
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 7 - Before the trip

B-15 had finished filling the 25 boxes, 24 of these boxes were going to be for sale, meanwhile Charlotte had an extra box, for her future mini forest of pine trees that generate apples, to which she does not see the point because supposedly These things generate pine nuts which did not make sense to him, and he is also interested in the detail that it is a component for grade 12 and 11 potions, although he does not know why Charlotte knew what the ingredients of the potion were, perhaps she could replicate it.

B-15 — Do you happen to know the recipe for a potion?

Charlotte just turns her head away

B-15 squints

Charlotte just sighed — I have a low grade 12 rank healing potion... The problem is that I am missing an ingredient and that is the low grade ocean tears and my older sister doesn't have a grimoire so it is impossible to produce it and Even if I had it, it would be impossible.

B-15 is interested in that information — It is common to create those tears

Charlotte shook her head. "A high-ranking wizard is already considered an influential person. If my sister had that power, it wouldn't be profitable for her to create those ocean tears. That's why instead there are people who go to the bottom of the sea." and they undermine those tears

B-15 looks confused — Wait, it's a mineral.

Charlotte put a hand on her chin. "You could say so... They are crystals that have a large amount of magical particles... I think it would be something like concentrated mana in some games... Although I just know that there are people who They mine those crystals and that it is a dangerous process for those people who want to create it artificially, so much so that no one is really willing to go through that risk... That's all I know for now, try asking the alchemists, but that's everything they know

B-25 wanted to ask more... But he already saw several structures, for 30 minutes they have been walking in one direction and finally they arrived at a small town... indeed small, there were approximately 30 houses and a medium-sized building in the middle

And something told him that half of those structures were businesses and he slowly approached a structure that he had as keywords "Tools"

Although it is curious how everyone speaks Spanish, I believed that a more magical language would be invented... although seeing that this is probably set in a medieval Europe, perhaps Spanish is justified to a certain extent, he did not know it, not the one who created this world. and his culture

There was a guy who was standing in the middle of the establishment, he turned around and looked at Charlotte, he smiled and once with happiness he shouted - Charlotte, how have you grown?

Charlotte continues with her expressionless face, entering the establishment as if it were a place she has already frequented thousands of times.

Meanwhile B-15 analyzes him, he was a little short, probably 1.70 meters, he had a big belly and a big nose... What a big nose it was wide and stuck out, he had a big mustache, you could see that he was losing his hair, It was a matter of time before he lost the entire top part of his hair, although it seems like he's trying to hide it, it's still noticeable.

Charlotte speaks with a formal voice — Don G

The mustachioed man shakes his head. "You know what you should call me."

Charlotte with the same formal voice — Uncle Gaspard

Gaspard nods satisfactorily and speaks with a voice of optimism - Very good Charlotte, how many boxes will there be now?

Charlotte speaks with a serious voice—20 boxes

Deep down Charlotte was bleeding

Gaspard looked impressed - Don't tell me... You collected a lot of pine apples to sell... I'm just warning you that in the wizard's tower everything is very expensive, so much so that you can forget to get something useful... But you can always bring yourself a memory... Who knows maybe you'll grab a glass of water... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Charlotte just frowns and just takes out a bag, there was a green gem in it, it was as small as a thumb, B-15 for his part didn't know if it was a lot or a little, although most likely it was a considerable amount. because it was the only thing in Charlotte's bag

Gaspard speaks with a surprised voice — there are even adults who do not arrive with a green gem at the end of the month

Charlotte only talks — You came to question where I get gems or do business

Gaspar takes out 20 boxes, these had a measurement of 25 cm each, if we do the math he would need about 64 boxes to empty one box from his inventory, this will take a long time

Charlotte speaks with an indifferent voice — I'll be back right now to buy more boxes.

Gaspard is surprised — More

Charlotte leaves the establishment and goes to the forest, then she arranges the boxes and puts them 1 by 1 until the 20 boxes were put in order.

Charlotte — Empty it

B-15 went from one to one and put the pine apples in each of the boxes, making the 20 fill quickly.

Then Charlotte entered the city carrying the 20 boxes on top of him, this scene did not surprise the people who passed by... This made them wonder how accustomed people were to Charlotte's existence.

Charlotte — These people really don't care about my existence, I don't get involved in their life and they don't get involved in mine, it's natural law

Charlotte arrives at another establishment where she says alchemist association, she could see a soldier who was guarding the door

Charlotte leaves the boxes outside and goes into the establishment, then a woman with glasses comes out and starts looking at all the boxes, she just nods and takes out two green gems and gives them to Charlotte

Charlotte goes to the tool store again and takes out 40 boxes

She then returns to the association and takes out 4 green gems.

She returns to the tool store and orders another 40 boxes and Gaspard speaks with concern — Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... How many apples do you have?

Charlotte — I already sold them all, I'm just grabbing these boxes to sell them another day

Gaspard just laughs and sheds a tear, although Charlotte takes 4 pine apples - I had these apples left over

Gaspard gives him 10 red crystals - Take them, it is a reward for your effort, Gaspard takes the 4 apples, then he takes out the 40 boxes and gives them to him, Charlotte for her part takes out 2 green gems which makes Gaspard nod.

Gaspard — It's a pleasure doing business with you

Charlotte leaves the establishment and asks B-15 to put away the 40 boxes.

After that Charlotte arrives at a place that says butcher shop

And she spends the 2 green gems and 10 red gems on meat, the meat that Charlotte had was so much that it was twice the size of Charlotte's, it was too much meat, how much were 2 green gems and 10 red gems worth?

1 hour and a half Charlotte arrives at her home establishment, her mother was there, she looked angry at Charlotte, it was almost nightfall and she had not appeared all day, but seeing all the meat that Charlotte had carrying softens the look

She then looked at Charlotte with concern — How many did you spend on that meat?

Charlotte – 2 green and 10 red gems

Charlotte's mother opens her eyes suddenly and raises her voice — 2 Green gems!!... How many apples have you sold!!

Charlotte just looked nervous — 60 boxes

The mother opens her mouth — You...

She then shed a tear and hugged Charlotte.

Charlotte — Could you move away, I have a huge piece of meat in my arms

The mother comes to her senses — oh right... Come on, bring the meat inside

Charlotte's family was impressed with the piece of meat, especially Charly who knew it well and secretly asked Charlotte - What are you planning?

Charlotte just shakes her head - Hey, I do a good deed and you question me.

Charly — I'm questioning you because I know you... I'm warning you, if you ruin the trip to the tower, I promise... Something in me wants to have faith in you...

She just walks away

Charlotte My plans do not include the wizard's tower so don't worry

Charly looks more relieved, but is still suspicious of Charlotte.

She simply goes with her mother, all the girls were preparing the meat, meanwhile a girl approaches Charlotte, she was Charlotte's older sister, 11 years old... B-15 had understood that her name was Mary, he deduced this from the conversation. What Charlotte and Charly had in the forest

Mary simply hugs Charlotte — I've told you how much I love you.

Her cheeks are rubbed

Charlotte — You won't have any more meat

He only turns away from Charlotte in the most indifferent way possible.

B-15 — You seem used to it


She just sat down and waited for everything to be ready, she was getting tired from doing many things today, telling her what to do to a system was too tiring, maybe she will get used to this

Charlotte's father arrived home and the first thing he felt was the smell of the meat, an emotion invaded him, only in special moments was the meat prepared, it is more saving up to two months to get a large quantity of fish, but only I leave enough for breakfast

Charlotte's father makes a serious face - Where did they get the money?... Wait, they didn't eat the fish I bought, it cost me 700 red crystals, they were supposed to have breakfast, it was barely enough for a family of 11 people

She goes to the kitchen, but realizes that this is not the smell of fish, it was pure meat, when she gets to the kitchen she sees that large pieces of meat

The father is surprised, everyone was sitting and everyone was looking at him, it seemed like they were waiting for him, this one looked worried - Where did they get this meat?

The mother smiles — Charlotte saved money and she bought us a lot of meat

The father looked more surprised - So they didn't scam him with another formula for a healing potion?

Everyone started laughing

Charlotte just narrowed her eyes.

The father sat down and began to smile - Tomorrow at 5:00 we will go to the magician's tower... Of course once the guards arrive at the field to take care of them we will proceed to retire, it will be a two-week round trip. two weeks back, luckily we will go in caravans with 6 other families, all paid for by His Majesty

B-15 noted that, now that he identified the monarchy his thoughts were correct, he was wondering what kind of kingdom he lived in... Well eventually he would know.

Right now he was looking at how the entire family was smiling, although he noticed that Charlotte was out of tune, he was just observing as if he were a stranger and looking at a scene that he never thought he would look at, it was strange... But he felt identified

He knows the name of 4 members of a family of 11, he doesn't know their personalities, they are strange and yet they are brilliant, it seems that fish and meat is a great luxury for them... How people who have nothing are so happy...

Deep down he knows that those are the moments that are most worthwhile, he turns to see Charlotte and he is only focused on his plate, it is as if he were in his own world... He can't judge him, he is the same... But something in him would like to have participated in moments like those... He is aware that they are not going to come back.

He is not stupid, he is not like the typical guy who thinks he will return to his world, nor does he want immortality, he would give all that if it meant eating with his family one last time... But he is nobody, after This is all Charlotte's life after all she is a mere spectator looking at someone else's life from a window... and at that moment she asks herself a question


At that moment, the B-15 asked the question that he had inside of him, only he and Charlotte heard it.


Charlotte just opens her eyes and stares at the window for a second...she shows a small smile which she quickly removes.

Charlotte inside him — Who knows?

This went unnoticed by everyone except one.