
I am a God, what should I do?

Then person began to beat me with a sledgehammer. I was on the brink of death, then... Into a dark abyss only with my... Mc died and wake up in a void-like room then... Help to develop the story. By commenting and voting

Asara_Catboy · Fantasi
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3 Chs

God from Zero

My name is Ted. I am a regular person in the underdogs of society. Just because I am not a rich person I am treated poorly, even in such a bizarre system of society I turn all odds in my favor.

I study math, Language (the basic or common language of a country), geography, psychology, science, chemistry, biology, and many more to fit in society. A rich man can be stupid and a poor man is naturally stupid. A rich man is smart is expected of them 'cause they are high class and a poor man is just lucky to have brains.

Think about it makes me sick, calm down Ted if you can behave perfectly until I reach the R room at home everything is going to be fine. Put a smile and tell them you are going to leave, ok Ted, ready. "Hello Boss, Good evening, I am finished with my work so can I leave for I have things to do at home," I said with a calm voice smiling. By the way, He is not really my boss rather a manager but he likes to be called the boss and since I want people's favor I called him that.

As I leave the building I went to the bus stop, only poor use the bus; wrong. Actually slot of the rich uses them and trains for the government made a law to use them at least once a month.

Anyways as I am waiting for the bus at the bus stop some held, " Damn you poor people you should not get in the way of the rich" as they said that my legs collapse from the pain as if they are broken and then a pain hit me on the head and I dropped on a floor.

Then person began to beat me with a sledgehammer. I was on the brink of death, then a driverless truck appears out of thin air and crashed me with full force the only thing I saw after the impact was the person that was beating me shiver in horror, then everything went dark.

Into a dark abyss only with my thoughts without sight, touch, taste, or smell all my senses are not working.

Then it looks like a white seep in the black void.

As the room was filled with white a there was a black window that suddenly appears before him.

[Your God has chosen to transcend, leaving this universe without a god. Due to this, the system will pick someone to become the new god.]

I was so surprised I began to rub my eyes, checking to see if I was hallucinating. It was still there. Then I reached out and tried to touch the window, but his hand went through it.

" Why am I here. What happened to me I cannot remember. Is this what happens when you read too many system novels" Ted said, staring at the black window. After a while, the window disappeared, and a new one appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! Out of the numerous sentient life forms in this universe, you were picked to become the new god. You will now be transported to your console.]

Ted began to sit on the floor of the white void. But is it really the floor there is no way to tell.

Then another window appeared.

[Welcome to your console. It's quite empty right now, but this is where you'll manage your universe. Every aspect of the console can be controlled by you. You can create anything you want in the console, but bringing it into your universe will cost points.]

"Am I a god?" I asked, looking at the window in front of me as a joke.

[Yes you are. The universe that you knew is gone now. Whenever there's a new god, the universe is reset. As the new god, please name your universe. Choose carefully as fellow gods will be able to see this.]

It finally sunk into him that he was a god now. Everything that has happened can only be explained if this is all true. Now that he was a god, he had to name his universe. He was going to make the best universe, better than the universe the old god made. He thought long and hard about the name. He wanted the name to be cool. His eyes lit up, realizing what name he wanted.

"I shall name my universe, Andromeda," Karl said, confidently.

[You are naming your universe, Andromeda. Are you sure?]

"Yes, I am."

[Universe Nui is being created, please wait for a moment. Andromeda has been created. Now that your universe has been created, it's time for your first world. Please select a name for your world.]

"That was fast." Ted thought of another name for his first world. "How about, Saeyirim."

[Your world will be named, Saeyirim. Are you sure?]

"Yes," Ted answered.

[Your world has been named, Saeyirim. As this is your first planet, everything will be free, and the size will be locked to medium. Please choose the world type from the list below.]

[Garden] [Island]

[Desert] [Inferno]

[Glacier] [Snowball]

"Ok, so what are they?"

[Garden is a world with lots of large landmasses called continents. These continents are surrounded by water, making the ocean. Earth was a garden.]

[Desert is a world full of sand and heat. They are smaller water sources in this world and plants, these places are called Oasis.]

[Glacier is a world with lots of Mountains. This world place is the coldest and the higher you are the colder it gets. They are vegetation and water source all over the world]

" Thanks, I choose the Garden world since it is close to how ***th is."

[Saeyirim will now be a garden world. please choose the theme of Saeyirim from the list below.]

[Fantasy world. Can choose a magic system. More below >]

[Futuristic world. More below >]

[Game-like world. Choose a system to give to the inhabitants of the world. The inhabitants can use the system to improve themselves. Can choose a magic system. >]

[Custom world. Not recommended for beginner gods.]

Karl looked at the options below and considered his choices. He didn't want a futuristic world, and he liked the Fantasy world and Game-like world in the end he decided to create a custom world.

"I would like to make a custom world"

" The world will be a Fusion of a Fantasy world and Game-like world, call it Game-like Fantasy "

[Your world will be custom <Game-like Fantasy> Are you sure?]


[Generating list for system...]

[The people, and creature system.]

[The people system.]

[The creature system.]

[Custom system. Not recommended for beginner gods.]

Ted raised a brow looking at the people, and creature system. "What's the people, and creature system?"

[It's a system for monsters, and people. Monsters can evolve, so a normal rabbit could become the strongest, or even create a new species. Meanwhile, normal people can't evolve, but they have access to classes.]

"Alright, I'll choose that one."

[The people and creature system has been chosen. Would you like to give this world a magic system?]

"Yes," " Magic can be cool"

[Please choose a magic system below.]




[Custom magic system. Not recommended for beginner gods.]

[The Imagination system lets inhabitants of the world use their imagination to use magic. But this comes with a downside. Their attacks are usually weaker than other systems. <]

" What is the difference between runes and symbols"

[The symbol system allows the inhabitants of the world to draw symbols with magic. Different symbols have different effects. Since you have to draw the symbols, this kind of system is usually stronger than other systems. Magic circles are symbols]


[Runes system, letters used in runic alphabets to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represent. Most of Gundarsson's runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or "staves", so as to practically work with their energies.]


" Fuse the symbol system with the runes system called <More Magic>"

[Your world system will be custom <More Magic> Are you sure?]


[Please choose the first species for your planet. This will be your main species, but if they ever go extinct they will be replaced, or if they ever become weaker than other species.]

"I guess it wants me to make a species?" Ted rubbed his chin. He didn't want to make humans, as frankly, they're quite boring and destructive. An imaginary light bulb appeared above his head. "I got it. I shall call it <Ancient Elves>."

[Species:] Ancient Elves

[Lifespan:] _____

[Strength:] _____

[Constitution:] _____

[Intelligence:] _____

[Dexterity:] _____

[20 points to distribute.]

[Appearance:] _____

[Racial Traits:] _____

Ted spent a great deal of time editing the race. He wanted powerful magic users that could live up to 3000 years. When he was done, it looked like this.

[Species:] Ancient Elves

Lifespan: 3000

[Strength:] 2

[Constitution:] 4

[Intelligence:] 8

[Dexterity:] 6

[Appearance:] They are humanoids, and can grow up to 7 feet. Their skin is milky white, and they have pointed long ears. They have 10 fingers and toes altogether. They have bright diamond jeweled eyes. Their faces are beautiful, cute, sexy, handsome, pretty. They have beautiful silver and platinum blonde hair. Very smart and clever. They like to discover new things. Helpful creatures. Total resistant to extremes of nature, illness, and diseases.

[Racial Traits:]

-Magical Affinity IIII

Ted submitted it, confirming his choices.

[The Ancient Elves have been created. Adding random creatures and monsters to your world. Speeding up time to the first Ancient Elf. Would you like to see it?]


Hello. Yes, it seems like I copy another author's novel.

I was inspired by it and decided to make my own. I wanted it to be the same story dimensional/world but just different characters. The Author work : https://www.webnovel.com/book/*dropped*-i-became-a-god_15738597206917805/karl-becomes-a-god_42248008800204183

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