
I am Morty Sanchez

Inspired by "I am Morty but better." I took some of his chapters and decided to make my own. Credit to him. This is just fun fic and won't be too serious it won't follow the canon, so if you don't like it sue me. ========== Reborn as Morty Smith from Rick and Morty. He will travel through multiverse for a lifetime of adventure while wooing woman along the way. "Yes~ Morty~ Fuck your Mommy harder!" "Hey, don't hog him all to yourself, Mom." ======= BEFORE READING. Incest Time travel clone/Hivemind orgy. Y'all might think it's self-Ntr so if you think so then this fic isn't for you. Alien seggs. Female Yautja and humanoid Xenomorph. I mean it's rick and Morty. Semi-furry( Like fanart of Renamon and Tigress) Porn with plot. MC Chaotic Neutral to Neutral Good. Wish fulfilment. Jerry smith is Cucked. Massive Harem. Planned world: Adventure Time, Ben 10, Invincible, The Boys, Gravity Falls, Star Vs forces of evil, Frozen, Tangled, Kung Fu Panda, etc.

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126 Chs

Chapter 97 - Life is Strange 12~♥️

What's wrong with me. I want to end this arc but ended up making more!!

Oh well. Enjoy I guess.


Life is strange.

Wednesday, October 9.

11:00 PM.

After spending the morning with Chloe and Max, Morty returned to his apartment, feeling a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the comforting glow of a television screen and the sound of a movie playing. Victoria was sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in the film. She looked up as Morty entered, a smile spreading across her face.

"Hey, Morty. How was your day?" she asked, pausing the movie. Morty kicked off his shoes and walked over to join her on the couch.

"Eventful, as always. I met up with Max and Chloe. We visited Rachel in the hospital." Victoria raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.

"Rachel Amber? The missing girl? Wow, you really do know everyone." Morty nodded, leaning back and stretching his arms.

"Yeah, we found her tied up in Jefferson's dark room. She's safe now." Victoria shook her head in disbelief.

"I still can't believe you know Max Caulfield. Do you... plan on making her part of your harem too?" Morty glanced at Victoria, noticing the mix of curiosity and insecurity in her eyes.

"Yeah, I do. But only if she wants to. I'm not forcing anyone into anything." Victoria looked down, fiddling with the edge of a blanket.

"I've always admired Max. She's so talented and confident. I used to be so mean to her because I was insecure. But I want to do better. I want to get along with everyone you'll be with." Morty smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"That means a lot, Victoria. The fact that you're willing to try and be better shows how much you've grown. I'm proud of you."

Victoria looked up, her eyes shining with determination.

"Thanks, Morty. I'll do my best."

They settled in to watch the rest of the movie, the atmosphere between them comfortable and relaxed. Morty appreciated the quiet moments like these, a chance to unwind and just be present. After the movie ended, they decided to grab lunch before Victoria had to head back to her dorm.

At a cozy little diner nearby, they chatted over their meal. Victoria's initial nervousness had melted away, replaced by a genuine warmth and openness. They talked about everything from school to their favorite movies, finding common ground and enjoying each other's company.

When it was time for Victoria to leave, they stood outside the diner, the sun casting a warm glow over the streets.

"I had a great time, Morty," Victoria said, smiling up at him.

"Me too, Victoria. I'm glad we got to hang out." She leaned in, giving him a farewell kiss that lingered just a moment longer than usual.

"See you soon?"

"Definitely," Morty replied, watching as she walked away, feeling a sense of contentment. As he headed back to his apartment, he reflected on how much his life had changed.

The next day, Morty woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing. It was a text from Kate, asking if he wanted to hang out again. He smiled, quickly typing a response, happily accepting her invitation. They decided to meet up for breakfast at a small café near the beach. As Morty arrived at the café, he saw Kate waiting for him, her face lighting up when she spotted him.

"Good morning, Morty!"

"Good morning, Kate," he replied with a smile, giving her a friendly hug.

"Ready for breakfast?"

They found a cozy table and ordered their food, the conversation flowing easily. Kate seemed more relaxed and confident than the first time they hung out, which made Morty happy. They chatted about their lives, sharing stories and laughter.

After breakfast, they decided to take a walk along the beach. The cold breeze was refreshing, and the sound of the waves provided a calming backdrop to their conversation.

"Thanks for hanging out with me, Morty," Kate said, looking out at the ocean.

"I really enjoy spending time with you."

"Same here, Kate. It's nice to just relax and talk."

As they walked, Kate turned to Morty with a thoughtful expression.

"There's a Vortex Club party tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" Morty considered it for a moment before nodding.

"Sure, I'd love to. But there's something you should know... Victoria is part of my harem." Kate stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Victoria Chase? Really?"Morty nodded.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a long story, but she's been really different lately. More friendly and lively. I think she's trying to be a better person." Kate looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I've noticed that too. She's been much nicer to everyone. I guess I have you to thank for that."Morty smiled.

"She's working on herself, just like we all are. It's never too late to change." They continued their walk, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. After spending time with Kate, the two part ways and Morty drives around.

His phone buzzed with a message from Chloe, asking if he wanted to come over to her house with Max. He quickly replied, accepting the invitation, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern about Rachel. He typed out a quick response.

"Sounds good. But what about Rachel? Shouldn't we visit her?" Almost immediately, Chloe replied.

"Rachel told me not to worry about her. She said she's feeling much better and wants us to relax and hang out. She'll let us know if she needs anything."

Morty felt relieved at Rachel's assurance. He trusted her judgment and knew that she wouldn't hesitate to reach out if she needed their support. With that reassurance, he headed over to Chloe's house with Max, looking forward to spending time with his friends.

Morty arrived at Chloe's house and was greeted by Chloe at the door. She flashed him a grin and gestured for him to come inside.

"Hey, Morty! Glad you could make it."

"Hey, Chloe. Thanks for having me," Morty replied with a smile, stepping into the familiar surroundings of Chloe's house. She led him upstairs to her room, where Max was already waiting.

"Hey, Max," Morty greeted her warmly, taking a seat on the floor beside her.

"Hey, Morty! Good to see you," Max replied with a smile, adjusting her camera strap around her neck. Chloe flopped down on her bed, stretching out lazily.

"So, what's the plan for today, guys?" Morty shrugged, glancing around the room. It was filled with posters and miscellaneous items that he couldn't list them all.

"I dunno, maybe we could watch a movie or play some games? Just hang out and chill." Max nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good to me. I brought my camera, so maybe we could take some photos later if you're up for it." Chloe grinned.

"I'm always up for a photoshoot. Let's do it!" Chloe pulled out a small bag of weed and a rolling paper, flashing a mischievous grin at Morty.

"Hey, Morty, want to join me for a smoke?"

Morty hesitated for a moment, considering the offer. He had tried weed before with Rick on one of their adventures, so he wasn't entirely opposed to it. Plus, it seemed like a harmless way to unwind and have some fun with his friends.

"Sure, why not?" he replied with a shrug.

Chloe quickly rolled a joint and lit it, taking a long drag before passing it to Morty. He took it, inhaling deeply and feeling the familiar rush of relaxation wash over him. Max watched them with a small smile, but she declined the offer when Chloe offered her the joint.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Chloe piped up with a suggestion.

"Hey, how about we play truth or dare?" Morty grinned, feeling the effects of the weed starting to kick in.

"Sounds like fun. Who wants to go first?" Chloe grinned wickedly.

"I'll start. Max, truth or dare?" Max considered for a moment before replying.

"Truth." Chloe smirked.

"Hmm, okay. Have you ever kissed someone before morty?" Max blushed slightly but shook her head.

"Nope, never." Chloe pouted playfully.

"Hear that. Alright, Morty, truth or dare?" Morty chuckled, feeling a bit bold after the joint.

"Dare." Chloe's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"I dare you to... give Max a piggyback ride around the room!"

Morty laughed, feeling a bit silly but also up for the challenge. He stood up and gestured for Max to hop on his back, which she did with a laugh. He carried her around the room, making airplane noises and pretending to fly as they all laughed and cheered.

They switch the game into playing cards where they strip their clothes if they lose. As the game of cards continued, Morty noticed that Chloe was becoming increasingly desperate to win. She began cheating more blatantly, using her sleight of hand to switch out cards and manipulate the game in her favor. Despite this, Morty remained calm and collected, easily winning round after round.

Frustrated by her losses, Chloe grew aggressive.

"Come on Morty," she taunted him as she threw down her last card with a smirk on her face.

"You're not even trying."

Morty shrugged nonchalantly before revealing his winning hand - a straight flush that left Max and Chloe stunned into silence. As they removed their clothes in defeat (as per the rules), he couldn't help but notice how attractive both women were without any clothing on them; their bodies glistening under the dim lighting of the room they were playing in made for quite an erotic sight indeed!

Max was quick to cover herself up once she had nothing left to lose while still maintaining some semblance of modesty; however, Chloe seemed unphased by it all - instead taking advantage of this opportunity presented itself by grabbing onto him forcefully from behind as if trying to assert dominance over him through physical contact alone!

Her hands roamed freely across his chest before reaching down towards his pants line where she began tugging at them playfully yet insistently – clearly intent upon seeing what kind of package lay hidden beneath those garments!

Despite feeling somewhat embarrassed at being manhandled like this so publicly and somewhat aroused too, there wasn't much else he could do but submit passively under her advances... until finally giving way when one final tug caused his pants fall away completely revealing just how massive he truly was beneath those clothes…

Chloe's eyes widened in surprise as she got her first glimpse at Morty's impressive manhood - it was even bigger than she had imagined! She couldn't help but stare, her mouth agape as she took in the sight before her.

Max, meanwhile, had also caught a glimpse of Morty's sizeable member and couldn't contain her laughter.

"Oh my god," she giggled between gasps for air.

"You win this round too, huh?"

Despite feeling somewhat self-conscious about being exposed like this (not to mention aroused by both women's reactions), Morty simply shrugged nonchalantly and tried his best not to show any signs of discomfort or excitement on his face. Chloe smirked at Morty's reaction before daring him with a wink.

"Well, since you won so easily... how about we celebrate by having a little threesome?" She said suggestively as she gestured towards Max who had now stopped laughing and was looking at Morty with interest in her eyes. Max watched as Chloe boldly approached Morty, her hands running up and down his chest.

As she stared at it in awe and arousal, Max couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy - after all, this was supposed to be their threesome!

But as Chloe began stroking Morty's cock gently while whispering dirty things into his ear, Max found herself growing increasingly turned on by the sight before her... perhaps there was still hope for some fun after all?