
I am Loved

As she stirred the spatula, arms snaked around Andras waist startling her. Feeling the familiar tingles and breathing in the earthy scent she loved, Andra leaned onto her beloved asking, "Don't you have to leave for work?" Placing his head in the curve of his lovers neck, gently kissing her skin, her beloved replied, "Work can wait, I don't want to be separated from you right now." This is the story of a woman who wants to be loved and a man who has been searching for his mate for more than a century.

bubblefrizz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Authors Note

Hello Dear readers,

This is the first time I am going to be writing a novel and hope you all like it.

English is not my first language so I hope that if you find any mistakes you inform me so that I can correct them. I would like it if you give this novel a chance. The first few chapters may not turn out to be very interesting but do give this novel a chance as I will try my best to make this a novel you can like.

PS: I am someone who hates, absolutely hates heartaching novels where I would cry. I will try to make this story a relaxing read which will have some comedy as well.

If any reader is willing to design a good cover for this novel, I will be very thankful. I know I am asking for a lot but it would mean the world to me if I had a cover personalized to my novel. To gain any details about the character please comment and I will contact you.