

Bakugo tried to keep to himself on the bus ride, but that stupid shitty hair extra just wouldn't leave him alone. He and his equally loud and upbeat friends surrounded Bakugo, who was seriously two seconds from exploding. Not that Bakugo himself wasn't loud, he knew he was, but he was an angry type of loud not...whatever these extras were. They weren't anything like the extras that had followed him around in middle school, those ones only spoke if it was to agree with him or praise his quirk, where these guys talked about everything under the sun and just wouldn't shut up! They even had the balls to laugh at him and call his personality a garbage heap ! Seriously?

All Might and Aizawa-sensei sat in the front of the bus, ignoring the class's antics. Aizawa looked almost as annoyed as Bakugo was, probably because All Might wouldn't shut up either. Or maybe that's just what Aizawa always looked like? It was hard to tell.

He followed the teachers into the facility and rolled his eyes when the stupid space hero started thier spiel. Sounds like they really wanted the acronym of this place to be the same as Universal Studios Japan. And yeah, he knew quirks could kill, that's why he wanted his name to be King Explosion Murder. Ugh, just let him blow some stuff up already.

All of a sudden, a purple dot appeared in the center courtyard and Thirteen's voice trailed off as the students started muttering.

"Is this part of the training?"

"No!" Aizawa said as people started pouring out of the strange purple mist, "Those are villains."

The students fell silent as they watched the crowd grow larger. A guy with a hand on his face seemed to be the leader, but he wasn't the one the students' eyes were drawn to. The students took in a collective breath as they saw a short figure in a green hooded jacket, bright eyes visible as they scanned the students.

"I-I thought Mastermind never participated in his crimes…" Yoyorozu said faintly, "What's different this time?"

Aizawa was already running down to meet the villains, trying to keep Mastermind and the hand villain in his sights. Unfortunately, this meant that he didn't notice when the mist villain left his field of vision.

"Hello students," The mist villain stood in front of the door, "We would normally take the time to introduce ourselves, but Mastermind assures us time is of the essence."

Bakugo ran forward and saw shitty hair doing the same, but before they could reach the guy, the ground beneath their feet had disappeared and they were somewhere else entirely, surrounded by villains on every side. Bakugo grinned. Finally a good excuse to go all out.

Izuku grinned as all the students were spread throughout the facility. Perfect. All Might would need to track them down before he would be able to help any of them escape, but he'd have to get past the Nomu first. He stalked toward them, flexing his muscles and looking intimidating as his smile turned into a grimace.

"You fiends, what have you done with them?!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry All Might ," Shigaraki cackled, "we're not here for them, we're here for you! Nomu, get him!"

The Nomu surged forward and All Might leveled a punch at his gut. Izuku took a sick sort of satisfaction in the look of shock that he saw on All Might's face before Nomu returned his punch and he went flying across the courtyard.

"Ahhh!" Both pros looked toward the front entrance as a cry rang out from the entrance and Thirteen crumpled under the force of their own quirk. There wasn't time for them to dwell on it, however, because the Nomu charged and the horde of villains swarmed Eraserhead. Izuku stood back and watched as both pros fought. It really was quite impressive.

He heard panicked screaming and glanced over to the shipwreck zone in time to see a girl jumping ashore with two purple-haired boys in her arms, one of which was the source of the screams. How heroic. Many of the villains were sitting dazed in the water, apparently in some sort of a trance, most likely the other purple-haired boy's quirk. It couldn't be the girl's, considering she was moving like a frog. He'd have to be careful of that boy.

Kurogiri had rejoined the fight in the main plaza as All Might supplexed Nomu, opening a portal and allowing Nomu to grab All might from below. All Might grimaced as Nomu's claws dug into the old wound at his side and he started pulling All Might through the portal, but was interrupted when a massive wave of ice froze him in place, allowing the hero to escape.

Izuku whipped around to look at the source, finding a boy with red and white hair glaring at him. He pulled out a pair of combat knives and ran toward the student, only to be blocked by Eraserhead, who had finally finished dispatching the crowd of villains he'd faced. Izuku dodged the capture weapon and slashed at the pro, who jumped back just in time. Eraserhead had his quirk focused on Mastermind, but it didn't slow him down at all. The two were evenly matched when it came to combat: Eraser had more experience, but Mastermind had knives and wasn't afraid to kill.

"Die!" Izuku flinched as Bakugo yelled, but his old bully and another red haired student headed straight for Kurogiri instead. Izuku turned back to Eraserhead, Kurogiri could fight for himself. Bakugo let loose an explosion as the two neared the mist villain, but instead of hitting him like they'd obviously planned, their attacks went straight through him.

"That was close. You students are too problematic." And with that he warped all three students away again. Even if the students had managed to defeat all the villains in the areas they were warped to, it would still take them time to get back to the plaza.

A tearing sound echoed as the Nomu tore himself from the ice and regenerated his lost limbs.

"Did you think shock absorption was Nomu's only quirk?" Shigaraki's grating voice taunted as his smile turned deranged underneath his hand mask. "He was designed to withstand you at 100% of your power, All Might. "

All Might clutched his side and stood tall, spitting out a mouthful of blood, "Shock absorption, huh? Not nullification." All Might rushed toward Nomu and let loose a flurry of blows that the Nomu returned with vigor, "That means there's a limit to what you can take! You've already told me how to beat him. If he's designed to withstand 100% of my power, I'll just have to go beyond that!"

Izuku smirked, but Eraser tried to take advantage of his distraction and attack despite the high winds from the fight.

"Not so fast, Eraserhead." Shigaraki ran up behind the pro and grabbed his elbow right before he had to blink. Eraserhead's elbow began to disintegrate and he cried out in pain. Izuku ran forward and Eraser reared his head back as a blade narrowly missed his eyes, leaving a long jagged cut on his right cheekbone. Shigaraki threw him toward the floor and Izuku kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Plus! ULTRA!" All Might cried. The Nomu went flying through the ceiling of the USJ and All Might turned to face Shigaraki. Most of the students had already escaped the zones and were gathered around the edge of the plaza, cheering for their heroes victory.

Izuku used the dust cover to slowly sneak around as All Might began monologuing, "You've been bested, villains. Surrender!"

Izuku smiled as he noticed the steam mixed in with dust. All Might was nearing his limit, if he wasn't past it already. Izuku adjusted his grip on the knife in his hand as he snuck up behind the hero.

All Might remained focused on convincing Shigaraki of his bluff, "What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you want to clear this level? Come and get me if you dare!"

Shigaraki smiled, "Oh, I fully plan on clearing it, but you don't face the big boss alone."

Izuku took that as his cue. He grinned as he stabbed All Might right in his old injury. A puff of steam erupted and All Might coughed up blood as the smoke cleared to reveal the skeletal form of Toshinori Yagi.

"All Might!" Some students cried out and others just wordlessly screamed.

"What's wrong, All Might?" Shigaraki said gleefully, "I thought we'd been bested?"

Izuku pulled out his knife, only to stab the hero again and twist the knife. All Might was choking on his own blood now and Izuku pulled the hero's head back by the hair, "So much for the symbol of peace," Izuku whispered in his ear, "I guess even people with strong quirks like you can't be heroes." All Might struggled weakly for a moment before slowly going limp as he lost too much blood. Izuku put away his knife and tossed the hero's lifeless form to the ground before checking his pulse. He smirked as he stood and stepped over the body.

"Congratulations, Shigaraki! You did it!"

The students cried and screamed, unable to move as Shigaraki laughed. Suddenly a voice raised over the rest of the students, "You bastards! Who do you think you are?"

Shigaraki was about to reply when Izuku held up a hand to make him stop. He turned to the tall purple haired student, who was staring at him defiantly, "What? Not gonna say anything?"

Izuku scanned the faces of the other students, seeing traces of hope among the terror and grief. He thought back to the dazed villains from the shipwreck zone and turned back to the student, who obviously wanted him to respond. He simply smiled at the student and turned to Shigaraki, "Come on Shigaraki, let's gather your forces and go home. We've done what we came here to do."

Kurogiri spread out his mists to retrieve the villains as Shigaraki got the last word, "Remember the League of Villains, heroes, you'll be facing us again soon enough."

He and Izuku disappeared through the warp gate, leaving the students alone.

The doors to the USJ opened slowly and Nedzu walked in with several other teachers.

"Is everything alright? We heard an explosion...oh my!" The teachers took in the tear-marked faces of the students, Thirteen lying near the door with a lacerated back, Eraserhead by the fountain bleeding heavily from a head wound, and, finally, All Might's skeletal form lying in a pool of his own blood.

They were too late.