
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Meeting Charlotte's family

Kevin was in his dark space, he turned and looked at Charlotte through the window that floated in this dark space and through it she looked at him sleeping, the bed seemed to be more of a wooden board with an animal skin blanket than another. thing, this makes it not as comfortable as a standard bed, but it didn't matter, I would have time to explore Charlotte's bed... Wait what the hell was I thinking

He focused on the pine fruits, this made him interested in them, it was strange that a pine tree had a fruit, but it does not exist, this was unnatural or if they existed, he did not know it, he understood one thing, although here he shows another , if it was in another world it could be the most probable answer

First you have to do the division, you had to divide the fruits

--It divides--

And in fact he divided it, he looked at the duplicate object, it seemed real to him, but he remembered in the wolf fight how one potion was a hologram and the other was real, from now on he was going to separate, the real fruit would go to one he had to save them in

--A box is created—

Kevin looks at him impressed, this was the same as the mirror, this place worked based on his will, that was incredible and could give him a lot of potential since he can duplicate these objects and... Just... Why the hell would he use this, You can't get out of here through that magic window

It's not that he needs to sleep either, maybe it's because of the shock of having died, or because of the whole situation, but something feels different about him, he's not hungry, nor does he feel tired or sleepy... Well, he'll worry about this. later

He put the real fruits in the box, although he felt that something was missing.

--A pen is created—

I look at the pen and he doesn't hesitate and writes on the box

[Pine fruits]

Then he grabbed the duplicate fruits and began to see them, slowly he began to examine them, he had never seen such fruits, they are like apples... But they feel more crunchy, hard, they had an approximate weight of 210g

Then he ate the pine apple, what happened was that after doing so there was a projection in his mind.


How to explain it, it's like watching a television series where there is a documentary about how a person died and it explains step by step how he died, well here there is something similar, he saw everything from the third person and I look at the effects of that apple

In short, this apple has a very high absorption of magic particles, but the problem is since I do not have magic particles, it made the apple absorb my vital essence, in short, it absorbed all the liquids it possessed, from blood to gastric juices. causing me to die a horrible death, all of which lasted approximately 3 seconds killing him instantly

Kevin looked confused. "How did I die?"

He looked at his hands, they looked good.

He felt that there was something behind him, he turned around and opened his eyes and let out a scream.

There was a body that had his clothes on, it was completely dry and no, I wasn't exaggerating, it was just as dry as a mummy.

His legs felt weak, he wanted to vomit, he tried, but nothing came out of him, maybe it was empty, he turned around and the body was still there, he wanted it to disappear.

--The body disappears--

This intrigued Kevin, maybe this place worked based on his will, grab the bitten apple and maybe make it disappear.

--The pine apple disappears--

Then he approaches the box and thinks that the pine apples will disappear


No problem

This makes any object that was duplicated or created by him completely alterable, the box however is one that was in his room, it was medium sized so he can store many pine apples.

But this made him realize, all the objects that could appear, things that in one way or another have a great degree of familiarity with him, this was interesting, it had a lot of influence in this black space.




What was the purpose of this space?


Why is there a window that looks directly into Charlotte's life?


Why can't she go through the window, but she can bring objects in and out of this space?


Why did Charlotte tell him it was a System?


Was it a system?


What were magic particles?


Was it magic like what Charlotte used or was it bigger?


Was this another world?


But despite that he was able to assure one thing

Kevin with a voice of resolution: This is another world, first of all, there are no apples that dry you in less than 3 seconds... It is a world where wolves measure up to 1 and a half meters, magic exists

Kevin looked at the window - A world where magic exists and I... I'm here alone, with only one person who can see my existence...

Kevin just gave a sigh, he still hasn't assimilated everything, he was supposed to go to the big city, go to work, get married and have a life... He doesn't know if he died and now they are on another physical plane or if he is in a coma and He's dreaming all this... He's going to assume it's the first thing.

Kevin with a voice of contemplation - Charlotte told me he was a System... Maybe I should get rid of Kevin's identity temporarily, it's a lot of trouble and it's obvious that he's not a guy who trusts people... I mean He escaped from his house last night and killed a giant wolf with his bare hands, it's obvious he's a crazy bastard.

Then Kevin started grabbing boxes, they slowly moved to various places

Kevin with a voice of optimism — Well the limit will be 25 boxes... Large

The box began to grow, it became half the size of Kevin

Kevin continued walking - I should see the limits I have as a system, I will take advantage of the fact that Charlotte is asleep, poor thing he arrived at her house and quickly went to sleep, maybe I can see the limits of my ability to copy

First he had to see what was the limit of distance he could advance, if he didn't have a limit it was best, but what if only Charlotte saw him, it would be disastrous if she separated from him and he was left alone without talking to anyone.

But before he could continue thinking, but he went through the wall and came back, he realized that he could go through walls, this made Kevin see him as someone useful, a spy who is invisible and goes through walls, he had to know the limit and he comes out. of the structure of the house, flies beyond and crashes into an invisible wall

Kevin with a voice of intrigue - I have a limit of up to 100 meters... Curious, this is too much margin, well now at least I know that I am chained to Charlotte

Kevin returns, he already saw a trace of her abilities and he already knows the limits to how far he can get away from Charlotte, now he needed to familiarize himself with his new surroundings, first he returned to Charlotte's room, although it was Charlotte's room, he was not the one. only resident, there is a second bed

Kevin approaches, he could see that she was a girl of 7 or 8 years old, she had black hair like Charlotte... In fact, she is very similar to Charlotte, only she had black hair and looked more relaxed, that is, she sleeps all crooked , her head was not on her pillow, she was leaning against the wall while hugging the pillow, Charlotte was sleeping all stiff, but let's say that it seems that she does not dream anything, while that girl is optimistic and drools... A little


You should stop watching this girl, you feel she is immoral


[Charlotte's twin sister, approximately 8 years old]

He went to the next room and there were three beds, there were two children and the other one was empty, he didn't know what happened to the other bed, it looks like no one has touched it in a while, the next thing he saw was their faces, you could see that one was 12 years old and another was about 14 years old, one younger and one older, both with brown hair

Something curious that she saw is that on the side of the 14-year-old boy's bed she saw a book, it was green in color and only that

[Charlotte's older brother, approximately 14 years old]

[Charlotte's older brother, approximately 12 years old]

Kevin tried to absorb it and failed, maybe it was because he was too far from Charlotte, so he tried with something else smaller, it was a pair of pants and he brought it to her, he duplicated the pants and returned it to where it was, then he put it in a box and set it aside from the rest of the boxes that were made for Charlotte

Kevin — Who knows, maybe it will be useful to me

After that he noted something, the books couldn't be absorbed, plus it felt strange, it was like there was a connection with that book and the boy, but it didn't matter, now he had to continue exploring.

That bed had to be inhabited by someone, that was certain, but now was not the time to meet him, he wonders who sleeps in this bed... He ignores this and continues searching and found nothing, you could see that Vivian was in the bed. poverty, if it weren't for the fact that this house is bigger than theirs I would even think they would have nothing, I continued to another room

There were 4 beds, but only 3 beds were inhabited, this was curious, it was the largest room by far, there were 3 women, one was about 15 years old, she was a beautiful girl with brown hair and on one side of her she had another book, this one. it was coffee

[Charlotte's older sister, approximately 15 years old]

There was another one who was about 11 years old and this one she didn't have said book, she had black hair and you could see that she was moving, Kevin approached and suddenly opened his eyes

Kevin screams

Charlotte frowned for a second and then settled down to sleep better.

The 11 year old girl just gets up and just goes to a glass, then she extends her hands and slowly something gathers, after that water starts falling from her finger, then she takes the water and burps.

The girl spoke with a satisfied voice - Water magic is the best

She then returns to her bed and lies down, she seemed like she was going to sleep, but no, she just looked at the ceiling, it's as if she had existential doubts, it's as if she was reflecting on her life and 3 seconds later she fell asleep


Kevin only commented - To whom I judge, if you have water magic, enjoy all the water spleens you want.


[Charlotte's older sister, approximately 11 years old]

Kevin just pulled away, he checked on one more, she looked like she was about 5 years old, brown hair, she could tell she was the little one so far.

[Charlotte's younger sister, approximately 5 years old]

There was one last room on the top floor so that's where we went.

There were 4 people in the same bed, obviously they are both Charlotte's parents, the first is a woman with black hair, she had a beautiful face, she honestly looked like a woman her age, despite already having like 9 children.

Kevin — 9 children, maybe they are rabbits

[Charlotte's Mom Age Uncertain]

Then she looked at the man, he had brown hair and the worst thing was, he was handsome and had a good appearance, in fact... My God, these two are very handsome, he is married to an S class beauty and has 9 children with her... He doesn't know whether to feel joy, jealousy or pity for the poor guy.

[Charlotte's Pope Age uncertain]

The father and mother seemed to have two books too, the father was brown and the mother was gray, you could see that these two books were bigger than their children's and had more pages than their children's... No. Only that they had marks unlike their son, although it seems more like a slight decoration

Then he looked at the bed more and saw 2 children, one was a girl who was about 3 years old, it seemed that she had fallen asleep with her parents and the other was a baby, he could tell that he was older than 6 months, but not younger than a anus.

[Charlotte's younger sister, approximately 3 years old]

[Charlotte's baby brother (sex unknown) less than 1 year old]

It is obvious that this is the family as a whole, this is important since he had to know their surroundings, it seems that they have no idea about Charlotte's escape, but he is curious about the number of children they have... There are too many , his mother told him that 3 would be enough for a whole life... But then there are these families

Kevin moved on from the topic, it is obvious that it is another world and perhaps that number of children is the average, who was the one to judge, he just arrived, he hasn't even been 2 hours since he arrived

Kevin made a Notes blog out of thin air — Let me record


Charlotte's Pope Age uncertain

Charlotte's Mom Uncertain Age

Charlotte's older sister, approximately 15 years old.

Charlotte's older brother, approximately 12 years old

Charlotte's older sister, approximately 11 years old

Charlotte approximately 8 years old

Charlotte's twin sister, approximately 8 years old

Charlotte's younger sister, approximately 5 years old

Charlotte's baby brother (sex unknown) less than 1 year old


Kevin returned to Charlotte's room and began to review the data, he had to be prepared, after all this will be his new life and with an optimistic voice he spoke - Very well I need to create a script, obviously I will not use my original identity... I will have a new name... One that represents my identity as a system... Something tells me that this little guy will have a huge destiny... A system... Maybe because I haven't finished processing all this shit. Or I have a calm mindset... I don't know, I just know I'm processing this too well... Or maybe I'm in denial and putting on a mask to keep from falling into madness...

Kevin climbed up to the roof and looked at the moon, it was strange, it was blue instead of white, he wondered why he didn't notice that detail when he was with Charlotte and there was a small voice inside him - Only time will tell if he did. What am I going to do will serve a purpose or will I simply fall into madness...