
I am Lambo !!!

I reincarnate in a parallel universe of KHR where Lambo has the same age as everyone and... It's ME!!!! (I remind you that it is possible because there exist a lot of parallels universes, for example, one of the alter ego of Byakuran in an alternate universe has a different type of flame) (This is not my primary language so please, forgive my mistakes) *I don't own the manga and the characters, they belong to their author, This is just for my satisfaction

Deadpool_0069 · Komik
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24 Chs

I am dead

I just died, it was actually pretty simple, I was walking in the street and I just finished my day at college wishing only to come back home and watch a good anime while drinking hot chocolate... What? I love Hot Chocolate. While I was daydreaming I just saw that the light turns to red and that I can walk, I was just 5 meters from my home but at this moment a truck (a fucking bitch-truck) came at high speed and strike me, while I was flying because of the shock I remembered to see the driver with a beer at hand (dick!). All these stories about someone who forget the cause of his death are bullshit, I would love that to happen to me and here I am. I just awoke in a strange place and not where everyone hopes to be...

I am in a grand hall, like in a castle, and around me are a lot of people, shouldn't I have eternal peace at my death? Everyone including me is white without feature and a slight black fog surrounding us, as the "Truth" in a certain alchemist's world, so I was a little happy in death because I always think that He was cool and mysterious.

In front of me was just a white expanse devoid of anything aside from the walls at the sides, and because I was reaaaaaly curious about this afterlife I walked toward it. Why wasn't I suspicious or afraid? I'm dead man, what can happen? Being killed?.... Now that you understand, I continued my walk until I found a door, a really big door for giants, then as I walk toward it the door opened that let me see a man who seems to be the carbon copy of the 'Truth' from Fullmetal (more than me right now... Father, Is that You????).

When I entered the door closed and I turn myself toward the man (for now let's call it a man).

I then asked him who he was "Hello, who are you?"

"I am the truth, the administrator or the great manitou but you can call me 'V'" he replied with a smile that revealed perfect teeth, I found that they all looked like molars molar (I thought with a little internal grin that calmed me a little).

"And why am I here"? I asked him curious to meet the being who claimed to be the big boss?

"You are in the center of reincarnation to live in another life, to recap: you will rotate 3 wheels, one that will show the world and the dimension where you will live, and to answer your next question, yes the films and anime are real, yes their author only sees one of the dimensions by re-emerging and imagining and yes each universe has multiple versions in parallel universes, e.g. in Jojo there are 2 universes presented with 2 Josuke" .

"The second will determine whether you will reincarnate or be isekaid with this body directly in the new world or if you reincarnate as one of the protagonists, do not worry you will really be the person and not an impostor, you will be only one of the versions of the individual but with memories of a previous life in fact".

"And finally, you will turn the last wheel with a random talent that will be attributed to you, nevertheless, it will be synchronized with the world of your new life so no Suiton and jutsu in the world of one piece".

"Why am I entitled to this benefit for reincarnation"? I asked him

"You had been a kind and caring person towards others in your previous life, so you can keep your memories in the next life, turning the wheel is only so that you know what to expect because as for all in the end you will be reincarnated in a random world with an unknown identity and an unknown talent like everybody. Any questions?"

"Yes, are you the truth in the Fullmetal manga?" I asked him because this question was really starting to itch.

"The same question that any man of culture asks me, Not exactly, in fact, the 'Truth' in Fullmetal universe is only a part of me a clone from me with which I share some of my energy, a bit like a clone in naruto, now that the question time is finished, can we start now?"

"Let's go!" I said with a little excitement and apprehension.

Do you like this form of speech or the classic:

hero: ...

Person A: ...

Person B: ...

Hero: ...

Comment for the answer, and I will change if needed

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