
I am just a Necromancer for Fun. ( Hiatus )

1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 1. Died 2. Meet a God 3. Reincarnated 4. ....

Biggubosu · Komik
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9 Chs


After devouring two loaves of bread with cream and going to buy a few more things, like three more long swords. These swords were obviously not for me, but for some skeleton I might summon in the future.

Since my "whip sword" had only 50 durability, it would soon break.

The blacksmith in town seemed unable to fix my 'Whip Sword'. I don't need to think much about it, the system said it was a self-made item, so it couldn't be fixed by Npc's.

In the end I will give a long sword to the Goblin champion skeleton soldier and keep the Whip Sword until I have gold to repair it.

I ended up going back to Madame Roux's restaurant to sell the herbs I had in my inventory, as I didn't intend to make potions it was better to sell than keep them in my inventory while taking up space.

'Really, these Npc's are too real to be min considering just a game.' I thought as I remembered all the Npc's I had talked to. They seemed too real with their emotions.

After all this, I returned to that secluded spot and waited until it was dark, something that would not take long.

To my slight surprise, that crimson haired woman was also there.

I quickly lost interest, if she is already here it means she died there or simply realized she couldn't deal with the monsters and how there was no announcement. She didn't even kill a Field Chief, something that is good for me.

'Status Window.'

A long holographic screen appeared for me.

- [Ares]

- [Level 10]

- [ Mana: 46]

- [Class: Black Mage]

- [Title: 5]

- Stats: Strength (147) / Endurance (34) / Intelligence (34) / Magic power (34)

- Points: 0

- Gold: 20

- Silver: 7.059

- Skill: Skeleton Soldier [ E ] Book of the Reaper [ E ] Poison Blood [ E ] Weaponry[ F ] .

- Passive Skills: Skeleton Science [ E ]

- Curses:

. . . .

In just one day, I ended up getting all of these, not bad to begin with. The ultimate goal, to be a Necromancer stronger than a swordsman and a tank in terms of strength and endurance

As I looked at my status, a large shadow covered my vision.

"Hey newbie, I noticed you are alone, do you want to join our party?".

Looking at the large man who had a scar over his eye.

'Is he talking to me?'

Looking around, that crimson haired woman was sitting behind me, even she looked in that direction.

Back to the guy who by the way was a 'tank' and his party consisted of a light mage, a warrior and two mages, by the color of the gem of their staffs one of them was an ice mage and the other was a fire mage.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yes, who else could it be?'' He replied rudely.

''I refuse. I am better off alone.'' I replied, refusing.

He left looking annoyed that I refused him.

'It's not going to be that cliché, right? Where I turn these guys down and they try to kill me. So I go and kill them, then they hire a famous guild to hunt me down, I kill some of them, and he leaves me a rare item that was part of a main quest and they could only progress in the quest with that item.'

'That's not going to happen, right? We're not in a Chinese novel.'

''These players are killing players as soon as they set foot outside the city.' A voice came from behind me, the voice continued, ''They are showing up all the time on the game forum. There are up to 100 silver coins as a reward to anyone who can kill them.''

Why are they doing this? The game has just started, no one should have anything good on them and even if they did, they are in a safe area, they can't lose exp or items in this area.'' Saying this, I turned to look at the woman, she also turned around while looking at me.

''It's not like they need a reason to throw themselves into any other game there are these types of people.'' She replied.

"Yes, you are right." I replied completely ending our conversation when she turned around again and I turned around as well.

The people we refer to are trash. They do nothing but pick on those poor more naive players who really believe they will help them kill some of the monsters outside the city from the start.

Even if they could kill those weaker monsters, like the wolves and boars that were level 1 and 2 monsters.

A level 1 mage could choose whether they wanted to be an ice mage or a fire mage simply by choosing the first skill of their class "Ice Arrow or Fireball" .

After waiting for night to fall, Ares set off to hunt some black rabbits.

Walking around that place while other players were around killing some rabbits and goblins to increase their levels. Most of them were killing white rabbits with red, muscular eyes. Yes, for some reason the developers of this game thought it would be fun to make the rabbits quite muscular.

Looking for a more distant place. The only reason he was looking for a place with fewer players was because he was being followed by that guy from before and his group.

Some discerning players noticed this, others thought Ares was one of the party tanks and didn't care anymore.

Those who noticed sent consoling glances to Ares that did not go unnoticed by him.

Accompanying them was Suzuka, who was looking to get the reward that was on their minds. She ended up increasing it after some young master ended up being killed by them and increased the reward from 100 coins to 1,000 silver coins.

Suzuka would not let this go. It was free money for her. Even if it was a small amount that she could solve with just one transaction, why should she spend her money when she could get some silver coins by killing some losers?

Now, they came to a place with fewer players doesn't mean that there were fewer players, on the contrary, some of them followed them to see the unfolding. Even some of them started recording to post it on the Warlord forum.

Stopping, Ares turned to these players and said in a bored tone, "How long do you losers intend to follow me?''


Ares quickly cut him off.

"'Cut that one out. We know you're just a bunch of little shits. I'll give you three seconds. Get out of my way before I change my mind.

The atmosphere there became heavy with what Ares said, even more so the way he said it, treating them like flies.

The tank that seemed to be the leader was the first to speak, 'We only want what's best for you. And for your own good.'

His way of saying it only irritated Ares. In his first life, one and the same person told him this before trying to sell him to an old man who liked small children.

"Who the hell do you think you are to say what is best for my own good?

That cold, icy tone gave them a bone-chilling feeling. Even Suzuka, who was not the target of those words, felt his hands sweating due to his cold manner.

"Come to think of it, you people don't deserve three seconds of my time ... so you will all die and every time I see any of you I will kill you until you have no items left.''

''If you are going to kill them, before you tell me your name, I will invite you to a party. These losers have a reward of 1,000 silver coins on their heads. How about it? I'll give you half.''

It was Suzuka who spoke.

It didn't take long for her to regain her posture and she quickly said and agreed to hand over half of the reward.


Quickly Suzuka sent a party request and Ares accepted the request.

As soon as she saw what level he was on, Suzuka almost widened her eyes.

''You guys aren't thinking too much of yourselves, are you? We're still outnumbered!

This time it was the Swordsman of the group who said that.

"Outnumbered? I don't see that.''

Ares said with a hint of mockery.

Summoning his [ Book of the Reaper ] the shadows began to rise from the ground creating 5 terrible wolf skeletons and a soldier skeleton.

''He's a Necromancer!''

No one knew who was shouting, but it was useless in that situation.

The movements of the soldier skeleton were surprisingly agile.

The only skeleton that didn't start attacking them was the skeleton of the champion goblin, who was standing there, looking at Ares.


The skeleton soldier looked at Ares and then at the fight, turning his gaze to Ares, he looked annoyed.


Yes, he was irritated that he could not quickly join the hunt.

Giving the skeleton soldier a sword, Ares waited patiently for his soldiers to put an end to all this.

As expected, with their experience in fighting, the skeleton wolves focused on the light mage who tried to run after his friends only for Suzuka to catch him with his guard down.

One down.

Seeing their friend die so easily, they were not happy, they were the hunters, but now this guy was treating them like prey.

Even more that these terrible wolves were not helping, as they were looking at them with burning eyes, as if they belonged to a hound that was still hungry.

Those eyes installed endless fear in the hearts of those men.

The ice mage was the second victim of her skeleton.

The fire mage was caught by Suzuka who was blocking their exit preventing them from fleeing backwards and the skeletons joined her. With only the skeleton of the goblin soldier on Ares' side.

While Ares waited patiently for all this to be over soon to return to his mission.

Jumping on them, the skeleton soldier first turned on the swordsman who seemed distracted by the death of his friend.

Catching him from behind, the skeleton brandished his sword downward and struck his sword against the swordsman.

As soon as he was attacked, the poison from the sword began to enter his bloodstream.

A player has been poisoned by [ Poison Blood ] !

Poison blood is extremely dangerous, there was nothing that could contain all the damage that poison blood did, not at the beginning of the game, when a light mage could barely heal himself.

The skeleton soldier didn't seem to want to waste time on these guys and quickly cut off the player's head with just one attack and only the tank was left.

It was the tank, against Ares' skeletons who suffered no casualties and Suzuka who received no damage in this fight.

Putting his sword back in its scabbard, Suzuka let the tank be killed by the skeleton soldiers.

'Those are terrible wolves and five of them ... how did he manage to kill them? I only managed to kill two of them before I had to get out of there because of their numbers.' Suzuka thought as he continued to think, 'I think I understand now. He uses his skeletons to fight in equal numbers, and when necessary he joins the fight, but why are these skeletons that strong?'

Her thoughts would not be answered by Ares, even if she begged him.

Tank eventually tried to beg for his life, but that backfired when Ares refused him with a cold snort.

And he tried to use the name of his older brother, who was a member of a famous guild out there.

In the end, it mattered little to Ares, he became just another prey of his.

'What a waste of time, I could have done the quest in the time I had to kill them.'

With that, Ares left the party with Suzuka and went on the hunt for the black rabbit.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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