
Chapter Six - Adelaida

Professor McGonagall started calling us one by one.

Severus took a while, but he was in Slytherin.

Narcissa, as I expected in Slytherin.

Alice in Gryffindor.

James, I think it's obvious where he went.

Peter took a while, but in the end, he was put in Gryffindor.

When it was Sirius's turn, everyone was surprised that he was in Gryffindor and not Slytherin like all the Blacks.

Remus to Gryffindor, all the Marauders are together, it was obvious.

Lucius Malfoy also appeared, and before the hat touched his head, he shouted Slytherin.

Frank Longbottom was in Gryffindor.

Marlene Mackenna was also selected for Gryffindor.

- "Evans, Lily," - Shouted the professor.

I started walking with my head held high until I reached the stage and sat down on the wooden chair, Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on my head.

Hat: Mmm, so Lily, or should I say, Rory?

'Shit! Sorry, I got scared and Lily's fine' - Hearing the hat's voice, I almost jumped.

Hat: So far as I can see you're not Lily, well not quite.

'No, well yes I am'

Hat: Shocker, I've never seen anything like it before.

'Would you mind not saying anything to the headmaster or anyone in general?'

Hat: Of course, we wouldn't want him to ruin your plans.

'I'd rather not, it would be annoying to deal with him'.

Hat: It's quite understandable, the headmaster tends to mess with things he shouldn't.

'May I ask what sort of things?'

Hat: Once the headmaster asked a teacher to tell a student about some magic

'What kind of magic?'

Hat: I think I should choose your house now.

'Are you ignoring me?'

The hat just kept ignoring me.

Hat: Mmm let's see cunning, determination, and ambition you would make a fine Slytherin, but you are also brave and bold, from what I see you are capable of breaking the rules.

I looked around, and everyone seemed anxious to know why it took me so long to choose a house.

'Sometimes you have to break them to reach your goal. And could you please not ignore me or else I will burn you'

Hat: I see, I look forward to talking to you again, and don't forget you can go your own way.

'Then you won't tell me the whole joke.'

After five minutes of talking to the hat, he finally shouted where she would be for the next few years.


The whole dining room was silent, some people looked at me with surprise, others with pity or contempt.

My gaze met Severus, he had a small smile on his face and a happy gleam in his eyes.

Narcissa with a smile started clapping, followed by Severus, snapping the others out of their surprise that a muggleborn would be in Slytherin.

The whole green House along with Alice and Remus started clapping loudly, while James was still looking at me in surprise, I looked away from him and walked over to the green table next to Sev.

- "I told you'd be in Slytherin." - Severus said as soon as I sat down.

- "Well, you were right after all," - I replied with a smile, and then looked at Narcissa, - "We ended up in the same house."

- "I'm glad we're together."

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore said a few words, then clapped his hands and the food appeared on the table.

- "Hello again Miss Narcissa," - The three of us raised our heads and looked at a boy with white-blond hair, white skin, grey eyes, and a posture worthy of a gentleman.

- "Oh Lucius, it's good to see you again," - Narcissa had a smile on her face.

- "Same here," - He looked at Sev and then at me, which Narcissa noticed.

- "Lucius, meet Lily Evans and Severus Snape."

- "I am Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy," - He held out his hand to Sev as he introduced himself.

'Like father, like son.'

He held out his hand to me and I took it, and he kissed me on the knuckles.

- "It's nice to meet you."

- "Nice to meet you too" - Sev just nodded his head.


At the Red and Gold table, a group of four boys were chatting and occasionally glancing over at the snake table.

- "I can't believe she's going to be in Slytherin," - His gaze was on the redhead who was eating quietly.

- "James, you hardly know her." - Remus said to make the Potter understand.

- "Remus is right, maybe she's just like everyone else in that house." - Sirius said.

- "That's not what I meant." - Remus looked at Sirius with a frown.

- "M-maybe it was a mistake," - He said loud enough for James to hear.

- "Peter is right, maybe the hat was wrong," - Said the Potter.

- "I don't think the hat was wrong James, we hardly spoke to her on the train, she may be Slytherin, but that doesn't mean she's like everyone else in her house," - Remus replied quickly, the last thing he said looking at Sirius.

- "B-besides she was nice to us on the train," - Said Peter looking at James.

James thought about what his new friends had said.

- "Malfoy is coming over to where she is," - With that said, all four looked at the green table.

- "Malfoy?" - Asked Remus with interest.

- "Yes, it's the blonde princess with Evans."

Peter and James laughed at what Sirius said, while Remus had a smile on his face.

After a while, they started talking about other things until the headmaster stood up and said that the forbidden forest was, as the name says, forbidden. Then the prefects from each house took the first years away.


We were walking through the dungeons following the perfect Anasia Ross and Marcus Sweet both seventh years, to get to the Slytherin common room, we went through several corridors until we reached a stone wall.

- "Salazar" - Anasia said the password.

Behind the stone wall are the common room and bedrooms, lit by green ceiling lamps with black leather armchairs, chairs, and carved wooden tables covered in elaborate tablecloths. The hall extends partially under the Black Lake, which gives the room a greenish light. It has a nice atmosphere, but is also quite cold. It also smells of mint.

- "The password to the common room is changed every two weeks and is posted on the notice board. It is decorated with tapestries illustrating the adventures of famous medieval Slytherins."

After we were told how everything worked, the perfects were left to either look around the common room or go straight to their notes. Narcissa and I chose to go find our rooms.

- "Evans looks like we're sharing a room." - She said as she opened a door.

We walked in and the first thing I saw were the four-poster beds with green curtains. With a bedside table next to the bed. The suitcase at the foot of the bed. The lamps hung from the grey ceiling. And you could hear the water, which was relaxing.

I approached my bed and thought to myself, 'I'm so tired'. Suddenly the door was opened and a girl about our age came in. Brown hair, blue eyes, and white skin, and she looked smaller than me and Narcissa.

- "Hi, I'm Adelaide Brawler, your other roommate of four."

- "Narcissa Black, a pleasure Brawler."

- "I'm Lily Evans, it's a pleasure to meet you, Adelaide."

Adelaide and I got to talking for a while, then Narcissa joined us. She told us that she is a half-blood. Her parents both went to Hogwarts, her father is a muggle-born Hufflepuff, and her mother is a half-blood from Slytherin.

Narcissa told us that she is a pureblood, she has two older sisters Andromeda and Bellatrix, both of whom belong to Slytherin like all her family except Sirius (which I already knew).

And I told them that I'm a muggleborn, I have an older sister, and how I met Sev at the blonde's request.

After that, we went to sleep.