
Dark Clouds are Brewing

The duel ended with Ein's victory; however, the atmosphere in the caravan wasn't great right after. Not only did the remaining paladins become a lot more vigilant against Ein, but the other members who saw the bloody display that Ein showed were also keeping their distance.

"I should've kept my cool..." Ein sighed while remembering what he did.

Although he did want to stop the paladins from bothering them and give them a "warning" at the same time, beating their boss black and blue wasn't originally part of the plan.

"But with this, they should be quiet for a while," Nayta added.

"I hope so..." Ein sighed as he closed his eyes and leaned back.

Ein was now inside the carriage once more. Since the duel happened, Sophia suggested that Ein stay inside the carriage for now. This was not only to avoid visual contact with the paladins but also to let the other members calm down and forget the bloody scene they saw before.