
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions.

Sadly, such hand seals would be created by Kaguya grandchildren.

Chakra is created when two primal energies come together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. 

These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practicing a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, one can do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies to physical energy, except one needs to increase one's endurance instead.

At any given time, a ninja will have a "maximum" amount of chakra that they can form and use before it runs out and they need to rest to replenish it. With practice, this maximum can be increased, but only to a certain extent as they are limited to the quantity and strength of chakra that their genetics grant them.

Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up, the key to its use is not having large amounts of chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called Chakra Control.

 To have good chakra control, one should only mold as much chakra as they need to perform a given ability. If they mold more chakra than is needed, the excess chakra is wasted and they will tire out faster from its loss. If they don't mold enough chakra, a technique will not be performed effectively, if at all, likely creating problems in a combat situation. Because chakra consists in part of spiritual energy, the user is more easily able to mold the correct amount of chakra by remaining calm and focused... well, this was something those of the Ōtsutsuki didn't bother with much, but this was something I had to worry about.

You see... I had a lot of mental and physical energy. and when the two went on to fuse, the two birth lot chakras, I felt like I was going to explode. Pushing Kaguya away, I watched as the world around me was destroyed. Even my chakra carried the power of destruction, and it was something I couldn't control.

I regretted my wish, why couldn't I have wished for something like Superman's bloodline fused with Celestialsapien bloodline? why must I look at Anos's power and think, wow he is so broken, let me pick him. I completely ignored how Anos had to cancel out his power with his power, and only used the little bit of power remaining, or else the whole universe would be destroyed... why was I so greedy and asked for stuff I couldn't control?

Sighing, I went on to try my best to control my chakra, having it return inside and I had it destroy each other. this allowed the world around me to be safe from destruction, but the whole mountain I was living on disappeared.

I could float, but I didn't even notice it or that the fact the mountain below had disappeared. instead, I stood there with closed eyes, trying to control my power of destruction to cancel each other out like how Anos did.

This was hard and needed to find a balance. my chakra being destroyed wasn't a problem, it was not like I was destroying my stamina and spiritual energy, so long as my stamina and spiritual energy remained, my energy would recover. I just needed to suppress this destructive power by offsetting my power with my own power. the little chakra that will remain is what I will use. to say the least, this is hard

It took a few minutes for me to get the hang of this, and once I did, I tried to start doing more than one thing while still suppressing myself. this multi-tasking led to my mind transforming, it was as if my mind split in half. I quickly realized I had a parallel thinking. I was able to carry out multiple calculations and thought processes at once.

I didn't gain a second personality like the Celestialsapien. Celestialsapiens possess two personalities that are "sort of" part of their DNA, such as a Voice of Love and Compassion and a Voice of Rage and Aggression. Both of Celestialsapien's personalities have to agree with each other for the Celestialsapien to perform any sort of action. However, due to their contrasting personalities, this hardly ever happens... luckily, I didn't have such a thing.

Instead, it seems like the struggle for me to multi-task led to my mind growing. I didn't gain a second voice or anything. it was one voice, but they could both think of two completely different things all at once. it was weird to get used to, but one got to suppressing my power, allowing me to quickly realize I was floating.

I was blank for some time before I fell to the ground. I was of course not scared of heights, with my powers, I could fall from space and just walk it off. I landed smoothly on my feet, although the ground seemed to shake heavily.

I looked around at the place for some time, before my eyes glowed, I destroyed the power that destroyed this mountain. this leads to the mountain just popping back into existence as if it never disappeared.

Kaguya who was watching all of this from the side was speechless, not knowing what to say about all of this. She had managed to escape although in a weakened state from giving chakra to someone else, and now she saw the birth of such a new and powerful chakra.

Seeing me head up the mountain as if nothing happened, she was annoyed. she quickly followed me.

"you're not even going to see if i'm okay? I almost died." She said angrily, to which I just shrugged,

"If you died or were injured, you would have come back to life as if you never died. I destroyed the power that destroyed this mountain, there for this mountain was never destroyed. there for you would have never died or been injured." I said calmly, making Kaguya form a question mark above her head... was this not a paradox?

"if the power was destroyed, then how did we move from the mountain? shouldn't we have just reappeared on the mountain?" She asked to which I shrugged.

"Logic is for the weak," I said causing a vein to pop on her forehead.

"you're so ungrateful after I weakened myself to help you out. this is the thanks?" She asked unhappily. I rolled my eyes before my eyes glowed again. the fact she gave me chakra was destroyed, and all of a sudden Kaguya found herself returning to her former level of strength.

"This has to be going against the rules... right?" She asked stunned, but when she saw my face was slightly pale, she realized this wasn't so easy on me. well, of course, it wasn't easy on me. most of my energy was suppressed and I was using an extremely small fragment of the chakra left.

If my mental energy was of the same amount as my current energy, then I wouldn't have been able to use any of my abilities as it wasn't enough. but Chakra was more powerful, so I could do it.

"... you willing to go so far? you could have just waited until you recovered before doing this, what if I just backstabbed you right now?" Kaguya asked as the thought truly crossed her mind, my power scared her.

"A weakling like you can't even harm Isshiki, much less me," I said causing Kaguya to throw daggers at me with her gaze. what enraged her the most was just how calm and at ease I said that, as if it was the absolute truth.

Snorting, she turned and left, leaving me to return home and go to sleep. Kaguya came back the next day with some food for me to eat. I of course didn't reject and just ate, leaving Kaguya annoyed as I didn't thank of her.

"Did no one teach you any manners? I'm going out of my way to help you and this is how you treat me?" Kaguya asked unhappily, at her words I sighed softly.

"Thanks for the chakra and food. but I have to admit, you're not so bright." I said calmly, making a vein appear on Kaguya's head, what type of thanks was this?

"you're too trusting, but as expected of a spoiled princess. you gave someone as powerful as myself greater strength, that isn't wise. don't go around doing such stuff or else you will meet an early grave." I said to which Kaguya was quiet for a moment.

"I'm able to read people... the first time this ever went wrong was with Isshiki, I didn't expect him to dodge my attack." She said, to which I acted like I knew and heard nothing about the matter.

"My Byakugan is much stronger than others, I mean with it I could see into the minds of others and send my chakra into their minds." She said lightly. At her words, I couldn't help but remember a pair of eyes called the Sharingan that did pretty much that, but better.

"Well, I should get training. any tips?" I asked to which Kaguya smirked happy at the fact I was now asking her for help. I just snorted at the fact she was taking pleasure in this. but she went on to help me get the hang of the chakra, although she was proven to be not much use as her chakra control was trash. instead, she helped me learn to control the chakra without the need for the hand seal.

Sitting with crossed legs, Kaguya also sat in front of me, while holding my hands, her Byakugan active as she closely watched me.

"growing up, we are taught this. Chakra is a fusion of your body and mind. so simply moving your mind to control it isn't good enough, your body has to be one with your mind. picture chakra as another part of your body, picture it as a mini version of yourself and have it move to your will. follow my chakra movement." She said lightly, while I tried to do as she asked but it wasn't so easy.

"don't force it, it's like teaching a baby to walk. you can't force it, slow and steady." She said while looking at my chakra which was slowly trying to follow her chakra, but it was struggling to do so. it was like I was pulling a car and from time to time, I needed to stop to catch my breath.

She watched as I stopped trying to move the chakra at a high speed, but instead slowed it down to move as slowly as possible and slowly get the hang of moving my chakra. without even noticing, my mind had split once more, leading to a scene where the chakra was moving faster bit by bit, leaving Kaguya stunned. She even noticed I didn't need to put all my attention on this and was looking straight at her, leaving her stunned once more

She turned off her Byakugan and could only look at me, not knowing what to say for some time. this was too fast. I just looked at her stunned look, she was too stunned to say or do anything else, trying to comprehend. I thought for a moment, before moving forward and kissing her on her lips.

This snapped Kaguya back to reality but by the time she realized what I did, I had already gotten up and was walking towards my house, causing her to jump up with a red face and anger.

"How dare you steal my first kiss!" She roared angrily to which I just waved it off.

"It would have happened sooner or later, I just speed things up. Is something wrong?" I said leaving Kaguya speechless, what logic was this?

"Of course, there is something wrong, you can't just kiss someone out of the blue." She said to which I stopped and walked over to her.

"So, you're mad at the fact I kissed you out of the blue than the fact I kissed you?" I asked, making Kaguya blush heavily.

"Y-you!? I didn't say that." Kaguya said while stepping backward, only for me to pull her into my arms, causing her to not know what to do with all of this.

"Yet you didn't reject it... you also didn't reject what I said about it happening sooner or later." I said making Kaguya completely red.

"So, let's undo that first kiss of yours... I will destroy it and give you the proper kiss." I said to which Kaguya just lowered her head, too shy and embarrassed.