
I Am Cured From Being Zombie

I used to be a Zombie, moving mindless corpse. but now i am cured and become a human. what should i do now? -_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- thank you for reading this novel. it will be quite annoying at first but bear with it because there is a reason for everything. please leave comment and idea as this book will not be a good one without you in it.

Northsouth · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

I Go To Where Human is but....

- Alpha POV -

after a week with human, doing nothing else but eat and learn to communicate, finally we go to the place where human lives.

and i notice i can think in much more clearer way. like, i don't struggle to find my words again. turns out i just need to match the memory for writing in language to memory for thinking in language and soon i can think as fluent as i write. sadly i still can't talk as i don't remember how to make a sound.

okay right now we are already walking to our destination, me and Catherina, to the human place.

i like the way human said Catherina. and i like this human voice too.

but this human is a bit weird, keep staring at my front finger. is it anything special?

i don't know.


this journey to human place is actually rather boring.

We've been walked for three days, Catherina keep eating something every several hour. while me, i just eat when i see animal. weird human.

oh i just realize that the animal that i kill to eat, that fight me back, is called horse. and horse actually used as something you ride, not eat. because when you ride horse, you can move much faster. but since i can move faster than horse, that means i don't need horse.

so horse is still food for now. at least until i know what human eat. did human eat each other like zombie when desperate?

i don't know.


this is the fifth day of our journey to human place.

i want to say there is nothing fun today to. but something actually happen. and it is not fun.

that one Black Zombie that i punch weeks ago? it got back.

right in front of us. and with human in its mouth.

damn you black zombie!

i want to go to where human is, but you eat the humans!