
I AM Both NPC And Player In Another World

What if Four hundred thousand of Youths are summoned to another world. Will they become the Heroes or Villains? Or Just Side Characters. But Chaos is inevitable and bounds to happen. Will they chose to become Good People or become villains that are not bounded by any rules. Chaos rises, Death enters and Despair is the true ally. Our MC is chosen to keep the balance of the world, to help the people and the Character that is beyond the rules. He will rise from the ashes to keep the world. He may have the freedom of this world. ---------- Yep, This is a re-write version of that novel which has the same name and same cover. The Art was drawn by @saungarts.

IOnlyReadNTRHentai · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

CHAPTER 3 : About Players!

[ You received a message from Goddess Iori, The Absolute Goddess! ]

I heard a robotic voice inside my head and a status screen appeared beside my left eye. I touched the status screen after that the long status screen appeared in front of my eyes.

[ To Four Million Players-

Here is another gift from me.

Resurrection Stone × 1

Basic Information about players × 1 ]

[ Do you want to store them in your inventory?

Y/N ]

' Fuck. Four Million. That's fucking too much ' I thought and I checked the surrounding. The other people were also showed surprising faces like me.

I calmed down my mind and I tried to think of something to stabilize my anxious mind. My heart was beating too fast and my brain tried to think something rational. I pressed the yes button and the items went into my inventory. I opened up my inventory and checked about Resurrection Stone.

[ Resurrection Stone - A stone that can resurrect players. A stone will be consumed automatically after players die as long as the stone is in near players' or players' inventories.

Note: You can't transfer or sell this item. ]

' Damm. ' I could only mutter these words due to surprise.

' But, this stone is going to be a legendary Class Item. This Stone's value is too great. ' I muttered inside my head. I tried to analyze the situation calmly and my heart was beating at a very fast rate.

' This stone is going to be a rare item ' I thought.

I decided to finish the book first and I would read about players later. So I resumed my reading of the book and I checked some notable parts and stored it back in my inventory.

[ Congratulations! You completed a hidden mission.

- read the book.

Rewards - A Map, 10 Exp ]

' Oh! A hidden mission. I see ' I thought and I accepted the reward and I heard a robotic voice again. A map was beside my left eye and near my forehead but I could zoom it in front of my eyes whenever I wanted. It was pretty nice and looked like playing a game. I just needed to control my thoughts.

It looked like a black dot is me, the blue dots were other players because there were too many of them. I could see the name of this plaza.

' [ The Garden of Southern Babylon, the Nene ]. ' I read it silently.

' Oh, At least I found out which continent, I am in ' I smiled because of newly found information.

[ Congratulations! You reached level 2.

You got two Attribute points. Please allocate them ]

' Status ' I told inside myself.

[ Name - Harlequin

Age - 19

Class - None

Race - Player ( Half Nouma - Half High Elf)

Level - 1 ( Exp-0/10)

Health Points -100/100

Mana- 50/50

Attributes Points - 2

Reputation - 10

Charms - 10

Spirit - 12

Strength - 11

Agility - 12

Magic - 20

Luck - 5

Intelligence - 11

Stamina - 10

Defense - 10

Friends List - 5

Racial Skills - Nouma's language, High Elf's language

Skills - Inventory, Boxing Mastery Level 3, Human's language ]

' Hmmm. Which attributes should I allocate?. Stamina or strength. Neh I should read the players' guide, first. How do I need to increase my mana and HP? Will they increase why I level up or do I have a good class? ' I thought.

I took out the Players' guide and immediately started to read it . There was a lot of critical information and there was only about players. I already knew about monsters and Dungeons in Basic Guide but that's the only introduction.

" A player can choose a class when they hit level 5 and can only another side class when the player hit to level 80 " I muttered. I even remembered about the log Horizon Series. I liked to play a range player in MMORPG so I might choose mage class or ranger, or even Assassin Class. I always had a fancy thing for big damage.

If a player chose a mage class, a player could not use combat weapons anymore. We could hold weapons but we could not use them as weapons anymore.

' Fighting with Hand is probably allowed' I thought. If that was not allowed, that was fucking hell of a big nerf.

Now I was extremely grateful to my father because my father was forced me to learn boxing. After all, he was an Ex pro-boxing player and he liked to train my elder brother and me. He would talk with fits and kicks instead of words. He was a super aggressive person. He would rain down the punches when he was happy.

' Sigh! '

I lived away from the house after I graduated from High School and my work was pretty nice and I didn't need to worry about a place to stay because I stayed at another apartment that was owned by my family but my parents took half of my salary. It was rare for Asian parents to let their youngest son lived alone.

There were a lot of Normal Classes. If you chose combat Class as your Main Class, you could not choose the Combat Classes again.

You could choose a SubClass when you reached level 80. That's meant you already gained a lotexperiencences and pretty settled down with your Class. Besides, you needed to upgrade your Class and you even needed materials when your class's level was too high.

There were Four Major Classes. They were 1.Combat Class that included Knight Class, Lancer Class, Assassin Class, Warrior Class, Berserker Class, Boxer Class, Tank Class, and many more.

2. Range Class Class that included the Bard Class, Archer Class, Mage Class, Healer Class, Monk Class, Monster Tamer Class, Witch Class, and many more.

3. Production Class that included Alchemist, Blacksmith, Luthier Class, Artificers, Swordsmith Class, Chef Class, Brewer Class, Scribe Class, Tailor Class, and many more.

4. Roleplaying Class that included Noble Class, Animal Trainer Class, Guardian Class, Commander Class, Counselor Class, Merchant Class, Maid or Butler Class, Negotiator Class, and many more.

'Roleplaying Classes are useless Classes that is what people going to think but very important Classes. ' I thought. Every Class was really what people needed. That's going to be difficult to choose a class from them. But it was indeed for SubClass. No one was going to choose Roleplaying Class from the start.

I didn't like battles that much because I had an aggressive side that got from my father. So I was going to choose ' Production Class or Range Class '. Roleplaying Class was for SubClass.

I read the players' Guide carefully and it was a time for me to start in this world.


I will edit this tomorrow because I am watching Holo EN 2.