
I am just a Necromancer for Fun. ( Hiatus )

1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 1. Died 2. Meet a God 3. Reincarnated 4. ....

Biggubosu · Komik
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9 Chs

'2' [ Reposted ]

What was the purpose of a "hound"?

To help its master during his hunts, and this is what people would answer.

But what if the "hound" didn't have an owner, what would be its purpose?

To hunt?

To become a mad dog?

A guard dog?

To hunt, of course, the answer was obvious.

He was willing to die if necessary, but that didn't mean he would act like a mad dog who couldn't wait to die.

And so, on with the hunt.

The Hound Vs Goblin!

One of the most important characteristics for a "hound" was its ability to adapt.

The ability to adapt to conditions was essential, as no one knew whether there would be forests, mountains or deserts in a fighting equation.

On the other hand, the little Goblin, apart from his wooden club, had nothing else to defend himself against this natural predator that stood before him ready to devour him ferociously.

It was evident the goblin's disadvantage here, not only did the hound have the advantage in a 1x1 fight, but it was also the worst case scenario in terms of experience for the goblin, being a monster he only attacked without a plan, unlike the Hound.

The [ ? ] is watching this fight!

Ignoring that notification that sounded in his head, Ares was focusing on the little goblin to pay attention to something like that.

The first to attack was the goblin raising his wooden club. However, Ares who was looking at the little goblin took a step to the side. Thus, the goblin fell face down on the ground, but quickly got up.

Kieee, Kieehh!

The goblin let out two unrecognizable squeals to human language, although it was unrecognizable, it was obvious that the goblin was extremely angry at being treated as a mere training doll by Ares.

On the other hand, Ares had a look of pure disappointment on his face. He hadn't expected it to be so irritating, either the Goblin was so dumb that he was coming at him without any strategy or there simply wasn't any strategy in his head.

Once again, the goblin launched the same kind of attack against Ares. Without the slightest effort, Ares avoided the attack. Putting in some of his strength, Ares used the side of his whip sword to strike the goblin's head.

The [ ? ] is enjoying its cruelty.

Another notification came to him. Without paying attention again, Ares continued to stare at the little goblin, or rather his helpless prey.

Krrrr ...

The goblin let out a groan of pain as his head was hit and he stumbled to his feet.


Five. In total, Ares spent five whole minutes just bullying that poor goblin.

In the meantime. He ended up gathering some people watching his actions. Some were clearly enjoying watching him bully the little goblin and even if there were some people sickened by his actions, even if they didn't show it, they were easily read as a blank book by Ares.

It's not as if Ares was doing this kind of thing for some sick pleasure inside him. It's just that he wondered if these little creatures could reveal any kind of action the closer to death they were to death.

Unfortunately for Ares. These creatures were so stupid that they didn't even think about running away or making any other kind of attack, they just attacked by raising their clubs until they got tired.

Tired of this circus. Ares pressed the button on his sword handle that released his whip.


The tip of the whip made a horrible crack as it sliced through the air.


The people watching this swallowed hard.

Looking at the poor fellow, he was all sweaty and could no longer even keep his wooden club upright. But as soon as he saw the shape that the sword took, the fear that was inside his goblin heart exploded.

In a desperate measure, he threw down his wooden club and tried to run into the bushes behind him.


The snapping sound was followed by the continuous scream of a goblin.


Amidst the scream, the sound of the goblin's left arm falling to the ground was heard. It was as described. The whip cut the goblin's arm.


That was the power of the whip. The whip was a cutting weapon. Ares picked up the whip and swung it toward the goblin again, this time with the intention of killing it.

Kieee ...


The whip made a terrifying sound as it struck and slashed the goblin's back.

Dead. The goblin was dead. The health bar that was visible on top of his head swung wildly downward registering the blow he had received.

And if one were to take a closer look at the goblin's wound, one would see that it was deep enough to reach the poor fellow's rib cage.

The [ ? ] Appreciated his cruelty.

[ ? ] Grant you a part of your Authority!

You have earned the skill [ Skeletal Science ]

The skill will be available in the catalogs!

< You got ten gold coins by defeating the Goblin >

'And to think I would gain an ability just for doing something as mediocre as that...'

All that was left was the game notification itself and the corpse of a hot goblin.


You have defeated a Lvl2 goblin!


10 Silver Coins!


+1 Goblin Ear


The crowd there soon began to say goodbye for missing out on the fun.

'The first thing I want to know is the Skeleton Soldier's ability.'

It was all about measuring Skeleton Soldier's ability, a skill he had obtained very recently.

However, the Skeleton Soldier's ability was different. Ares had never used the Skeleton Soldier skill in his past life. Although... he had a lot of experience in fighting it.

"Well, he should buy some time, at least."

He really didn't expect much.

"It will probably be hard to win even against a Goblin."

A Goblin Skeleton summoned by Ares would have a hard time defeating a living Goblin.

The Skeleton Soldier skill is only able to reveal its true value when used in conjunction with other skills.

Initially, Ares' Skeleton Soldier skill was only at level F. In addition, the combat power of a skeleton soldier also depended on the user's mana usage. The greater the mana used, the stronger the Skeleton Soldier's attack and defense was. The Skeleton Soldier skill also required the support of a variety of other skills to become really strong.

Still, it was necessary to test it first to be sure.

''Let's see how long he lasts.''

He needed to judge how much damage his Skeleton Soldier can withstand, as well as his skill.

Ares immediately used his ability on the fallen Goblin.

He didn't need an incantation.

The flesh and muscle of the goblin's corpse melted like ice cream on asphalt. Ares injected his mana into the goblin's bones and then willed his mana to form a skeleton soldier.

Tteolgeureok! Tteolgeureok!

< The dead became his subordinates under his authority >

The goblin corpse, which now had nothing left but its skeleton, rose from the ground.


The goblin's eyes burned with green flames.


At that moment a new goblin appeared. As soon as the goblin appeared, the skeleton ran straight to the goblin.

''Could he survive for at least 10 seconds? It would be much easier to hunt in the future if I could.... Am I expecting too much?''

Ares watched the scene in silence.

''Oh my God...''

When the battle started, Ares decided to completely revise his plan of using his [ Skeleton Soldiers ] as just cannon fodder.

''Why is he so strong?''

. .

Some of the people who were still standing there, killing the nearby monsters, saw that scene with wide eyes.

Specifically two men who were fighting a wild boar nearby.

They saw them from the moment the goblin's flesh melted like ice cream until he ran towards the goblin that reappeared there, even with his free hands he crushed the other goblin's skull with ease.

The way the skeleton goblin was fighting was complete chaos.

What appeared to be the oldest of them there said with disbelief, "Hey, Kirito, what class did that guy have to be able to do that?"

Kirito answered him, "He's a black mage, a class focused on cursing, summoning and reviving the dead, that skill of his is the main skill of his class, [ Skeleton Soldier ]."

. .

Skeleton Soldier, the skill level is F, the summoner level is 1, and the size of his mana reserve is almost negligible.

It was a combat power that could not be described as strong.


However, the skeleton soldier of Ares covered his lack of combat power with good combat techniques when dealing with the Goblin.

''Now I'm sure.''

It was after the skeleton soldier killed his third goblin.

'That's my style, I didn't expect to have my style completely copied ...'

Ares realized that his skeleton soldier was fighting like him.

In short, the skeleton soldiers' fighting skills mimicked his summoner.

''It's nothing unexpected.''

Not surprisingly, the skeleton soldiers' fighting techniques also came from their summoner.

''But I didn't think that would be the result.''

In Ares' mind, it was unthinkable, much less expected.

At the same time, it was a very important surprise.

There were no skeleton soldiers in any of Ares' plans, previously he was thinking of joining some attack group, but with this little surprise. He no longer had any reason to do so.

The skeleton soldier that Ares summoned never backed down, despite his small size and fleshless bones.



When he encountered any monster, wolf, boar and goblin, he ran without hesitation.

"That's just a mess...'

It resulted in a total mess.

That was Ares' style.

[ Up! ]

After killing what he saw in front of him with only his bare hands, Ares eventually handed his weapon to the goblin skeleton.

Seeing nothing else to kill, the little skeleton turned to Ares as he looked at Ares.

He had burning, scorching eyes as if belonging to a hound that was still hungry.

. .


Opening his skill window, Ares looked at the new skill he had gained.

[Skeletal Science]

Rank: F

- Acquisition Condition: Black Mage.

- Required level: Above level 1.

- Increases the stats of all skeletons by 5%.

- Decreases the amount of magic power needed to summon skeletons by 10%.

- Increases the number of summonable skeletons by 1.


For the first time, Ares' expression changed. This ability would be great for anything he did.

"Status window."

Another screen appeared in front of him.

- [Ares]

- [Mana: 20+10]

- [Level 2]

- [Class: Black Mage]

- [Title: 1]

- Stats: Strength (3) / Endurance (3) / Intelligence (3) / Magic power (3)

- Points: 5

- Gold: 10


Ares would have to elaborate even more of his plans, before he didn't have Skeleton Science, now he could only quickly raise his level to increase the number of soldiers he had.

Decided, he distributed him 2 points in strength, 1 point in endurance, 1 point in intelligence and 1 point in magic power.

Ares used his ability again on another fallen goblin.

Now in front of him was another small skeleton.

Pulling out another weapon he had in his inventory, it was a sword that was given to all players without exception, along with a bow with ten normal arrows.

He stayed behind with the bow while his soldiers waited for his orders.

''Kill anything that moves.''

The order was clear, this was the beginning of a mass extermination of all monsters in the starting area.