

She woke up from a coma that she had fallen when she was 22. She was now a 24 year old woman who seemed to have forgotten her own reality. Everyone around her thought of her as a pitiful being who had gotten her mind messed up. She felt out of place as if she didn't belong here. She clearly remembered her life of 22 years, she remembered her birthdays that she celebrated with her parents and some close friends, she remembered having a boyfriend who treated her as if she never existed, she remembered the coffee shop she used to go to every morning before college. Now when she opened her eyes her reality had been altered, she is now in a body that doesn't remember walking or mundane functions like holding a cup for that matter. And she has a HUSBAND who seems pretentious. She was confused, frustrated. She thought it to be a dream but everytime she pinched herself she could feel the stinging pain. Rou, her husband, a guy who might have loved her somewhere along the life but seemed to have forgotten that. He acted as if his life had become something he never thought it could be, he was in deep turmoil. She felt weird thinking he was her husband, she felt her body and mind both reject the idea that now was a fact. Jack, a guy she met at a cafe, whom she remembered to be her boyfriend whom she disliked but her felt a deep connection towards. She hadn't ever been herself her whole life, the life she recalled having lived which was told to be some truck of the mind. She didn't believe the do doctors, how could she have made up 22 years of life where she even remembered the color of her dress on her 18 birthday. The doctor weren't sure, they said they needed to keep check in her memories which seemed to had been replaced by the false memories. She knew something was wrong, she wasn't herself or better she wasn't in her own life. She was in some else's body. Now was the question that if she could ever go back to her old life or did she even want to ever go back? She might have wanted to return if things weren't so different, if things weren't so freeing and if a certain someone had not caught her attention. Not always are people given a chance to live as they would want to, not every day you see people chasing their dreams, or shouting on top of their lungs from a high cliff with their crushes. But if you are given a chance to turn it all around would you not grab that little bit of courage that you have been saving for a game of chance and dive head first? What would she do so different that would make her herself, that would scream her name?

kaywrites · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 1

Dim lit room, the moonlight making its way in, there sat Lili on her bed with her head down. She was upset but she would never let a single soul know of her sadness. This was her nature, a polite girl, taught to follow whatever her parents told her to. It isn't that they didn't love her but they put a lot of pressure on her to be the way they wanted her to be and her being the disciplined child, taught to never raise her voice or go against what was right, never learned to do something for herself.

This time she was upset because of what had happened last night, she caught her boyfriend with another girl and the relationship between both of them didn't seem like anything less then a boyfriend and a girlfriend. She was upset, very upset, she never wanted to date him, but she did so because her mother introduced Jake to her, saying he was a very good kid and was everything a girl would want. But Lili never wanted him, well, she had no idea what or who she wanted as her boyfriend, still she knew whoever that might be but he wasn't Jake.

All her life she was told what she should do and what she shouldn't, how she should behave and how she shouldn't. She had never had a chance to discover who she really was, and her parents had took her as a clay to mold her the way they wanted her to be, perfect, so that they could boast about all that their daughter was.

Lili was lost, She thought that her parents could never do something that wasn't right and that this situation too might be a misunderstanding. She knew it wasn't but the two thoughts were contradicting each other, If this wasn't a misunderstanding then it meant that her parents were wrong but according to what she was made assured of "Always follow what your parents say, they are never wrong, whatever they do, is for your own good."

How was she to raise her voice and make her parents look bad when she knew it would be a sin to defy them.

Her head started to hurt and she had no idea what to do, she had never thought for herself and so she grabbed her jacket and left. She didn't know where she was going but she had to leave, not anymore she could stay here with her thoughts making her go crazy.

She ran downstairs and was stopped by her mother.

"Lili, where do you think you are going this late at night?"

"Mom, I'm going to take a walk in the park."

"Okay, But do come fast, the dinner is almost ready."

She didn't reply and left. It was a odd behavior but her mother didn't catch up on it.

Lili for once was thinking, trying to make sense of everything. It was as if her mind had revived and countless thoughts were crossing her mind at once, making her feel as if she would go mad.

Something in her knew that it was time that she let go of all that she was told to be, to step into her power and be who she really was.

It was a full moon night, the moon, shining over her so beautifully. She had never really given any thought to how the world felt or seemed or looked. Today, things were different, today was going to change her forever.

She shut her eyes as hard as possible, trying to erase all that was and replace it with all that she was to discover. She cried a low cry and said "Universe, Please make it all stop hurting."

The Universe heard her and the sky started to shout, thunder and rain followed after, and with the striking lightning, she blanked out.


Lili's POV

My head was hurting but I couldn't remember what had happened, the light was bright and was forcing me to open my eyes, so I did.

I woke up in a new place, a bright room with big windows, and I was terrified because I didn't know anything. Who was I? Where was I?

The heavy winds were making the curtains flow, the light entering the room was filling it with warmth, and he stood looking outside.

From afar all I could perceive was, that he looked like an angel, white loose shirt with white pants. He had his hands in his pocket, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I sat on the bed and having noticed me move through the peripheral, he moved to look at me.

I had stopped breathing for a second, he felt familiar but still I had no idea who he was or I was. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, I didn't notice that he had started walking towards me.

And as if in a blink of an eye, He was sitting right next to me, I hadn't looked away, kept my gaze set on him. He reached his hands towards my open locks of hair and tugged them behind my ear, I didn't know what to feel, I had not felt this before, and my mind was struggling to comprehend the situation and how to react to it.

"Lili, you are awake, Are you hurting anywhere?

Wait, I'll get you the medicines."

His voice was honey and rose mixed together so beautifully that it felt like they weren't different things but the same. My mind took longer than required to process what he had said. And before I could ask him anything he had gone to bring me the medicines.

He came back with a tray with the medicines and a glass of water. I couldn't speak as if I had never learned to speak and I struggled to form even the simplest of sentences. I held his hand and tried very hard to ask the questions that were in my head.

"Who.... A.... are..... Y....ou? W....ho.... a....m... I?"

His expression changed and he looked shocked and a bit panicked, but he tried to keep his calm and sat in front of me after putting the tray aside.

"You are Lili, Wait I'll call the doctor, It's alright. You are at your home and there is no need to get scared. It's alright and You will soon be healthy."

I was confused, had no idea what was happening but him feeling so familiar made me not panic. As if I knew him. Another man, who seemed like a doctor came in and He got up from the bed and stood aside, letting the doctor check my condition. He might've called him when I woke up and he went to take the medicine.

The doctor was gentle and asked me some questions with politeness. And I answered him. He didn't seem fazed at all. He talked to me as if I was a child and said

"Lili, You were in a car accident a month ago and got injured badly, and ended up hitting your head. This is your husband."

He signaled towards the guy and the guy came close to me and held my hands gently and spoke with so much love pouring from his voice,

"Lili, This is me Rou, I am your husband. Don't worry, as long as you are with me you are safe. I won't let anything happen to you"

I'm sure we all have been at a point where we had to really relearn everything, and relearning doesn't come easy, because we have been so habitual of what was that relearning everything feels like a threat, and we get scared and look for someone to just make it easy for us.

But we forget that people can help us, find ourselves but they will not find us for ourselves. we'll have to walk this path on our own.

kaywritescreators' thoughts