
I am Marco the Phoenix

MisaWhite00 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


In the new world, on a deserted island, a residual sun shone on the island, and the barren mountains and forests were dragged out of a long oblique shadow.

"What is this place?!"

Marco opened his eyes and looked at the barren mountains and forests in front of him stunned, and then his expression changed from stunned to excited, and his excited hands danced, "I'm still alive?!" That's great! I'm alive, and there is hope for everything! It feels so good to be alive!"

He was originally a terminally ill youth on Earth, his original name was not Marko, and in the days of longing to live, he changed his name to Marko!

The reason is very simple, he likes to watch One Piece since he was a child, after the death of Whitebeard, his favorite character is the undead bird Marko, who was tormented by a terminal illness, changed his name to Marko, is to hope that he can have the ability of the fruit of the undead bird like Marko, be reborn in nirvana, overcome the disease, and live strongly!

This sounds a bit middle-of-the-low, but in fact, when a person is terminally ill, only that short life and death await him, even a little hope will make people's hearts stronger.

When he was on earth, he insisted on exercising in order to overcome the terminal illness, he longed to have a strong body, he longed to overcome the disease, and he was even more eager to live!

Merely... After all, I still couldn't overcome the disease...!


The excited Marco accidentally slapped a big tree that can only be held by two people, only to hear a click, the tree broke in response, booming, the whole tree tilted down, black smoke was emitting from the broken trunk, and Marko's hand was burning with light blue flames!

This scene made Marko's whole person stunned, "My body? My power? And this light blue flame?"


At this time, a huge number of memories emerged from the depths of Marko's memory...!

At this moment of memory, Marko's whole person was like suffering three thousand thunders, and he was shocked beyond words, "I'm still alive... Is it because, I crossed?! "

"I'm now the captain of One Piece World, Whitebeard Pirates, Undead Bird Marko?!"

"Now after the top war, the remnants of Whitebeard fought with the Blackbeard Pirates, defeated and fled... The rest of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group fled in all directions...! A collection of villages that everyone will build in Whitebeard? There's the whole 'legacy' of Whitebeard there? Whereas... On this desert island, I am the only one, this!?!..." "

"The Blackbeard Pirates are hunting me down with all their might?! They want to completely wipe out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates? Kill the village founded by Whitebeard?!"