
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Komik
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22 Chs


"Is something wrong my lady?" Aino asked seeing Kaguya returning from the mountain with a weird look. She was worried, one moment everyone had gathered to see how the mountain had just disappeared, and it reappeared. this god-like power left everyone fearful and respectful of the strange being who stood on the mountain.


"H-he stole my kiss," Kaguya said with a blush, not having anyone to speak to about this matter, she would only turn to her close friend. Aino eyes widened, and went on to sit before Kaguya, waiting for her to spill the beans.

So she explained everything, leaving Aino stunned hearing the matter that happened around the destruction and reappearance of the mountain. She was stunned hearing that man on the mountain power, and how he just destroyed the fact he kissed her, just to take her first kiss once more.

"What's his name?" Aino asked realizing she had never heard of his name. Kaguya also froze, realizing she also didn't know. they both looked at each other with a blank look, before Kaguya frowned deeply.

"You can't let him take advantage of you. you're the princess, at least you two should be equals. You can't let him keep having the upper hand like this." Aino said seriously, to which Kaguya nodded in understanding. She had been losing out lately, at this rate he would think she was easy to bully. she couldn't allow such a thing to happen.

So, the next day she headed up the mountain with a plan in mind. but when she arrived, she found me currently working on gathering chakra outside of my body. this was much harder for me compared to controlling Chakra within myself. 

"What are you doing?" Kaguya asked in confusion, not understanding what I was trying to do. 

"I'm trying to project chakra outside of my body... do your clan not do this?" I asked to which Kaguya formed a question mark above her head.

"we do... but we build our ability around it," Kaguya said softly, unlike the shinobi which would appear in the future, her clan didn't have a concept of Jutsu. instead, they are born with 2 unique abilities which they build their powers around. 

what I was doing was projecting chakra outside of my body without trying to use any of my abilities, such as my power of destruction or reality-warping capability, it was odd and a waste in her eyes

It did make sense, it was like having talent for one thing, yet going out of your way to do something else. 

"I want to create unique chakra arts, I don't want to destroy everything," I said calmly, to which Kaguya thought for a moment before nodding in understanding.

"So, since you came here so early, were you by chance missing me?" I asked making Kaguya blush slightly. But she tried not to let me have the upper hand, she was a princess, how could she be so weak?

"You shouldn't come here every day, those below would grow unhappy. by now everyone knows you're the real emperor. they are scared by the showing of power I just showed, you can't just ignore them." I said causing the build-up Kaguya was doing to go to waste. She went blank, she understood what I was saying was the truth, but she didn't like managing everything.

"You're weak, so you should also remain on guard against those 6. They might break free from your control if not care... but it can't be helped if you want to spend time with me. kiss me and I shall marry you right away, and help you out." I said with a smile, making Kaguya's face redden.

"Who wants to marry you?" She said with a snort,

"The person who stole two of my kisses," I said making a vein appear on Kaguya's forehead, who stole whose kiss here?

"You're the one who stole my kiss!" She said angrily, to which I just shrugged.

"Does it matter? All that matters is my first kiss was taken, yet the person refuses to accept responsibility. How will I marry?" I asked with a sigh, making Kaguya's eyes twitch

"I should be the one asking that." She said angrily, to which I nodded slightly before taking her hand.

"In that case, let's just get married. since you stole my kiss and I stole yours... well, this is the only way." I said while holding her tightly in my arms, making Kaguya's face red

"You tricked me..." Kaguya said lightly, realizing how she was tricked by me. I smiled lightly while holding up her chin slightly,

"is that a no?" I asked lightly, Kaguya had trouble looking me in the eyes, but she nodded lightly. With that, we shared a kiss, but she broke the kiss off leaving me confused.

"I don't even know your name..." She said softly, the last bits of reasoning in her fighting back. I was left confused for a moment, before realizing I never told her my name.

"Levi Voldigoad... are you trying to become Kaguya Voldigoad?" I said. My tribe was named the Voldigoad tribe. there was nothing unique about the tribe, but it had the name and I guessed the name had something to do with the goddess. 

"..." Kaguya's face turned red, but she nodded lightly. since she couldn't return home, she might as well build a new home here. So, we shared a deep and passionate kiss. 

So, it was set in stone. Kaguya wanted to marry me, and although I didn't want to marry, I took a step back and was willing to do that. I didn't want to marry and move down to live amongst the others, but I could marry

the marriage was going to take place when Kaguya took over the world. Wanting to marry as soon as possible, Kaguya would only come up the mountain 3 to 5 times a week, where she would spend the night... Through it all, Kaguya wanted me to move down the mountain, to which I refused.

When she wasn't up the mountain, I was busy training. I currently had a small amount of chakra, but that was okay, as the smaller the chakra, the easier it is to learn to control.

But since I was busy training and trying to create jutsu, it meant I wasn't paying attention to Kaguya. The concept of Fate also was something I completely forgot about. this was the Naruto world, and even with my appearance and the many changes I brought to this world, fate would still try and push this world toward its fated path.

Kaguya needed to lose her fate in humanity, and many humans had all of the reasons to attack her. So, a few months later, the 6 people I had trained had broken free from Kaguya's control. it started as one of them, but after realizing Kaguya had controlled him, he went on to help the others come back to their senses. 

Under the hunger for revenge, power, and even taking Kaguya as their woman, they would of course aim their blades at her

Enraged that they were someone else puppets, they all united and went on to attack Kaguya. this led to a battle breaking out, and Kaguya's escape path toward the mountain was blocked. they didn't want to kill Kaguya but instead wanted to capture her, and using her they would try and kill me.

Kaguya was forced to escape towards the God Tree, being physically weak, Aino was pulling her toward the God Tree, while behind a bunch of soldiers and guards fought to buy her time. but how could they buy enough time? adding the fact those 6 had gathered a group of people who wanted to overthrow Kaguya, those buying time were slaughtered

Aino seeing this gritted her teeth before she pushed Kaguya forward to run. Kaguya was about to stop, only to see an arrow shot across the air, hitting Aino straight in the head. the arrow was so powerful, that it pierced through her head, and came out through her forehead, sending her blood flying onto Kaguya's face.

"Give up, there is no escape." A middle-aged man said coldly, 

"Why? All I did was try and end this waring era." Kaguya said with slight tears in her eyes, causing them to snort in disdain at her words.

"once you're dead, we can do all that by ourselves and more. but you and that monster on that mountain have to die... plus, we have to get revenge for being your puppet all these months. you can repay us with your body. you are a beauty after all" They said with a cold smirk, Kaguya gritted her teeth in rage and disgust

to think humans could be so cruel, she had heard how the head of the tribe wished to end all of the fighting and bring peace, she had seen the pain conflict brought upon others, so she made it her goal to end it all... but now she realized something.

Being kind, gentle and all couldn't bring peace. It's absolute power. She had too much faith in others to carry the same dream as herself, conflict would never be brought to these humans by mortals... but by god. 

With that in mind, she floated into the sky. She was too weak to carry someone when flying, so she could have only run with Aino, but now she flew off, heading towards the god tree. the others were caught off guard by the fact she could fly, so they ran after her. but Kaguya went on to control the god tree, calling forth the chakra fruit. it wasn't ready to be eaten yet, but she didn't care. she can wait 1,000 years before eating another one.

So, she ate it. On her forehead, a slit appeared, and as it did, it opened to reveal a red eyeball. she began to glow with chakra while she flew high into the sky, she looked at the army of people that had run after her, before looking towards a mountain. her eyes flashed with many complex thoughts before she looked at the sky, towards the moon.

"Shine upon the world... Infinite Tsukuymai." She said, causing the moon in the sky to turn red, her 3rd eye appearing on them. the dark sky disappeared, as it became brighter than even Noon.

She controlled the god tree, having its roots shot out to wrap around everyone who was standing there, their eyes reflecting a unique pattern within as if they were within some kind of illusion. the roots went on to cover the whole world, every lifeform was swallowed... all but someone on one mountain.

space opened up in front of her, forming some kind of a gate to the mountain where she entered, appearing before me. I was just asleep a moment ago but was awakened by the sudden high amount of chakra.

"... Leave the mountain with me." She said softly, to which I frowned lightly. I looked at her before looking around. with my current self, I could warp reality to do small things like giving myself better eyesight to see everything, but sadly it didn't last long.

"You're walking on a path of no return, you know I can just bring her back to life?" I asked softly, making Kaguya's face frown

"This isn't about Aino... where were you during it all? You chose to live here, you leave all of the work to me while you sit back... I feel all alone. We are working together, we are lovers, yet I feel all alone." She said with tears, causing me to go quiet...

"..." Kaguya looked at me in disappointment, but after a moment she let out a soft breath. She touched her stomach slightly. I was unwilling to return to the outside world, I was enjoying living up here.

"even though i'm pregnant?" She asked making my eyes widen for a moment. I looked at her in shock, and as I gave myself the power to see through things, I saw she was pregnant with twins. I couldn't help but smile in joy, I was going to be a dad.

"Are you willing to come with me to raise them?" She asked, making my smile slowly die. 

"... can't we just raise them alone here? they can grow up in peace..." I said making Kaguya grit her teeth. in the past, she didn't think that my desire to live alone from others was bad, but right now she felt like I would pick this life over her.

"Goodbye, Levi... I will come to see you when my clan comes, until then I will rule this world with my children." She said while turning to leave.

"You can't just take my children away like that," I said with a frown

"Are you willing to put everything aside to raise them?" She asked angrily, to which I couldn't say anything for a moment. but I slowly nodded.

"The fact you hesitated to speak anything, speaks louder than anything else." She said while disappearing, leaving me lost in thought.

I did say I wanted to live for myself, this was something I was serious about. the thought of waking up late at night to the cries of two children was a huge pain... well, it made me realize I wasn't fit or at least ready to be a father. it seemed like I wasn't ready to marry since I couldn't put someone else above my selfish desire for peace. I fully understood I was in the wrong, so I didn't stop her. I didn't want to force myself to do something I didn't want

"Should I just destroy Fate?" I said softly, my eyes glowing with the power of destruction. if I wanted, then I could destroy fate... it was what brought this annoyance. but in the end, I didn't, instead, I rewrote reality, making my bloodline which was within my children, to be sealed away and appear in my palm. This would cause more trouble for them than good, I would watch them from afar until I felt like I was ready to enter their life... once again, I fully understood I was in the wrong. I knew I was the villain here.