
A night to remember (PROLOGUE)

Waking up, there were a bunch of pillows and blankets over me, and there was a strange have that haunted my mind and body. felt like it was going through a haze. the room around me felt familiar, yet I didn't remember sleeping here. As I began to regain clarity, I began to remember why I slept here, but it still felt "too far", I couldn't recall anything except my friend wishing me a safe night.

I grabbed bags and headed towards the door of the room, then something grabbed me on the shoulder hard and turned me around. In a half whisper, the silhouette asked; "Jeremy why the fuck are you making so much noise." it said this in a tone that showed or rather he was afraid. I asked in a whisper similar to his, 'why he was afraid' and it said to me; "We're trying to stay safe remember?"