
Who Said Skeletons Can't Sail?

Soon, the Undead Fleet approached the edge of the continental shelf, about a hundred meters ahead. All the ships threw their anchors down before letting out a few rowboats to approach the shore.

Ein just watched the skeletons as they moved with expertise, despite all their ships looking like they would sink with just a touch of a finger.

"Rather, they're pretty fast..." Ein muttered, watching the skeletons get down from their rowboats and wade through the waters before kneeling before him.

"*clack* We have come under your summons, Captain..."

One of the skeletons, who was wearing a pirate hat and an eyepatch and looked like the one with the most authority, spoke to represent the rest. Although he was speaking, Ein was puzzled at how such a deep baritone voice was produced when the skeleton literally didn't have vocal cords.

"A-Ah... Right. Thanks for coming..." Ein answered awkwardly, not sure what to say.