
Chapter Eight - Someone else.

Well, it's been a while since the prank on Sev, the pranks from the Gryffindor crowd increased for everyone, but more so for Severus as James and Sirius made fun of him or pranked him, of course I tried to intervene, but Sev wouldn't let me help him.

'I don't need help to face the idiots, Potter or Black' - Said Snape.

Those were his words, obviously, I respected his decision, but I would intervene if it went too far.

Well right now I find myself with a group of children about to take a blood-red potion, specifically the one that turns you into an animagus, and you may be wondering how we got to this well.



I'm in the library reading a book about animagus. Of course, it's to help Remus on the full moon, and maybe I want to know what that would be.

- "So animagus," - Said a voice behind me.

I quickly closed the book and turned to Marlene with a smile.

- "Marlene, how long have you been there?"

- "Long enough to know what you're planning," - A mischievous smile appeared on her face.

- "I'm not planning anything, I'm just reading a book."

- "Then why are you writing down the ingredients, besides Lily in the short time we've known each other I think I can tell what you're planning," - She said confidently.

'That only happens because I want it to happen!' - I thought with a smile.

She sat down in front of me with a look on her face that said, "I know what you're planning, and I'll do it too."

- "Well, I want to become an animagus," - I confessed to her.

- "You want to be an animagus Lily."


I looked to the side and saw Adelaide with Narcissa, they came over and sat next to Marlene.

- "Well, I n-."

- "Don't say no Lily, we heard you right, so you want to be an animagus," - Said Narcissa, interrupting me.

- "Who wants to be an animagus?"


I turned around and found Alice, but of course, she wasn't alone, to her right was a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair, milk-white skin, and beautiful blue almost gray eyes.

To her left was a boy with black hair and blue eyes, a fair complexion but not too fair to look sick.

- "Lily," - Said Marlene matter-of-factly.

- "Marlene!"

- "What?" She just lifted her shoulders and pretended not to notice. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Alice.

- "Who are they, Alice?"

- "Oh right, this is Frank from Gryffindor and this is Pandora from Ravenclaw."

- "Hello," - They both greeted at the same time.

- "Hi, I'm Lily and this is Narcissa, Adelaide, and Marlene."

Narcissa just nodded, Adelaide smiled at them and Marlene waved.

Alice, Franky, and Pandora joined the table.

- "Well since we all met, Lily if you do, I do too," - Said Marlene.

- "Me too," - Joined Adelaide.

Alice and Narcissa looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

- "Come on, Lily, nothing bad will happen," - Said Narcissa.

While Pandora was explaining what an animagus was to Frank, the girls at that point started talking about what animal they would be.

- "Fine, but no one else needs to find out," - I said to the people at the table.

- "Find out about what?"

'For the devil's sake, seriously.'

At that moment, everyone at the table fell silent. I raised my head and looked at Severus, and next to him was Lucius.

- "Lily," - Said Severus with a serious look on his face.

I just kept quiet.

He looked at the girls, but they looked away.

- "Alice," - Called Severus.

I just looked at Alice, I knew she was going to say everything.

'I guess this might do the trick too.'

- "I want to be an animagus."

Alice sighed, glad she didn't have to say it.

Instead, Sev furrowed his eyebrows.

- "It's dangerous, if the potion goes wrong there are irreversible effects."

- "I know."

'What do you think, I'm going to risk my life for a portion that could go wrong!'

- "You're going to do it anyway, aren't you?"

- "Yes, I will."

- "Then I'll help you," - He sighed resignedly.

'You were going to do it anyway, future potion's teacher, but I'm glad you offered!'

I ran up to him and hugged him as I thanked him.

- "Well, I guess everyone at the table will."

They all nodded.

After that, we spent days with an annoying mandrake leaf under our tongues.


That's why we met outside the castle to drink the blood-red potion. When we finished drinking, we all quickly took out our wands and pointed them at our hearts.

- Amato animo animo animato animagus.

- Amato animo animo animato animagus," - We all repeated at the same time.

When I finished saying that, a golden light came out of the wand, then a sharp pain and an intense double heartbeat, and in my mind, an image appeared in the shape of the creature I would become.