
I'll Take Him On... Alone!

A minute before Althea appeared; back on the last floor.

Ein was glaring at the figure before him—the slime that copied not only his shape but also his strength. A standstill, as both sides remained vigilant, not wanting to make the first move.

Althea was different, however. As she was acting as support, spells were already scattered around the entire field, set to react only to the slime copy of Ein. The traps were potent enough that they could kill a being as powerful as Ein when hit in a vulnerable spot.

The rising tension, plus the fact that the mimic knew where Althea set up the traps, quickly turned the situation into a rumble.


A flash of black light went past Ein, unable to even react to it. Turning around, he caught sight of his copy slashing down Gram toward the unguarded Althea. Danger signals were blaring loudly in his mind.

"SSTOOOOOOOP!" Ein roared, as if his throat would rupture, and extended his sword to block the attack.