

"You look so much like her. You have her eyes, her hair, her nose, Ah and even that beautiful arc of her eyebrows" The way he had said "her eyebrows " scared me. Much to my horror he pulled out a razor.

L_L_G · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

Who is she???

*Somewhere in the dark depths of the forest, where ancient trees loomed like towering sentinels and a heavy, oppressive silence hung in the air.*

"The girl seems to be getting her senses back," the young boy whispered urgently to the man.

"Get her under control!" ordered the man, his voice laced with unease.

"Y-yes, sir," stammered the boy, who hurried back to the girl.

She shook her head wildly, her dark, tattered clothes only making her appear more crazed. The shackles on her hands rang out, the sound echoing through the forest.

"Answer me!" she demanded, her eyes blazing with determination. "Let me out! Why am I here?" She snarled.

The boy quickly signaled the guards, who approached cautiously as she thrashed and tossed, a wild animal caught in a trap.

One of the guards swiftly injected her with a mysterious liquid, and her struggles ceased as she slipped into unconsciousness.

She was dangerous even to them, an instrument of destruction. They had to get her mind under control. They had lost the other one, but they wouldn't lose this one.