
Helping to Drive Away the Chaos

Ein stabbed the throats of each enemy, starting with the pope and the paladins. He didn't show mercy to them, for they were completely the dungeon's enemies.

However, besides the few thousand troops that were from the church, the other soldiers were drafted from the other border territories. Most of them were just forced to participate by their lords, fearing the power of the church.

But they still opposed the dungeon in the end. No matter what the reason, Ein couldn't let them go anymore. Even if he allowed them to live, they'd just return later with a larger army, for sure. If that's so, then it's better to just kill them right now.

After an hour of going around and slashing throats, Ein started feeling dizzy. His injuries were now hurting as his adrenaline dropped. He couldn't finish everyone off himself like this, so he decided to order the wolves to take care of them instead.