

She woke up from a coma that she had fallen when she was 22. She was now a 24 year old woman who seemed to have forgotten her own reality. Everyone around her thought of her as a pitiful being who had gotten her mind messed up. She felt out of place as if she didn't belong here. She clearly remembered her life of 22 years, she remembered her birthdays that she celebrated with her parents and some close friends, she remembered having a boyfriend who treated her as if she never existed, she remembered the coffee shop she used to go to every morning before college. Now when she opened her eyes her reality had been altered, she is now in a body that doesn't remember walking or mundane functions like holding a cup for that matter. And she has a HUSBAND who seems pretentious. She was confused, frustrated. She thought it to be a dream but everytime she pinched herself she could feel the stinging pain. Rou, her husband, a guy who might have loved her somewhere along the life but seemed to have forgotten that. He acted as if his life had become something he never thought it could be, he was in deep turmoil. She felt weird thinking he was her husband, she felt her body and mind both reject the idea that now was a fact. Jack, a guy she met at a cafe, whom she remembered to be her boyfriend whom she disliked but her felt a deep connection towards. She hadn't ever been herself her whole life, the life she recalled having lived which was told to be some truck of the mind. She didn't believe the do doctors, how could she have made up 22 years of life where she even remembered the color of her dress on her 18 birthday. The doctor weren't sure, they said they needed to keep check in her memories which seemed to had been replaced by the false memories. She knew something was wrong, she wasn't herself or better she wasn't in her own life. She was in some else's body. Now was the question that if she could ever go back to her old life or did she even want to ever go back? She might have wanted to return if things weren't so different, if things weren't so freeing and if a certain someone had not caught her attention. Not always are people given a chance to live as they would want to, not every day you see people chasing their dreams, or shouting on top of their lungs from a high cliff with their crushes. But if you are given a chance to turn it all around would you not grab that little bit of courage that you have been saving for a game of chance and dive head first? What would she do so different that would make her herself, that would scream her name?

kaywrites · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

I got a call from Rou's phone informing me that he had gotten into an accident while coming running after me.

The fact that he came looking for me and got in an accident, was making me feel like it was all my fault. The moment I heard the news the tears started to fall from my eyes and I quickly took my coat and purse and started to leave when Jack stopped me and tried to calm me down.

I told him about the news and he offered to take me to the hospital. I couldn't refuse. I didn't have time to think about anything, Rou was my husband and was in accident because he went after me.

The moment Jack stopped the car at the hospital, I went running straight in to look for him. I was crying and asked for where Rou was. The reception told me his room number and I ran to the elevator and went there.

Outside the room, there was the same woman who was with him in his office. The moment she saw me, she looked very angry. Every step I took towards her, She was taking one heavy step towards me too, Jack came behind me a little later.

The anger that I didn't know the origin of, was visible on her face and was more felt when she came near me and slapped me out of the blues.

I was dumbfounded, I should've been the one hitting her but here she was all angry and even slapping me.

Before I or Jack could've said anything, she started speaking or more like shouting



"What are you even talking about? and anyhow, I should be the one telling you to leave or slapping you and here you are. Why would I ever try to ruin my husband's life?"







I didn't know what she was saying and how I should've been reacting to her. All I knew was Rou was injured and I had to see him.

This incident with this woman made me think about myself even more.

"Who am I? Am I even Lili, the Lili they all knew?" Question like these had my mind occupied. I was feeling like a lost caged bird.

Jack was trying to calm the situation and I was so blanked to make out anything in detail what was happening.

Then we saw the doctor come out with a solemn expression. He asked who we were and when I told him I was the wife, He came straight to me and told me with all seriousness that Rou had hit his head hard and might not remember parts of his past or maybe lose all of it.

He was okay and I was relieved.

We all waited outside, The Woman couldn't bear my presence so she left, I was fine with Jack by my side.

He didn't ask me anything or tried to make it about himself. He was very understanding of everything.

The nurse called the doctor when Rou regained consciousness. And we went in after the doctors.

He was surrounded by the nurse and doctor and when he saw me standing by the doorway, he smiled ever so gently, I smiled back.

Jack was with me too, but his eyes were set on me. He was in slight pain and under the influence of anesthesia. His head was wrapped in bandages.

I moved towards him slowly and as I did, the thought of him getting into accident because he went looking for me, made tears run down my eyes.

I slowly held his hand, he tried to speak but failed. He tried again and ensured me that he was okay.

He held his hand gently towards my face and tried to touch it. I couldn't stop him and I knew Jack was there seeing it all.

The next thing he said made me realize how messed up things were getting.

He said Happy Birthday. He said that he was sorry that he messed up my birthday that he got into an accident on my birthday while trying to surprise me.

It was November and I had my birthday in March.

I didn't want to say anything to him, but I couldn't help but sob. All this time I tried to be honest and not get caught up in the web of lies but it seemed like I was going to lie for a long time now.

When I said that It was November, He got confused and because of that his condition got bad. I was panicking and the doctor was trying to make his condition stable. They injected him with medicines.

The doctor explained to me everything that was going on. He told me that Rou had lost his memory and it could take however much time for him to regain it back. I was one of the memory lost case and I was still empty, for me it felt like I had never been born in this reality, as if I was sent to some alternative Universe. I was scared if Rou never regained his memories, what would happen?

The doctor said that it was important to play pretend now because with just one little fact his condition got worse, who knew if he was faced with more than that, what could happen.

Jack offered to stay but I said that I'd go with him, because I had to change.

I went to my home, got changed and came back to the hospital. I told Jack that we'd discuss it all later and that I had no idea of what I was going to do.

It's ironic how the situation I was trying to stay away from, I was standing right in it's center. I didn't want to lie because I had read many novels laying in the bookshelf, suggesting lying to be a wrong way. That this way would make you feel more miserable, and here I was not wanting to lie but being forced by fate to do so.

I didn't want Jack to suffer, I had no memory, Rou had lost his too. I haven't gotten mine back, would Rou get his? I didn't know. But he was my husband, He took care of me when I was in the same situation and maybe this mess was my time to do things for him.