
She Is My Enemy

Damien eyes remained glued to Vanessa as she just kept in wiping his face that was still riddled with Robin's mucus. Vanessa was still quietly cleaning his face.

"Vanessa what are you thinking?" Damien asked but immediately regretted saying it out loud. It was obvious what she was thinking.

Of course which lady wouldn't think her man is cheating, when she saw him and Robin behind his car, in the empty garage with just a little lighting and really, really close to each other holding hands.

'ugh... what got into me, why did I hold her back'Damien groaned inwardly.

"it isn't what you think" Damien signed"well let's just say Robin is some kind of.... erm... Robin is..?" he struggled to find the perfect word to describe that years long enemy of his to his girlfriend without her getting angry.

Just thinking about her brought deep lines to his forehead"that girl!" he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

" so who is Robin? " Vanessa finally looked at him, maintaining that questioning eye contact.

"Robin is...she is.."

"who is she Damien? who is she to you?" Vanessa raised her voice a little,displeased at Damien's lack of explanation.

Damien let out a throaty and cracked chuckle"Robin is nothing...she is nothing...she is of no meaning to me"

Vanessa placed her hands on he hips and narrowed her eyes" is nothing? then explain the situation"

"Robin do mean something to me" Damien have a tired smile"she is my enemy"

Vanessa pursed her mouth to a thin line and she shook her head,her eyes still on Damien's face.He looked calm and cool,no sweat on his forehead. His blue circles show no hint of lies.

"your enemy?" Vanessa lowered her voice.

"haaa! it sounds incredulous right" Damien smiled sadly.

Vanessa looked forward and entered the car,Damien followed he ignited the car and drive out

The car drove past Robin,his eyes caught sight of Robin trashing in the rain and, the one calling her when they were in the garage,right behind her.

He clenched the steering wheel tighter'that girl still have this dirty behavior'

Vankessa narrowed her eyes at him noticing his constant glances at the side view mirror"are you sure she is nothing more than a friend" she asked calmly her eyes down at her heels.

"she isn't even my friend, Robin is my enemy,I repeat, Robin is my enemy"Damien eyes got colder.

" ha ha"Vanessa chuckled" I can't really believe Damien Strong have an enemy,you are the most playful and cheerful person I know"

'thats my outermost self..my innermost self is locked up somewhere secure' Damien said all this in his mind,there are some limits to things he tells Vanessa.

"Everyone has an enemy" Damien stated bluntly

"well you are right" Vanessa nodded"but what are you guys doing in the garage?"

" I think she is a stalker,cause when I excused myself to go to the car she was behind it hiding there" Damien replied.

" then you should have the cops on the case"Vanessa said alarmed.

" no" Damien shook his head" I will handle her"

" am worried darling" Vanessa touched his hand gently.


Damien signed and dropped on his bed,he is tired with all this messed up feelings reeling in him.

He picked up his phone and dialled Aaron's number.

"hello boss..how was your date?..did she say yes?" Aaron asked excited.

"Aaron, I need you to open up a restaurant,big five star restaurant by next week,when the restaurant is hiring send me the list of names of those who came to apply" Damien ordered.

"okay sir..but if I may ask why?" Aaron.

"I just need to finish a business I didn't and you know I I hate leaving unattended business for long" Damien.

" okay...you haven't answered my questions" Aaron.

" what questions?"Damien wrinkled his face confused.

" about how your date went?..or should I say proposal?" Aaron.

"it went horrible" Damien replied shortly not wanting to waste time talking about that event.

"did you finally chickened out?" Aaron.

"no,something else happened" Damien.

"what happened?" Aaron asked.

"let's just say a pest destroyed everything" Damien replied.

Aaron signed" is it Robin?" he asked calmly.

" did you hack the restaurant cameras?"Damien asked as this wouldn't be the first time he had done such a thing.

" no, you only get like this to one person and that person is Robin" Aaron.

" Aaron, I get like this to other people so don't just assume"Damien blinked multiple times,when did he become this readable to people.

" just admit it Damien, I told you this several times already, what are feeling exactly for that girl is it hatred or something else?" Aaron asked raising his voice.

Damien grew silent and started remembering his encounters with Robin. Each and every time all he wanted to do is destroy her and make her pay,so there is no why another feeling would be attached,well except disgust.

" Aaron you are just over thinking it, I hate her and I will always hate her"Damien stated.

" okay mr I hate her..you have all the power in the city even the authorities can't go against but why haven't you gotten rid of her?" Aaron.

" because she is my enemy..making her grow wings first is what I will do before breaking them and slowly using it to suffocate her" Damien.

" that makes no sense" Aaron.

" just like this conversation makes no sense"Damien.

" Damien...."

" bye Aaron" Damien hung up the call and dropped his phone.

He laid down flat on the bed his wet hair drenching a part forming a wet patch.

" do I have something for Robin" He asked once again remembering all their encounters.

But one thing for sure he didn't dare go back to eight years ago when the real conflict began.

Tok Tok, a little shadow emerge at the door holding a pillow.

"Uncle Damien cam I sleep here tonight, I am scared" A nine years old girl entered in. She is a perfect doll, her beautiful face even more beautiful under the room dim light.

"sure you can Beth" Damien waved her over with a smile.

She hurriedly ran to his side and got on the bed with him.

"you are still scared of the big room and the stories?" he asked.

She hummed and nodded.

"I will tell Bethany to stop reading them for you and to sleep beside you"

"thanks Uncle Damien" she threw her little arms around his neck happily.

He patted her silky brown hair,petting her to sleep.