

I AM KARMA Natalie Brooks, an eighteen year old girl who has been unlucky all her life from the time her parents died in a car crash, she gets violated by a married man due to financial circumstances. After the incident with him she vows to have vengeance. She leaves America for Mexico and ends up marrying a billionaire cartel who died and she inherits his fortune. She comes back to America 15 years later as a billionaire and a successful fashion designer ready to put her plan of vengeance into action and also find her daughter whom she abandoned before leaving for Mexico.

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5 Chs


chapter Three

Third person POV

The dimly lit room was filled with tension as Natalie sat on the floor, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and determination, stood before the man who had just violated her. Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and defiance as she spoke "You think you can just do this to me and get away with it? You're wrong. Dead wrong."

Lucas with a sinister smirk playing on his lips, leaned back in his chair, his eyes filled with arrogance. "Oh, sweetheart, you're just a whore. What can you possibly do to me?" he said in a mocking tone

Her fists clenched tightly, she took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage she had left "I may be just a whore to you, but I am a woman with a burning fire inside. And mark my words, I will be back for vengeance."

Lucas laughter echoed through the room, his arrogance growing with each passing moment. "Vengeance? You're nothing but a pathetic little girl. You can't touch me."

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She turned away from him, her gaze fixed on the door. "I may not have the power to destroy you now, but one day, I will find justice. And when that day comes, you will regret ever crossing my path."

With those words, she stood up from the floor her feet heavy with the weight of her pain. As she reached the door, Lucas' arrogance faltered for a moment, and he threw a wad of money at her feet. "Take it, you'll need it."

She glanced down at the money, her face contorted with a mixture of disgust and defiance.

"I don't need your dirty money. It means nothing to me." she said with her voice filled with disgust and contempt

Without looking back, she pushed open the door and stepped out into the cold night, leaving the man behind, his laughter fading into the darkness.

Tears streamed down her face as she walked away, but they were tears of determination, fueled by the promise of vengeance that burned within her soul.

Natalie arrived at the hospital, her breath ragged and her body trembling with exhaustion, She got the hospital doors, the bright lights illuminated the desperation etched on her face. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she blinked them away. She couldn't afford to break down now. She had to be strong.

Entering the bustling hospital, Natalie eyes darted around. She approached the reception desk, where a tired looking nurse sat, buried under a pile of paperwork.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice quivering. "I'm looking for my grandmother. She was supposed to have an operation today."her voice barely audible as she spoke to the nurse.

The nurse looked at Natalie sympathetically, her eyes filled with understanding. She gently placed a hand on hands.

"I'm sorry, dear. Your grandmother... she didn't make it. The surgery was delayed, and her heart couldn't handle it."

Natalie's world shattered in an instant. The ground beneath her feet felt unstable, as if it could crumble at any moment. She clutched her chest, struggling to breathe as the weight of the news pressed down on her.

"No... no, that can't be true! I worked so hard to find the money. I did everything I could!" Natalie's voice cracked with anguish, tears streaming down her face.

The nurse's eyes filled with tears as well, her voice filled with compassion. "I know, sweetheart. You did everything you could. Sometimes, life is just unfair. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Natalie collapsed onto a nearby chair, her body wracked with sobs. The world around her seemed to fade into a blur as grief consumed her. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see a kind-hearted doctor standing beside her.

"Natalie, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Your grandmother was a fighter, and she knew how much you loved her. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Take all the time you need to grieve, and remember that you did everything you could."

Through her tears, Natalie managed to nod, her heart heavy with sorrow. As the hospital buzzed with activity around her, she knew that life would never be the same.

The doctor cleared his throat, trying to find the right words to offer comfort. "Is there anyone we can call for you? A family member or a friend?"

Natalie lifted her head, her eyes red and swollen. She sniffled, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "No, doc. It's just me and Grandma. I don't have anyone else."

The doctor's expression softened, his concern evident. "I understand this is a difficult time for you, Natalie. But we need to ensure your safety and well-being. I'm afraid I have to call Child Protective Services. They will help find a suitable place for you to stay until we can figure out a more permanent solution."

Natalie's heart sank, and a mix of fear and uncertainty washed over her. "But... I don't want to go to some strange place. I want to stay in our home, where Grandma and I shared so many memories."

The doctor placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, offering reassurance. "I know it's hard, but we have to make sure you're taken care of properly. Child Protective Services will do their best to find a safe and loving environment for you. You won't be alone, dear."

Natalie's voice quivered as she choked back her tears. "But... what if they separate me from everything I know? What if I never see our home again?"

The doctor's voice was filled with empathy as he tried to ease her fears. "I promise you, they will do everything they can to keep you connected to your past. They understand how important it is for you to hold onto those memories. You won't be alone in this process. There will be people who care about you and want to help."

Emma nodded, her gaze fixed on the floor, her mind racing with worry.

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