
I am entirely average...but was reincarnated with Spider-Man's powers?

I lived my entire life as your average joe and nothing changed once I was reincarnated...or so I thought.

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4 Chs

New Identity.

"This view is magnificent..." Mikey said in awe as he watched the sunrise from atop a high-rise building. That building being, Wayne Tower.

'Although I cannot feel human emotions, I am still in awe by this view as well,' Alan said in his flat robotic tone, that was slowly gaining more 'life'. The two companions watched the sunrise until well, the sun was risen.

Mikey watched over the ever-busy city and brought up a minor concern that could become serious later, "What about Batman? I mean, I'm sure I could beat him in a fight just by my superior physical strength and given he has no prep-time, but if he really wanted to crush us, he could," Mikey expressed his concerns to Alan who 'laughed'.

'Batman has no reason to come after us at the moment, besides, even if he does end up tracking us, what will he find? Nothing. You don't exist in this world yet, you don't have an identity, no birth certificate, no SSN, you're a walking ghost,' Alan put out the flames of doubt within Mikey's heart which put a smile on his face.

"Thanks, but speaking about an identity, I think it's about time I get one no? As cool as it is being completely off the grid, I think having an identity would come in handy," Mikey said as he watched a school bus pick up a group of students, reminding him of the life he led previously.

'Very true, but we can still have the off the grid aspect of things. I will create your new identity, but you won't be Mikey Brown, you'll become someone else,' Alan suggested which made Mikey shake his head, "I don't see a reason to do that, I mean even If I do go by a different name, I still have the same face, the same fingerprints, the same genetic code. Unless you can change all of that, something I don't want changed, then an identity with my real name is the ideal choice."

'You make a good point. Giving you some random name will only cause more problems down the line...fine then. I'll create an identity for you with your actual name, give me a moment...' Mikey's earrings began to glow and a blue light shot from them and created an ID card, a passport, a birth certificate, a SSN card, and a debit card.

'Identity creation complete, I've completely implemented you into the U.S. Citizen database, which means you now exist, Mikey Ezra Brown,' Alan said as Mikey examined his new identification. On his ID, listed everything an ID would list, and after going through everything he took a look at the debit card.

"How much money is on this?" Mikey asked with a bit of excitement in his tone, 'I wired you $3,500 from a dead woman's bank account, she passed recently so her funds weren't given away or anything,' Alan explained which made Mikey think, "Wait so does that mean you can just give me like a million dollars then?"

'I surely could, but the IRS exists, along with the greatest detective in the world, Batman, and we don't want to leave too many trails now do we? If I suddenly transferred you a million dollars, the person or persons I got it from would be incredibly suspicious no?' Mikey sighed as his dreams of suddenly becoming a millionaire faded into the wind, "I hate that you're right...I just hope I don't fall into the cliché of being a broke Spider-Man..."

'I don't believe that will happen, as long as you find a way to generate passive income, you'll be fine,' Alan said and Mikey shrugged, "I guess it's not as hard as I thought, but one more thing, can you enroll me into school? I don't want to live a monotonous life of just fighting crime you know?"

'Mikey, my friend, you forget I'm an A.I., I already enrolled you into school. Tomorrow starts your first day at Gotham Academy, and as for living conditions, you'll have to figure that out on your own,' Mikey thanked god for Alan's foreseeing mind but sighed at the thought of having to find his own place to stay.

"Alright, I guess we should get that over with today. Also, you said you can synthesize materials together as long as you have a formula and materials right? What exactly does that mean?" Mikey asked his robotic companion as he leaped off of Wayne Tower. He still wasn't good at swinging, but he practiced a bit overnight, so he could be considered a super amateur. Mikey swung from building to building and leaped from rooftop to rooftop as Alan answered his question.

'If I explain it in simple terms, it means I can craft things for you given I have the right materials. For example, if you wanted to create a mask and you give me cotton and polyester, then I can create a cotton polyester blend mask. It's very simple, give me two materials that can be combined and I can combine them. Now obviously, I can't create a new element, so don't get your hopes up or anything.' Alan explained to Mikey who picked up a 'RENT NOW' flyer from a telephone poll.

'I see, so then you can create me a suit then right?' Mikey asked as he realized he needed to call the number on the flyer but didn't have a phone, "Damn it..."

'Yes indeed, and to create the ideal suit, I can give you a list of materials that would work well. Also, I can function as a cellular device,' Alan said and Mikey sighed a sigh of relief. Mikey called the number from Alan, and was told the location of the apartment.

"West Gotham? Okay then..." Mikey swung towards the location given by the man on the phone, who sounded like a gruff old man. After about 5 minutes of swinging, Mikey reached West Gotham and it was safe to say, he was going to get a good deal for his apartment, or at least he hoped.

West Gotham was dark despite it being 9'oclock in the morning, this was probably due to the heavy smog coming out of the various factories. The streets were littered with trash and cars were few. The residents of West Gotham looked at Mikey with various gazes, some of them being weary, some of them being predatory, but most of the gazes were full of indifference. It seems like people on this side of Gotham just wanted to get on with their day, without accidently looking at the wrong person and ending up on a T-shirt.

Mikey approached what he hoped would be his new residence, although he hoped it looked better on the inside. The apartment complexes were named the Sunshine Villa's and well...they were the exact opposite. The residents inside of the complex hung around in small groups, and Mikey noticed that just about everyone had some form of a weapon on them.

Mikey reached the rentals office and inside was a gruff old man. Mikey walked up to the desk and the old man looked at Mikey with slight disdain, "Whaddaya' want kid? If you're tryin' to sell me somethin' I don't want it!" The old man said as he slammed his hand against the desk.

Mikey gave him a slight, polite smile and shook his head, "No sir, I'm the guy you we're on the phone with a few minutes ago," The old man looked at Mikey with an untraceable amount of shock, "Kid I got off the phone with you not even 20 minutes ago, how did you get here so fast?" The old man's tone was full of suspicion.

"Oh no, I was in the area. I saw your Ad and decided to call you. I recently moved to Gotham and your place was the first one I saw," Mikey said with another small, polite smile which the old man ignored.

"Why the hell would you want to live in a hell hole like Gotham?" The old man muttered under his breath as he brought out a couple forms, "Sign these and you'll get the keys to your apartment today."

Mikey read the forms and saw that the rent was $850 a month, which he thought was a pretty good deal, along with a $1,000 security deposit. Mikey groaned at the thought of losing $1,000 dollars right after getting some money but signed the forms anyway.

"I'll give you the deposit tomorrow, is that fine?" Mikey asked as the old man nodded, "Yeah, but if I don't see it in my hands by tomorrow, we're going to have a serious problem kid I'll tell ya' that," The old man said as he handed Mikey his key. The key read 3-5, which meant floor 3, room 5.

Mikey walked out of the rental office and soon was in front of his new apartment, "I guess my new life truly begins now?"