
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Komik
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52 Chs

The Sacred Buddha Kingdom(Edited)

First things first I had to go and meet with Whis so he can take me to Universe six, it would be easy since I almost had a God position now and he still ate food regularly from Earth there was no reason for him to refuse me.

It took a while but Whis came back to Earth after a few months of waiting, he was like always pumped up to eat some new type of food, I decided to wait for him to finish his meal before I approached him again, he eyed me and said:

"Your progress is quite good Krillin-san, you are almost ready to take on your god position, unfortunately, you still haven't reached one hundred percent of your ki purity."

I smiled at Whis, he could see through me fairly easily, it was obvious how above me he was in power, maybe if I got ultra instinct I might be able to tangle with him but I'm not sure if I could win.

I looked at him and said:

"Could you do me another favor Whis-san, I'm not strong enough to do my work well enough currently, I need to go to Universe six to search for the place where the previous Buddha trained."

Whis put a hand to his mouth laughed then took his staff in his hands. He motioned for me to put a hand on his shoulder so we could leave already. It seemed Whis would like to see someone put Beerus in his place, I guess he didn't like when Beerus was stepping out of line and doing things that he wasn't supposed to do.

Just like before in two hours or so we got to Universe six, we met again with Vados, but unlike before a fat version of Beerus was groggily cleaning his eyes near Vados.

Vados chuckled while the fat Beerus said:

"Angel of Universe seven what are you doing with this guy here? Hmm wait a little, this guy he has the old man's inheritance?"

He shook his head after his sleepiness wore off and he continued:

"Whatever I don't want to let him in the Universe, what are you gonna do about it, you can't act towards me, hahahahah." I frowned at the fatty's words, I needed to get to the sacred land to complete my training, if he didn't let me in I needed to force my way trough, Champa was the brother of Beerus, there weren't any official comments on who was stronger but I think Champa was a tad weaker than Beerus.

Vados looked at Champa and chuckled, Champa immediately whipped his head back to her and shouted:

"What are you laughing at Vados!"

Vados smiled at Champa and said:

"Champa-sama it seemed you got fatter again."

Champa growled as his pudgy cheeks inflated up:

"I'm not fatter!"

I coughed and interrupted their argument which looked like it would go on for a while, I stopped in front of Champa and said:

"What do you want to let me travel in Universe six?"

Champa put a finger under his fat chin and started to think hard, he also started to sweat intensely, it seemed thinking was an exercise for this fatty god of destruction. After a few minutes of no response, Whis threw me the same type of orb he gave me last time and left, not wanting to wait after Champa's slow thinking process.

After tens of minutes, Champa finally thought up on what he wanted and said:

"I want some good food from your Universe!"

I sweatdropped while Vados said with an annoyed tone of voice:

"It took you twenty minutes to think up of this Champa-sama, did your fat start to get to your brain?"

I held in my laughter at Vadose's comment but Champa wasn't going to have any of her snarky comments, I stopped the argument again and I decided to just give him some ramen, there was no Earth in Universe six so he never tasted such a type of food before.

After I satisfied the god of destruction culinary needs I decided it was time to search for the blessed land left behind by the previous Buddha.

I decided to first meet up with Lee Sin and ask if he knew it's whereabouts, but the planet where I met him was deserted, no other living being was there anymore, what was left was just the training poles Lee used.

I flew up and I could see that the training poles were arranged in such a way they left a hidden message for me that said:

"Look for the remains of Earth, in its vicinity use your sacred ki and you will find the Blessed Buddha Kingdom, we will meet there again!"

I flew up from the planet and tried to find the remains of Earth, from what I saw in dragon ball super, planet Earth was destroyed in Universe six, so I had to find its remains. I flew around randomly not knowing where to start, I decided to start with a nearby dead planet but since the message said remains that meant all that remained of Earth were pieces of ground and rock!

I couldn't search the whole Universe six for some dead pieces of ground, I immediately used my Supreme Bodhisattva mode at its full power and flew at extremely high speeds around the universe trying to get the signal from the Blessed Buddha Kingdom. I didn't care if any other deity found about me, Champa already knew while the Supreme Kais won't interfere with my search.

I suddenly got a response from some ruins in the south part of Universe six, there I unleashed my sacred ki fully as a giant golden door appeared in the void, it was inscribed with Buddhist chants and Sanscrit, I could read it due to the mantra. It said:

"Live like a Buddha, keep balance in the twin Universes, you found your way so you are worthy." The door opened and absorbed me in.

I got up from the ground and all I could see was an endless forest, everything was back to its cleanest state, the sky was blue and the ki concentration in the air was immense, I could feel the air purify my body and ki at the same time.

Out of the trees appeared Lee, his blindfold was off and his eyes were recovered, he smiled towards me and said:

"Fellow disciple Krillin we meet again, the master left something for you, I already got what was supposed to be mine and I'm on my way already, farewell!" He opened the golden door that absorbed me in and left trough it.

No indications nothing he just left me alone trying to find my way through this place. Well, what a good fellow disciple he is.

I started to navigate the sea of trees trying to find what was supposed to be mine, at the same time I circulated my ki with the help of the mantra and I could see that my ki was getting purified and it wasn't stuck anymore. Maybe I needed to reach one hundred percent ki purity before the remaining treasures would reveal themselves to me?

I sat cross-legged in the air as I levitated using my ki, golden aura encased my body as I turned the gravity field around me on. The gravity was so high even the reinforced ground of the Buddha Kingdom was cracking, but it was repairing itself at high speed as well.

I started to circulate my ki as it's purity started to increase at fast speeds... seventy-two percent, seventy-six, eighty-one, ninety-nine... finally one hundred!

My Benevolent Buddha Stand appeared behind me as it fused with my body, my power level increased by two hundred and fifty times permanently as the stand fused with my body and ki. The only transformation I had remaining was the Supreme Bodhisattva mode.

I woke up and I could fell that all my aura was internalized, I wasn't sure how much time I meditated but the gravity which was pushing me when I started to meditate under it was useless again for me.

I got down to the ground as I sensed my internal condition, my sacred ki purity finally reached one hundred percent as it crystalized, my body changed too, it wasn't like it was before, it had a different feeling which I couldn't truly explain.

In front of me appeared a tiny wooden boat and a bead, a voice appeared in my mind which explained the use of the two items.

The bead was a sarira left from the previous Buddha and by using it I could come back to the Buddha Kingdom whenever I wanted to, I was currently on the training grounds of the Kingdom so I didn't see all of its benefits. As for the wood boat, it was a special boat that could travel through the boundary of the Universes faster than any angel or god could. Well besides the grand priest and Zeno.

I took the miniatured items and put them in my clothes pocket. They were bound to me and only Zeno could take them away or destroy them, the god of destructions couldn't use their special destruction ki to destroy them or me anymore. I was fully bequeathed the title of Buddha now that I reached one hundred percent ki purity.

I decided to travel to the middle of the Buddha Kingdom before I left, It wasn't anything impressive in visuals, it reminded me of the Orin temple, but more grand and imposing, Buddha statues were lined before the temple and sticks of incense were burning at the entrance.

Nothing too interesting, I decided to lit a stick of incense myself, but when I lit the stick of incense something interesting happened. I could feel that my ki was moving faster and better than before, of course, the change was negligible for me as I was already in the realm of gods, right now I would give myself a fifty-percent to sixty five-percent chance to beat Beerus. But others could use this incense to hasten their training speed!

I tried to take the incense with me and it worked! there were no restrictions, the thing was there were not many sticks of incense left so I had to use them smartly.

I teleported out of the Kingdom and used the boat which enlarged at fast speeds to get to the border of the universe immediately. I decided to break the orb and call Whis I wanted to surprise him with the boat. Whis came over after a while and gasped when he saw my boat:

"Ohoo it seemed you got the rest of the old man's things, good job Krillin, I see you don't need my help anymore why did you call me?"

"Well I did it so you won't have to worry over me, also I wanted to see how fast is the boat compared to you."

Whis chuckled and said:

"A race is it?"

I smiled towards Whis and said:

"If you want it to be."

Whis immediately left in a bunch of rainbow ki while my boat started to travel at immense speeds, I was neck in neck with him, I used some of my sacred ki to power the boat and it easily took over the first position.

I arrived in Universe seven first, Whis smiled at me then left towards the God's of destruction realm.

I got back to Earth and from what I could see my journey to the Buddha Kingdom took me almost one year and a half!

This included the training. I met with my children and my wives, Ryu and Marron were growing along nicely from little kids into budding teens. Jeica and Lazuli were as beautiful as ever as I embraced them. After I played with the children and had some fun with my wives I decided to invite everyone to the lookout.

The human Z Fighters and the Saiyans made their way over to the lookout in basically seconds after hearing my voice telepathically, everyone was way stronger than before.

I smiled at them and lit the stick of incense that I got from the Kingdom, as they took in the smell they could feel their ki enliven and purify, they started to gasp and Goku said:

"Wow, this stuff is quite good for training!"

Gohan chimed in as well:

"Yeah, I feel that it's even better than training in the time chamber!"

Vegeta looked at the stick of incense and was practically salivating inwardly, Raditz and Nappa weren't as interested as they became lazier with time, The human Z Fighters liked that they found a way to grow stronger again. It seemed most of them reached a wall, the same could be said about Goku and Vegeta, they couldn't grow any stronger, Gohan Raditz and Nappa were the only ones who could grow stronger with conventional means.

Raditz and Nappa because they didn't take their training seriously and Gohan because he didn't hit the peak of his potential yet.

I left them to their training and decided to live as a normal human while training from time to time till another crisis came, but there was no chance of anything else happening after I fully mastered my Supreme Bodhasivatta mode I was one hundred percent sure I could beat Beerus.

Peacefully sleeping on his planet, Beerus sneezed. Unknown to me he also had some things under his sleeve.

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson

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