
I am Marco the Phoenix

MisaWhite00 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


"This! What's going on?!"

"Lord Owen he... He's dead! The bones are cracked! This is... Beaten to death!"

A group of pirates who were swimming excitedly just a second ago, after salvaging Charlotte Owen, all the pirates who surrounded them were all dumbfounded, and they were completely frightened one by one!

Charlotte Owen is such a powerful person, not only super physical skills, but also developed fruit ability to a very strong realm.

Superman Hot Fruit, in its hands, can manipulate the temperature through the air, so that distant objects burn, commonly known as staring at who is on fire! You can even manipulate the currents to form extremely destructive and lethal hot currents, and kill enemies hiding in the sea!

It can be described as an existence with all-round combat capabilities on land, sea and air!

The fourth son of the fourth emperor's aunt, Charlotte Lingling, the oven minister among the thirty-four ministers, such a powerful figure, but he didn't have time to fully show his strength, and was beaten to death by Marko!

Not Charlotte Owen underestimated!


Marco is a killer!

But anyone who wants to kill him, he will not make any reserved moves!


At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the seawater, and in the splash of the sky, Marco rushed out of the sea, spread his blue flame wings, and flew out.

"Marco ?!?"

"Oh my God!! Isn't he a capable person? Why can you survive in the sea?"

All the pirates were stunned, they looked up one by one, looking at Marko in the air with a pair of blue flame wings more than ten meters long, and all the pirates set off a monstrous wave in their hearts!

Those with devil fruit ability will become dry ducks when cursed by the sea, this iron law, looking at the whole world, there are no exceptions! All those with ability, in the sea, are far inferior to ordinary people, if they fall into the sea, they can only wait for rescue... Or wait to die!


Why did Marco in front of him rush out of the sea unharmed?!

This group of pirates who originally planned to find Marco in the sea and kill Marco were trembling in their hearts at this time, shocked and frightened, constantly impacting their hearts!

And Belivia, who was controlling the pirate ship and was driving anxiously, saw Marco who was safe and sound in mid-air, and jumped up in surprise for a while, 'It's okay! It's okay if it's okay! Belivia cheered inwardly, followed by her suddenly stunned, as if she thought of something, "Isn't Marco a capable person?" He... Can it actually be washed out of the sea?!"



Belivia stared at a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at Marco who was shaking his wings in mid-air in amazement!

As soon as Marco rushed out of the sea, he saw the pirates below, and almost without thinking, he understood that these pirates were coming to save Charlotte Owen and kill themselves by the way!

These people, must die!

"Give me all death!"

Marco's pair of huge flame wings waved, and immediately split into countless dense blue pillars of flame, and in an instant, they shot into the sea below!

The screams sounded one after another, and all the pirates in the sea were killed, and none of them survived!

The remaining pirates on the five pirate ships were all stunned, and fear spread in the hearts of each of them...!

"Go and inform Mom!"

"Yes... Inform Mom, Lord Owen... Already dead! The undead bird Marko... Dry!"

Finally, someone reacted in panic and immediately looked for a phone bug to dial...!



New world.

The sea of the archipelago known as the Ten Nations, the main island where Charlotte Lingling (Big Mom) is located, one of the four emperors, is on the cake island full of unique cake-shaped buildings, and in a building responsible for communication.

The urgent phone worm rang, and the minister who was responsible for contacting the pirate group fleet under the big mom pirate group grabbed the phone worm and immediately said, "Please say, this is Cake Island...!" "

"The big thing is not good! Lord Owen... Killed by someone!!! The telephone worm simulated the exaggerated panic on the other end, and through the phone worm signal, you could feel the panic and panic in the reporter's heart, "Lord Owen is dead!" "

Charlotte Irving... He's dead!

Minister of the Oven... Charlotte Irving... He's dead!


The minister responsible for answering the contact call here couldn't help but breathe rapidly, the big-mom pirate group ran rampant in the great channel of the new world, and no minister- level figure had died for many years, such news was too shocking.

That's a powerful oven minister!

Even if you look at the whole new world, this great waterway, the people who can do it... It's also one of the few!



After a long time, the minister in charge of contacting communications took a deep breath and asked, "Who did it?!""


On the other end of the phone bug, he answered with a scream and... Another voice with a flat murderous intent -


"Undead birds... Marco! "