
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Komik
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65 Chs


Another two months passed with nothing but cultivation, chatting in chat and cultivation.

Xiao Xianzhi, who had reached Peak of Tyrant Profound Realm rested in Xia Manor with Jasmine beside him.

He was excited for today, after all, today is the day everyone will meet.

Jasmine looked at this excited expression and shook her head. In the two months, their relationship had gotten better and she had also recovered almost all of her strength.

Every day, she would fight against him after making the bet that the loser would cook for the winner because she didn't want to ask him for his food.

Even though she didn't want to ask, she knew that he already knew why she asked for a fight and because of this, he would cook before and they would eat together.

Not only that, she had also started to study under him after learning about the runes and Xiao Xianzhi had asked her to promise him that she would listen to him once, no matter what he would say.

In the two months, Xiao Xianzhi had been strengthening his spirit by the old method of tiring himself and recovering. He used the runes in Evil Infant for it and now he has remembered 10 Primordial Runes present in it.

Though he didn't understand the meaning of them, and when he used them, he knew what they could do.

Also, just like the Decay Intent, he used Fire, Water, Lighting, and Wind to create different intents with meanings behind them.

Understanding Water Profound Energy, he created Healing Intent by mixing his understanding of the human body with the Miracle of life and now he could even regenerate arms and legs.

Understanding Fire Profound Energy, he created Burning Intent which, when high level could even burn Space and Time.

Understanding Lightning Profound Energy, he mixed it with Healing Intent to increase his thought process and the electric signals produced in his body and now he could use Thought Acceleration by 100x.

Understanding wind Profound Energy, he created Flowing Intent based on high pressure and low pressure and now he could just use the wind to create fast-moving cyclones to vacuums.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Xiao Xianzhi now had the power to kill any 'Mortal' but only if he is given time to do so.

As he was in thought, Xiao Xianzhi sensed the changes in space and he looked in a direction.

A few people arrived at the place and looking at them, Xiao Xianzhi's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Zhi!"



Three people said at the same time and two people rushed at him. Seeing them, Xiao Xianzhi also stood up as he caught both of them.

"Ling'e, Yue'er, I missed you two." Xiao Xianzhi said while hugging them tightly.

Looking at them, Xia Yuanba, who was about to move, stopped and he smiled.

"Is he the one?" The woman beside him asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, he is the one I talked about. It's because of him I am how I am or I would be a naive kid still in Nascent Profound Realm." Xia Yuanba said with a smile as he remembered the incident in which Xiao Xianzhi planned everything.

Hearing this, Huan Caiyi looked at him with a curious expression but she couldn't sense anything from it. It's as if he is a normal person and that made her expression change.

"Yu'er, Ling'er." Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked at Xia Qingyue, who even though she had a cold aura around her, she felt warm to him.

In the year, her appearance hadn't changed but the aura around her had completely changed and now she looked like an Ice Goddess.

Then he looked at Xiao Ling, who had a Golden mark on her forehead and he could sense that her bloodline had gotten much stronger and she had a strange energy around her.

"I missed you two," Xiao Xianzhi said again as he looked at Xia Qingyu and his face moved closer to her. Seeing this, Xia Qingyue's lips curved but she stopped him and said, "Not now, We will spend time later."

"Eh? Then let me do it." Xiao Ling said as she heard Xia Qingyue and as she was about to move, Xia Qingyu moved forward and put her lips on his.

Feeling her soft but cold lips, Xia Xianzhi put his hands on her waist and he started to suck her lips to warm them and seeing this, Xiao Ling pouted and retreated.

This scene was seen by everyone and seeing this, Jasmine felt sour and she disappeared from the place. Seeing this, Mu Bingyun chuckled as she could see the sour look on her face before she disappeared and shook her head.

After kissing Xia Qingyue for five minutes, Xiao Xianzhi separated from her and licking his lips, he looked at Xiao Ling, who wiped his lips and said, "Even though I am not first, I won't accept anything less."

Saying this, she cupped his head and pulled him in a kiss and Xiao Xianzhi felt her warm lips and the Golden Mark on her forehead shined and both of them sucked each other's lips.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyu wiped her lips and saw Xia Yuanba looking at them, Her expression changed and she asked, "Yuanba, when did you arrive?"

"Eh? I came at the same time. I guess sister forgot about his brother because of her husband." Xia Yuanba said as he wiped the fake tear from his eyes and seeing this, Xia Qingyu raised her brows and she asked, "Aha! It seems you have learned to tease your Big sister, do you want me to repeat the lessons from the past?"

"Hehe! Big Sister, are you sure you will be able to teach me a lesson? I am sure Brother will stop you like before."

"You brat." Xia Qingyue said as she appeared beside him but he had already disappeared from the place.

"Haha! Big sister, you are so slow." Xia Yuanba said as he was in the sky, but his expression changed as he heard Xia Qingyue's voice beside him.

"Ara~, Really? Am I slow or did you sense wrong? I have been standing behind you for 2 seconds."

Hearing her, Xia Yuanba's expression changed and as he looked behind, he saw Xia Qingyue in Xiao Xianzhi's arms and she laughed with him.

"What happened?" He asked Huan Caiyin as he appeared in his place and she shook her head and said, "I saw three of them at the same time and I also don't understand what happened."

"Eh? Even you?"

"Yeah, even me."

Hearing this, Xia Yuanba shuddered as Huan Caiyi is Half-Step Divine Origin while he is peak Sovereign Realm Cultivator.

With the Golden Crow's Bloodline and Dual cultivating with each other, they had reached the Peak of the world.

"Yuanba, How are you doing? Even though I had expected this, I must say that I am shocked at the fact that you own Little Demon Empress's heart." Xiao Xianzhi said as he arrived at the place and hugged Xia Yuanba. Hearing this, Xia Yuanba laughed and said, "Haha! Me too! At first, I thought our relationship would be toxic as Golden Crow had screwed us and after learning this, I had went into a rage, but still couldn't do anything to her."

"But after spending time with her, we both accepted each other as our natures matched."

"Hah! So she really used aphrodisiac to screw both of you. I should say, as expected of Golden Crow, the most domineering bird." Xiao Xianzhi laughed and Xia Yuanba nodded at him.

He then glanced at Huan Caiyi, who had no expression on her face and seeing her, Xiao Xianzhi asked, "Did she tell you that you only have a year to live?"

Huan Caiyi flinched as she heard this and Xia Yuanba sighed and said, "As expected, I knew that you would know about this."

"Hmm! If Golden Crow had told you about this before the incident, would you have accepted the legacy?" Xiao Xianzhi asked as he looked at Huan Caiyi with a serious expression, and before she could say anything, Xia Yuanba appeared in front of her and said, "Brother, you don't have to test her anything. I have accepted Caiyi as my woman and even if something happens, she will remain as my woman."

Xia Yuanba stared into Xiao Xianzhi's eyes and his expression changed as he saw Xiao Xianzhi's eyes darkening.

"What did you just say? You have accepted her as a woman, but when she dies a year later, what will you do? Marry another one? Then what? What if something again happened to her?" Xia Yuanba flinched under Xiao Xianzhi's gaze and his blood boiled.

His peak Sovereign Profound Realm cultivation was released and he said, "Nothing will happen to her, If you have any solution to the problem, then I will ask for your help, if not, then I will go through to Divine Realms and look for a solution for her problem. In any case, she won't die." Xia Yuanba said with a completely determined tone as he gazed into Xiao Xianzhi's eyes.

Both of them kept staring at each other as the atmosphere became heavy and then everything disappeared as Xiao Xianzhi started to laugh and said, "Haha! It seems you have complete control over your heart and you haven't forgotten what I told you."

Hearing this, Xia Yuanba grinned and said, "Brother, you have grown so powerful in the year."

"Haha!" Xiao Xianzhi laughed and then looked at Huan Caiyi. He created a seal and it flew and attached to her forehead.

A minute later, the seal disappeared and Xiao Xianzhi received the information about her body and he said, "Hmm! Yang and Yin, I know what to do."

"Don't worry, your problem will be solved with the gift I will give as the first meeting gift." Xiao Xianzhi said as he thought of giving her Dragon and Devil Bloodline to balance the Yang Energy from Crow in her body.

"Really? How?" Xia Yuanba asked and Xiao Xianzhi said, "Hmm, the reason for her short lifespan is the Yang Energy destroying her body. I could just heal her and give her healing Talismans but that would be a temporary method."

"To offset the excess Yang Energy in her body, I just need to increase her Yin Energy and Ice Phoenix's bloodline would be a good option but instead of offsetting, they would destroy her body."

"For that, I will give her my, i.e. Dragon Bloodline so that it can suppress and act as a medium for them to balance each other."

Xiao Xianzhi said and Xia Yuanba nodded at him. He then thought of his words and asked, "What do you mean by your bloodline?"

"Well, I am a Complete Inheritor of Dragon God, meaning I am the next Dragon God." Xiao Xianzhi said while shrugging and Xia Yuanba and Huan Caiyi's expression changed.

"So you are the one that Golden Crow asked us to be aware of. The Monster of this Era." Huan Caiyi said and everyone's expression changed as they heard this. Xiao Xianzhi's eyes twitched and he asked, "What did you say?"

"Golden Crow had been complaining about missing you as she wanted to make you, the Monster of this Era her complete inheritor." Huan Caiyi said and Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed and he asked, "How did she know about it?"

"She said that Dragon God had bragged to her and asked her to take care of his inheritor when he arrived in the upper world." Xia Yuanba said and Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed, and he said, "Damn You Long Yin! You and your big mouth! Now all the beasts in the Upper Realm must know about me as Golden Crow is loudmouth, and she must have bragged to the Phoenix in the upper realm about me."


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