking, nor is it the normal 'cause everyone's special' kind of drivel.

You see, I'm kind of a 'bizarre' case, or rather, my unique biology - to say in the least- has a little bit of something in it that makes me an inimitable kind of Human.

For starters, I'm quite strong…

Now everyone would say that it's the same for every capable Huntsmen as they were also known for their amazing strength which was needed in order to kill all sorts of atrocious Grimm. But even to that, I will still say that I'm quite strong.

At least compared to the common norm.

To my knowledge, there hasn't been any case of Hunters trying to pick a ball under a truck… Only to send the said truck into the stratosphere… Yep, that's right, I did. Back when I was still a little toddler - 1, years old to be more specific.

That wasn't even the least of it…

At the age of 2, playing a game of tag with my elder sisters took me running - more like rocketing- for miles into the continent of Solitas.

It only after spending five minutes on a snow laden mountain, looking around in confusion, did I return home by dashing on the exact same path from which I originally came from.

I later asked my elder sister, Orla, on how much time had I spent 'hiding,' to which she replied 10 minutes or less…Considering the fact that I live in Mount Glenn which is located on the Sanus continent – 100s of miles away from Solitas…


Well, the less being said, the better.

At 4, I was got so angry that I couldn't play outside that I literarily scorched the rain away. I kid you not. Red crimson lasers came spewing out from my eyes, cascading the world in crimson. Seconds later, the sun revealed itself in all its glory.

At 6, I realized why I must never have anything remotely equated to a running nose… If I didn't want to wreck our house with a large localized whirlwind, that is.

At 7, I learned to be careful on where I looked… The ability to see through people becomes nauseating when you could also at the same time. See the muscles, skeletons, and pulsating body organs.


To summarize it all. More and more abnormalities kept on popping up despite the fact that I hadn't awoken an 'Aura.' Which would then have given me some form of unique superpower which were commonly known as 'Semblance.'

Dad and Mom had once told me that I actually had the capacity to awaken an Aura. But the fact that an Aura would only compound with my ever increasing and developing 'gifts' is nothing more than a recipe of untold disaster…

…I admit it is cool having powers. Like really, really cool. The ability to juggle Dad's tractors like they were weightless balls, to be faster than even the fastest Bullhead, to set things on fire with a glare, to create blizzards with my breathe…

To even hear the dirtiest secrets miles away while chilling in my room…

It was all so, so cool… But yep~ there's always the bad side to it.

Being strong means to never experience a real hug.

The one Mom and Dad usually gives the others when they're heading out.

Being fast means to live in a perpetual world of slow-motion.

Sometimes, I find myself doing things for hours only to realize that only a few seconds has passed. Yeah, it's that bad. Also having superspeed means you can't tug someone when you run… Ever.

The memory of Nancy -our farm cow- being ripped apart in a playful tug still haunts me till this day.

Having heat vision means you must learn to control your emotions. Because, I, getting angry equates to a scorched house, or a house that feels like being inside an oven.

Same with my freezing and whirlwind breath.

My senses were in total~ shambles… Noises, voices, whispers, screams, heartbeats. Even my sense of smell had been wrapped more than enough that I almost went mad about it all.

Unlike some of my fellow classmates who trained in order to be Hunters. I was trained in order to ensure that I don't kill the next person if I touch them too hard...

The one time I trained with Dad, I had tapped him only once, but that was more than enough. He had to be sent to the hospital for multiple fractures, and was lucky to survive only because he had a stupendous amount of Aura.

Thankfully, unlike in most comic books. My parents still loves me despite my abnormal 'quirks.' All my - annoying- sisters (except Luna of course) have always described me as the Man of the House (Which sounds kinda cool) despite my dangerous tantrums.

But I would admit that I still wanted more… Not the powers, of course! - I already have enough headaches about the new ones that were popping up and the still growing old ones.

It's just that I want to be more in life, you see. I want to be a Huntsman or to be explicit… A 'Superhero.'

The kind of Hero that wears a cape and armored spandex. The kind of Hero that gallivants around, saving lives and making the world a better place.

Like Superman…

I already possess the necessary physical capabilities – I'm a literal facsimile of the Man of Steel so to say.

It's just that I do not have the necessary control.

In the name of trying to save someone. I could end up killing them if I tug, pull, or push too hard… Don't even talk about punching.

I want to be a Hero not a Killer…

So, if you're reading this. The name's Jaune Arc (mom says that it smoothly rolls off the tongue and girls like those kind of stuff… Eh~)

I'm neither an alien from a distant world, a baby that appeared on an eerie rainy night, or some sort of prophesied champion destined to defeat evil.

Just a 9 year old son of a strapping former Hunter, now farmer/occasional town guard, and a stunning seamstress.

I'm the 7th son amongst 8 children - the rest being girls.

A non-descript but 'unique' child who desperately wants something to do with his life… A boy who wants to be a Hero…

Page 153…

Jaune's ultra-personal dairy.


# 4 years to Beacon Academy

Jaune Arc's blue eyes opened up at the first sign of the dawning sun spilling down on Remnant.

Sitting up from his bed. Jaune calmly observed the majestic scenery of the fiery star, rising up from the surrounding hills of his hometown from his opened window.

It's always at this moment that the world enters some sort of silence - A pleasant type of silence that he still couldn't believe was possible for such a hive-like planet.

Though, Jaune knew that the silence wouldn't last long. The annoying buzzing will always return.

Moments later, then it began as always - like a rising tempo.

"… Zjaduvbydknr… !"

A horrendous kind of melody assailed Jaune's ears…

It was the sound of the entire world waking up.

Groaning at the jargons being uploaded into his head. Jaune made a move to stand up - before he quickly caught himself, and then began taking slow deep breaths.

Jaune didn't want to wreck his room like the last time...

After feeling a bit more confident in moving. Jaune hopped off his bed, heading towards his locker - which was some feet away from his bed. On it, he spotted a headphone coated in yellow and white.

It was his noise canceller.

Putting it on, Jaune felt the atrocious noise of the world dial down to manageable levels. It still didn't completely cancel the buzzing. But Jaune understood that this was the limit of the device.

While the noise canceller was a custom made version - created to be more powerful than a normal noise canceller. The best it could do was to reduce Jaune's hearing range from 100s of miles to a measly 200 meters.

After putting it on, Jaune gave a brief smile as the world's discordant melody died down.

Swerving, as the normal ritual that occurred every morning has finally been done. Jaune moved on to prepare for the day…


"Morning, everyone~"

"Morning to you, Jaune… Hmm~ what's with the lovely smile, this morning?" Aubrey said, while sharing breakfast to the hungry and bleary occupants of the table.

Jaune's Mom could be described as a woman of short stature - of course never say that in her presence. Raven hair tied to bun with a cute face that persevered despite having given birth to, and raising up 8 children.

Aubrey Arc was the kind of wife any man would be happily married to.

Dad of course, never fails to remind her of that fact in various ways… Ways that sometimes made Jaune hate his superhuman senses with a blinding passion.

Shivering, Jaune cursed his eidetic memory when remembering those horrifying nights. He still hadn't told his parents about them, of course… But still, hearing his Mom sing in soprano when doing those - stuff was truly traumatizing.

Instinctively, Jaune shivered.

Thankfully, Jaune was able to successfully shut away those memories, before they could completely ruin his mood for the day.

At his Mom's beckoning. Jaune moved to a free seat in-between Luna and Jeanne - his younger and elder sisters respectively. After settling down, he breathed in aroma of his delicious breakfast to which he took no time to devour...

But of course, someone~ had to have a problem with his eating habits.

"Jaune eat properly. It's not like your food is gonna' run away." At the opposite side of the table. His elder sister, Beige chided him.

"Why don't you let him eat however he wants, Beige." Luna shot back in defense of her elder brother. "Besides, it's not like Jaune's eating habit will any consequences for him."

For that, Luna received a certified thumbs-up from Jaune.

Beige's eye twitched as she turned to look to her Mom for help…

Only to not find any.

Aubrey meanwhile, asked with an interested look. "So tell me, Jaune. What's the reason for that smile on your face? Or~ have you finally decided to ask that cute classmate of yours out."

Besides Jaune, Jeanne let out an unladylike snigger.

Pausing in his eating, Jaune threw his Mom a blank look.

"Mom really~? We both know that apart from a few acknowledging nods here and there. I and Magenta are basically strangers who lives in the same street, but coincidentally goes to the same school…"

"E-Eh~ but I assumed that… You know. With that goofy smile on your face, it's gotta be about a girl..." Mom pouted, before she concluded with a huff. "Alright, I don't want to guess anymore. Tell me yourself."

After taking another gulp of his lemonade. Jaune threw his Mom a mysterious smile, as if he was trying to propound the enigma behind his expression.

"It's… … … A secret."

"Come on now, just get out with it." Jeanne interrupted in complaint.

Whelp~ seems like there were some quiet listeners to their small conversation.

Laughing, Jaune ruffled his Jeanne's hair - to which she indignantly pushed away his hand, as she said, indignantly. "Watch it, I'm the elder sister between us both."

Snorting, Jaune replied. "Heh. Well, I'm the Man of the House…"

Jeanne almost flipped him the bird, before realizing where she is at the moment. Smoothly, Jeanne transitioned her action into blowing a raspberry.

Chortling, Jaune said to his Mom.

"Seriously Mom, it's nothing. This is just one of the few days that I just tell myself to wake up smiling, and have you seen the weather outside?"

Miming a chef's kiss, Jaune continued.

"It's superb and most importantly… Today's one of the quiet days."

Around the dining table, eyes widened as all of Jaune's family members finally understood the reason for his smile.

Today is one of those rare days, when everything and everyone weren't screeching at Jaune with a loudspeaker directly to his ear - or at least, that's how Jaune describes it.

No one in Jaune's family could really understand what it feels like to have the entire Remnant screaming into one's ears. But they could definitely empathize with his pain.

From the head seat, Richard steeple his fingers as he nodded with a smile. "That's good to hear, Jaune."

Smiling in return, as he felt Luna and Jeanne hold his forearms. Jaune replied. "Thanks Dad."

Mom and Beige didn't have to say anything. The relaxation of their forms followed by the smile on their faces told Jaune Arc, all he needed to hear.


After breakfast, and the normal preparations. Jaune and his younger siblings set off for the public transport to their schools. Jaune and Luna went to the same middle school, with Jeanne being a sophomore in high school. Beige is already in her final year in college.

The older siblings on the other hand, had gone out into the wider world to establish their selves.

Unlike most Huntsmen households, Jaune's household didn't really invest much in being Huntsmen - despite the fact that their history had a notable line of powerful Hunters. Apart from Orla and Primrose who were certified Hunters, the rest of the family didn't see any appeal in fighting Grimm.

All except for Jaune, of course. But he wouldn't tell his parents, yet. Not when he knew of their sentiments towards the life of a Huntsman.

Short, and painful… A life where any mission taken could be your last. Where the image of your loved waving you goodbye as they leave to face off the creatures of darkness is possibly the last image you could ever picture of them…

Jaune wouldn't deny his parent's fears - not when he could sometimes hear their screams from around the planet occasionally. But even so… Even so, Jaune still wanted to be amongst the defenders numbers as they head out to destroy the Grimm.

At the very least, Jaune knew that if he wants to run away from the battlefield, few in Remnant could actually stop him from doing so…

Still parents must be parents - it's their job to worry about their child's safety.

No matter the capabilities of the said child.

Opening his eyes, as he watched his non-combat school approaching closer. Jaune sighed and heaved his bag, preparing to move out of the bus…

"Let's just get the day over with."


Now, how about the million dollar question - what's Jaune's reputation at school?

That's a simple, yet complicated question to answer.

Jaune could be classified as a special kind of introvert at school. The only friend he had was Victor, who was a bear Faunus, and unlike the rest of his male classmates whose discussions spans from the latest video games, Beacon Tournaments, or the hottest girls in class. Jaune's only kind of discussions ranges on one topic.

Comics… Superhero comics.

Superman, Batman, the Flash, Wonder-Woman, Martian-Manhunter, Green Lantern…

Superheroes was Jaune's theme. The only topic he was sure that he won't be fumbling around when it's being talked about.

Especially~ in Heroes versus…

So does that makes Jaune the odd one? Yep. But does that make Jaune the favorable target of bullies? Nope… Not when he had roughed up most them so badly, that most of them had to take 2 weeks off from school in the first month of his enrollment.

Jaune could still remember that fateful day. Three of the school's jocks surrounded him as he was going to the rooftop to get some alone time.

'It's all for sport's practice.' They said, with unpleasant smiles on their faces.

Raising their fists in order to inflict damage on an unassuming kid. Bah! What a load of crap! They were all just looking for a toy to roughly play with… Unfortunately for the posers, Jaune wasn't going to be anyone's toy.

In fact, Jaune saw this as a chance… A chance to be a Hero.

So he hungrily took this presented chance…

Jaune didn't hit them with his fist of course - the large oak tree he'd sent sailing probably into space, was all the cautionary warning he needed to be careful about how he should nudge things. So Jaune used a simpler method.


Clapping his palms lightly produced a strong concussive force that immediately sent the budding bullies sailing into bosom of Morpheus. It was a disappointing fight, yet, it went exactly how Jaune predicted it to be.

As expected, the school had called him in questioning. And once again, Jaune's comics came in handy by giving him a hint on how to appear as the more appealing party when called to the hot chair.

By using videos… Doctored videos.

With that as Jaune's alibi and the bullies having none. There was nothing the school could do to stop Jaune from returning back to class and the bullies receiving suspension - of course, Dad being friends with the Vice Principal also played a part in setting the situation in Jaune's favor.

So, Jaune began a crusade. At the very hint of bullying taking place, Jaune would always be there. Lightly clapping his palms as he delivered instant karma. Jaune had took it to the extent that some of the bullies finally decided to leave the school, mostly because they couldn't withstand going up against Jaune.

Everyone assumed that Jaune had already activated his Aura… What other reason is there to explain Jaune's monstrous strength?

Jaune smiled concerning the circulated assumption. Let them guess however they want to - it makes things all the more convenient.

Of course, Dad and Mom had their concerns. But when Jaune regaled them with what was truly happening in that school, they heel-turned to fully supporting him in his action to cleanse the school… Provided Jaune doesn't take things too far.

Even Luna had turned into his biggest fan, as evident with the morning happenings.

So as for the question of what is Jaune's reputation at school?

He's the quiet guy who sits at the back of class. The one who doesn't join in with the cool kids, arguing about the latest trends. In a way he is the unofficial class nerd. But if there was any unwritten law that held more weight than the school's official laws, it was this…

Never. Ever. Fuck with Jaune Arc…


"Jaune, what's up?" An arm wrapped around Jaune's neck as the bear Faunus, Victor, said, rather chirpily.

Smirking, Jaune carefully shrugged as he once again set his head phone -noise canceller- properly.

"I'm fine. And by the way, thanks for that DCeased Issues you lent me the other day… Though I could do without reading the dumb plot of Superman being downed by some stupid Zombie virus and then end up being chucked into the sun, which is you know… The source of his powers."

Snorting, Victor released Jaune as he replied back with a smirk. "In my defense, Jaune. I did warn you that the Issues won't be pretty. Especially it's messed up ending. So you only have yourself to blame for being stubborn."

Being unable to find a reply to that, Jaune huffed as he powerwalked to class. All while ignoring his chortling friend who was struggling to catch up.

Yeah, its school like any other days.


Looking up at his ceiling, Jaune began his inner timer.

The day had officially ended. The sun receding down the hills, displaying its magnificence to the other side of Remnant. Like always, the day rounded up rather nicely - apart from the occasional sudden assault of noises during the day. Jaune could round up today as being quite nice…

And stale.

Now under the cover of the night, it's finally time to get to business.

Still looking at the ceiling, Jaune narrowed his eyes and the wooden cover and roofing vanished, revealing the twinkling starry night. This was Jaune's X-Ray vision (obvious homage to Superman) in play.

Sometimes, Jaune would use this ability to gaze at the beautiful sea of stars. To admire its sublime beauty. But now isn't the time.

Manipulating his perception, Jaune used his scanning ability to look around the house. Specially his family members. It was only after Jaune was sure that everyone were in their rooms did he withdraw his X-Ray vision.

Abruptly, a childish smile blossomed from his face. Hopping off his bed, Jaune approached his closet as he methodically pushed aside some intentionally arranged clothes and pressed a section of the wall that sank in as if it were a button.

With a mechanical whirr, a small portion of the wall opened up to reveal a suspended perfect cube which gave off an azure neon glow. Carrying it out, Jaune moved to the center of his room, before pressing down a slightly round section of cube. A clicking sound later, the unknown object bursts out in a brilliant light.

The luminosity dialed down, revealing an individual dressed in a sleek skin-tight armor of white, red, and gold took Jaune's place.

The white and red material appeared to be padded. There were golden bracers for both arms, and long armored boots of the same metal. A golden larp pauldron was strapped on only his right shoulder, while around his waist was a ferrous shroud tied around a griddle.

But the most important part of the custom was the long white cape, which sporadically fluttered from the mountain winds.

Raising his armored arm. Jaune tapped a push button his bracer which expanded into a holographic screen, to which he selected an option. In response to that, the holographic screen glowed and a reflective mirror promptly manifested in front of him.

Giving himself a once over, Jaune nodded in satisfaction.

"The last four days were totally worth it."

This outfit was the true reason why Jaune had been happy this morning - well, it's just one part of it, though. Jaune obviously didn't tell his parents because he knew they would stop him from what he's about to do.

But as they say; what you don't know will not hurt you… Or something like that.

Regarding this suit, Jaune didn't know if this was a side effect of his enhanced intellect. But Jaune simply knew how to build things. He could not classify this as 'just' another superpower. Because it definitely didn't feel like the ones he had…

Calling it a change of mindset would be more appropriate.

It was like, Jaune had adopted a special mindset. Using the said mindset to open his mind to a whole new world. A world where anything can be built as long as he thinks that it's possible… And that he had a firm idea on how to build it.

Dismissing the holographic mirror. Jaune tapped a small round button around the turtle neck collar which promptly expanded into a partial headgear which covered his face with a tinged visor and some part of his hair, leaving the exposed. But that wasn't a problem as the gear had a mirage function to it. Yellow locks became black while his face became more… Defined? In a way.

Moving towards the window, Jaune threw one final look back before he took off into the air. The wind howled loudly, but his headgear even more enhanced perception regulator did its job perfectly. In fact, Jaune was already contemplating if he should just modify the noise canceller his parents bought for him with the same alterations…

Meanwhile, Jaune didn't stop even after passing the thermosphere. His latest gift of Flight gave him the courage to ascend even higher.

Putting in a little oomph, Jaune felt his body passing through an air distortion, which followed with a loud bang. He had broken the sound barrier. Clouds dispersed as he zipped passed them and the firmaments quickly gave way to the inky outer-space.

Halting, Jaune stopped his flight, letting the 0-gravity take over. His eyes went taking in the endless star field. Jaune could see the sun as it radiated its glow on the other side of the planet.

Sometimes, there was this itch that made Jaune want to check out what lies beyond Remnant. He didn't need to breath and could see thousands of miles away, if he focuses hard enough… Nah~! Jaune is already satisfied with this one planet that had a broken moon as its satellite. There is no need to go out exploring for more.

As for now Jaune was needed elsewhere - the perturbing screams of a Grimm attack on a settlement had reached him.

"Huh?" Jaune hummed, as he began to activate his gift of Flight. "All this time I've spent in preparation and I haven't even come up with a name, yet… Eh, I can deal with that later."

An instant later, a streak of golden light tore through space, descending back to Remnant. It was heading for a side of the planet that was still covered by the night blanket. The destination was a nondescript village in the Anima continent.


Kuroyuri's impediment…

"Run! Run! The Grimm are coming!"

"Everyone, prepare yourselves! To arms!"

"No! I don't want to die like this!"

All sorts of torrential outbursts rang out, as Li Ren sprinted through the droves with a dismal purpose. His hand gripped tightly on his bow and while his arrow secured at his back.

Looking around, Li Ren winced, before muttering. "Don't this people know that they're killing themselves by panicking? They'll only keep on attracting more Grimm."

After all, it was common knowledge about the effects of negativity and how those damn soulless creatures love it so much.

Arriving at the main entrance of the city. Li Ren spotted his fellow Hunters, as he then head towards the ones who were fretfully eyeing the forest outside.

He could see that they were all afraid, and he wouldn't fault them for that - even he too was worried as well, especially for his family.

But what could they do? The Grimm had besieged the entire circumference of the village. There was no path they could use as an escape. To make things worse, the tremor of the earth, which only seemed to be getting louder and closer spoke of a powerful Grimm.

So of course, Li Ren was afraid.

But that doesn't mean that he'll just give up without a fight.

"Antak…" Li Ren greeted his fellow archer who nodded back.

As the head of the hunting unit in the village it was Li Ren's job to lead, and tonight he will lead as he always did.

Coughing loudly to gain his unit's attention, Li Ren began.

"I won't begin to start offering sentimental words when we all know what's at stake. As men and women. As Hunters of Kuroyuri. We both know what will happen if we allow the Grimm to get behind us. The village, no, our loved ones are depending on us right this moment. So don't you dare quiver in front of them, you hear me!"

There was a hail of chorus, as Li Ren strutted forward pulling out an arrow from his quiver.

"Front-line combatants, ready your arms! Archers, take your aim up front!"

A line of sweat trialed down the side of his head, but Li Ren muted the world, focusing only on his approaching enemy.

For a transient instant, there was a still silence - then with a roar, leading a seemingly endless horde of Grimm. It strutted out.

It was a Grimm told only as scary bed time stories. A 15 meters horse like creature with a skinless humanoid fused upon it. This Grimm was one that inspired hopelessness… It was…

"The Nuckelavee…" Li Ren struggled out.

Li Ren bit his lips till he almost drew blood, hollering out the command for the archers to let out their arrows.

An insignificant portion of the sky darkened with steel headed projectiles. Some of the smaller Grimm were under the barrage, but against the Nuckelavee. It simply bounced off its carapace.

Soon, the terrible Grimm of legends began a slow gait, with the remaining horde following its led. The gait transitioned into a full gallop as it let out a bellow that shook even Li Ren's psyche to the core…

No matter how Li Ren tried to deny it, the archer couldn't see any plausible way of winning against that Grimm…

But when all hope seems lost. The heavens responded with a salvation that came in the form of ginormous beam. The air grew scalding hot, as a red laser smashed the entire horde of Grimm. It enveloped the Nuckelavee and its horde in a scorching blinding light.

And when the light died down, nothing remained of the Grimm and most especially, the Nuckelavee - except a large lake of lava that took out a significant portion of the forest, that is.

"Is everyone alright?" A voice belonging to that of child, asked.

It was an innocuous question that had just been asked, but it had been asked by one, whose eyes were lit in a crimson blaze.

Each and every Hunters eyes drew upwards where the being - no the angel stood. He was dressed in a holy armor and donned a white cape that gleamed under the moonlight.

It was Li Ren who broke out of the aweing presence first, shaking his head as he hesitantly asked the question.

"My… My lord, permit me to ask this. Who are you?"

The crimson orbs vanished as a tinged visor took its place. The angel seemed stumped for a moment, before he nodded his head and replied.

"Just a concerned passer-by."


"Lie! Where are you?! Please answer me!"

The troubled mother, An Ren, cried out as she ran through the abandoned parts of the village. Fear was palpable in her expression as her every steps shook in distress.

In the uproar of the Grimm incursion. Her child, Lie, had slipped away into the stampeding crowd. Lost and alone, away from his mother.

"Lie! Lie! Lie!"

It was at the last call that An Ren paused at the sound of sniffing. A familiar sniffing. Turning without regard, An Ren darted into the alley beside her. It was there she saw her son crying, while being comforted by an orange hair girl.

"It is ok." The orange girl said, while hugging her son consolably. "Everything's going to be ok."

Happy tears streamed from An Ren's eyes as she regarded her son. "Lie!"

Gasping, Lie Ren turned from his – new- friend's gasp to see his mother darting towards him. "M-Mom?"

The boy couldn't complete his words as he was enveloped in his mother's hug - him and the orange hair girl also.

"Thank heavens that you're alright." An Ren shakily said. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I didn't know… No, I feared that I might never be able to see you again. But it's alright now. Mommy's here, and I won't let anything touch you."

From her bosom, Lie Ren nodded.

Turning to the girl, An Ren noted sadly that she seemed to be among the numbers of the underprivileged in the village. Even though, she, as part of the community development union had endeavored to make sure that such kind of situations wouldn't happen.

But no more, An Ren decided that she'll put in more effort. Starting from this little girl… That is the least she could do for someone who tried to make sure that her son was alright.

An Ren asked, kindly. "So what's your name, little miss?"

Perking up, the girl answered. "Nora Valkyrie."

Smiling, An Ren looked at Nora before looking at her son who was still holding the girl's hand, before nodding to herself as if coming to a decision.

"Nora, do you want to come with us? To live with us?"

Nora Valkyrie looked shocked for a fleeting moment. Even her son too brightened up at An Ren's question. The girl looked at Ren who nodded back animatedly, before Nora in turn nodded to An Ren.



So the Ren Household welcomed in a new member under the dark starry night. It was a night that was supposed to tell a tale of pain and death… Just not in this story.

The town of Kuroyuri would retell of this night evermore, as it would spread out into the continent. A fairy tale of how the heavens responded to the cries to despondent…

Of how an angle clad in white, with eyes of fiery crimsom, responded to their heavy-laden cries with a pillar of light.

Above the nondescript village in the Anima continent. A golden laser broke the sound barrier as it head off elsewhere to do more good…

This is a Plutonian x RWBY crossover

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