
The Winds Are Changing

Ein looked over at the fifteen girls dressed in various beautiful dresses. Beside Lilith, there were even Nayta and Melina, wearing similar green and white dresses.

"Wait," Ein said, placing his hand forward, confused. "When and how did I get twelve wives?"

As Lilith seemed unwilling to explain everything, Nayta smiled bitterly before walking forward, tugging at Ein's arm as she wrapped around him modestly. "Actually, while you were out, we conducted a selection test for who's fit to be your queen."

Ein could feel her warmth being passed to him through her chest pressed against his arm, making him recall how much he missed her along with Melina. As if unwilling to "lose" to her mother, Melina came forward and copied her mother's actions, wrapping around Ein's right arm like a little koala.